[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Noob question. Running 500 test p and 300 tren ace in the near future a guy said that running the test first for 4 weeks then adding in the tren.... what the benefit of that? And also I’ll running Arimidex with it for a inhibitor. Is that the only thing I need ? Or would I need a estrogen blocker to go with it as well

Please go start your own thread. It sounds like you dont have much experience in this game whatsoever so start your own thread - ask in depth questions after you get bloods done and do research. This isnt shit you just ask a bunch of dudes in a source thread or from fannypack dude at your local planet fitness. You're injecting very powerful shit, this isnt time for bro science champ.
Please go start your own thread. It sounds like you dont have much experience in this game whatsoever so start your own thread - ask in depth questions after you get bloods done and do research. This isnt shit you just ask a bunch of dudes in a source thread or from fannypack dude at your local planet fitness. You're injecting very powerful shit, this isnt time for bro science champ.

So I can’t ask you guys to help me.... you would 100% rather see me fail and fuck my life up then to answer a simple question? I will do a ton of research before I start ( hence asking real time people questions) but nah dude I get it. Every one starts some where but you. Your were gods gift to earth and had all the answers the moment you were born. No problem, I get that. Some of us don’t have that knowledge and the only way to find out is to ask questions. Maybe here isn’t the best place but it’s a place I can grab honest answers. I can go to a whole
New thread / forum/ website and I’m
Sure I can ask someone else.... but instead I asked the question here and all I wanted was genuine advice and you HAVE the answer but instead you want me to go ask someone else.... because why? What would be your reasoning to not helping me?
So I can’t ask you guys to help me.... you would 100% rather see me fail and fuck my life up then to answer a simple question? I will do a ton of research before I start ( hence asking real time people questions) but nah dude I get it. Every one starts some where but you. Your were gods gift to earth and had all the answers the moment you were born. No problem, I get that. Some of us don’t have that knowledge and the only way to find out is to ask questions. Maybe here isn’t the best place but it’s a place I can grab honest answers. I can go to a whole
New thread / forum/ website and I’m
Sure I can ask someone else.... but instead I asked the question here and all I wanted was genuine advice and you HAVE the answer but instead you want me to go ask someone else.... because why? What would be your reasoning to not helping me?

No man, these are great questions and everybody here is willing to give advice. Youre fucking up a thread that is about something else because you are being selfish.
No man, these are great questions and everybody here is willing to give advice. Youre fucking up a thread that is about something else because you are being selfish.

Right and I see that and I will gladly move my questions else where but it’s kinda hypocritical to say that about me but literally 3-5 days ago these dudes had a conversation about breaking the news to his girlfriend he was on gear.... doesn’t pertain to anything.
Noob question. Running 500 test p and 300 tren ace in the near future a guy said that running the test first for 4 weeks then adding in the tren.... what the benefit of that? And also I’ll running Arimidex with it for a inhibitor. Is that the only thing I need ? Or would I need a estrogen blocker to go with it as well

Yes you will want the serm or “e blockers” like tamoxifen incase you start growing titties as some are sensitive to growing boobies and if you do grow some you gotta post pics but even more importantly for your pct if you will be pct’ing that is.
Right and I see that and I will gladly move my questions else where but it’s kinda hypocritical to say that about me but literally 3-5 days ago these dudes had a conversation about breaking the news to his girlfriend he was on gear.... doesn’t pertain to anything.

It's no big deal to post questions in a "source thread". It's pretty common to do so. That said you may be better served to start your own thread. There are alot of knowledgeable members here and some don't venture into the underground.
Yes you will want the serm or “e blockers” like tamoxifen incase you start growing titties as some are sensitive to growing boobies and if you do grow some you gotta post pics but even more importantly for your pct if you will be pct’ing that is.

If you want my tittle pics I’ll gladly post them cause you asked nicely ;). And yes I will doing a pct I planned on running nolvadex

Hey guys, I'm sorry for such a short notice but unfortunately we will be shutting down from 8/28-9/4.

Everything is fine there's nothing to worry about, I'll be going out of town for a family matter(we're running out of Sasquatch's), shouldn't take any longer than 7 days.

I'd hate to not provide the customer service all of you guys have come to expect from me so instead of being inconveniently unavailable I'd rather shut down and come back better than ever.

All orders that are paid for before 8/28 will be shipped on 8/28.

Thank you guys for understanding, I will not be raising the minimum for another two weeks!

If you have any questions or concerns email me, I'll be checking my emails and this forum from time to time but will not be taking orders.

So I can’t ask you guys to help me.... you would 100% rather see me fail and fuck my life up then to answer a simple question? I will do a ton of research before I start ( hence asking real time people questions) but nah dude I get it. Every one starts some where but you. Your were gods gift to earth and had all the answers the moment you were born. No problem, I get that. Some of us don’t have that knowledge and the only way to find out is to ask questions. Maybe here isn’t the best place but it’s a place I can grab honest answers. I can go to a whole
New thread / forum/ website and I’m
Sure I can ask someone else.... but instead I asked the question here and all I wanted was genuine advice and you HAVE the answer but instead you want me to go ask someone else.... because why? What would be your reasoning to not helping me?

Your profile says you are 24. If that’s for real then I would advise you to stay off the gear for a few more years. Use that time to READ everything. Ask questions AFTER you read more.

We are all real helpful but your question shows that you don’t fully understand what you are doing and then you’re also jumping into a tren cycle. That’s a set-up for failure. Tren is a tough cycle to run, so most people wait until 4th 5th or 6th cycle to do it.

You’ll get a lot more help and response if you start your own thread and provide more info about yourself.
Right and I see that and I will gladly move my questions else where but it’s kinda hypocritical to say that about me but literally 3-5 days ago these dudes had a conversation about breaking the news to his girlfriend he was on gear.... doesn’t pertain to anything.

The reason I'm being a dick is because I doubt you ever ran gear before but you think it's a good idea to jump on tren. There are some really knowledgeable people here who will actually go out of their way to help you but asking a quick bit of advice when your still so new is not a good idea. I'm fucking around with you but honestly I just want to see you get solid advice from people who enjoy doing it.

Hey guys, I'm sorry for such a short notice but unfortunately we will be shutting down from 8/28-9/4.

Everything is fine there's nothing to worry about, I'll be going out of town for a family matter(we're running out of Sasquatch's), shouldn't take any longer than 7 days.

I'd hate to not provide the customer service all of you guys have come to expect from me so instead of being inconveniently unavailable I'd rather shut down and come back better than ever.

All orders that are paid for before 8/28 will be shipped on 8/28.

Thank you guys for understanding, I will not be raising the minimum for another two weeks!

If you have any questions or concerns email me, I'll be checking my emails and this forum from time to time but will not be taking orders.


This is the type of notice and responsibility we expect from you Dino. Thanks for being transparent about the situation. Now send out my goddamn tren e you hairy fuck.