[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

My package came in today but he sent me test p instead of test E...... only 4 vials of test p. Any cycle tips for running tren and test since I only have test p? Or should I wait till
He reply’s and try and get some test e

You can start it with Test P, you’ll have to pin every day. But you wouldn’t have to wait to start your tren. Every day pinning isn’t as bad as it sounds. You get use to it. After you get the Test E you’ll have about 2 weeks of overlap where you’ll be pinning Test P ED and pinning Test E twice a week.
You can start it with Test P, you’ll have to pin every day. But you wouldn’t have to wait to start your tren. Every day pinning isn’t as bad as it sounds. You get use to it. After you get the Test E you’ll have about 2 weeks of overlap where you’ll be pinning Test P ED and pinning Test E twice a week.

Can I get away with pinning every other day ?
My package came in today but he sent me test p instead of test E...... only 4 vials of test p. Any cycle tips for running tren and test since I only have test p? Or should I wait till
He reply’s and try and get some test e
Wtf bro, you don’t have a gear stock pile?

Yes you can pin prop eod, most do
No I don’t have a tockpile :/ and what doses do we recommend for every other day for prop? I’ll be running tren .5 eod

You better just wait for Bigfoot to make this right. You’re gonna want to run 300-500 of Test so that 3-5 cc’s each week plus you 0.5 cc EOD of tren and you don’t sound to keen on pinning that much.
You better just wait for Bigfoot to make this right. You’re gonna want to run 300-500 of Test so that 3-5 cc’s each week plus you 0.5 cc EOD of tren and you don’t sound to keen on pinning that much.
I don’t mind pinning each day I was just gonna do eod cause that’s how I’m doing the tren. Wanted to correlate. And yeah I have to wait if I’m running that much test cause he only gave me 4 vials of test p 100. Doesn’t sound like I’d have enough right ? @ritz I placed my order on the 24th
I’m pinning prop and npp ED now. Npp is smooth as silk. I’ve got golf ball sized welts in both glutes and 1 quad, and 14 weeks to go haha. Surprisingly my delts and lats are taking it like champs. No more quads, they hate prop.

I’m not running SAS gear atm, his may be smoother with MCT oil.
Can I ran test p and tren a at 300 a week each? I’m trying to make this order he got me work.

I think it’s time you show what you’ve learned from asking us all these questions.

What do you think?
How would you lay out the doses for the week?
How long are you going to run it?
I think it’s time you show what you’ve learned from asking us all these questions.

What do you think?
How would you lay out the doses for the week?
How long are you going to run it?

Alright here go boys. With the current situation of my Mis order. As of now I would run

Test-P at 300 per week for 12 weeks
Tren-A at 300 per week for 8 weeks
Anavar 40mg a day weeks 9-12
Arimidex at .5 eod or 1 eod depending on the feels
With a pct at the end.

Pinning both the tren and the test EOD

22 gauge needles doing the shot in my gluteus and delts 1-1/2 inch for glutes and a 1inch for the delts.
Alright here go boys. With the current situation of my Mis order. As of now I would run

Test-P at 300 per week for 12 weeks
Tren-A at 300 per week for 8 weeks
Anavar 40mg a day weeks 9-12
Arimidex at .5 eod or 1 eod depending on the feels
With a pct at the end.

Pinning both the tren and the test EOD

22 gauge needles doing the shot in my gluteus and delts 1-1/2 inch for glutes and a 1inch for the delts.

Damn. Man up with 22 gauge!! I like 25 gauge.
Have you ran many cycles? You dont need to run those short esters that long. Pinning all that is gona get old and your gains will slow down after 6-8 weeks anyway. I wouldnt put 22 ga pins in my shoulder but if you want to go for it. 1" pins are fine for glutes unless you are injecting a lot of oil.
Alright here go boys. With the current situation of my Mis order. As of now I would run

Test-P at 300 per week for 12 weeks
Tren-A at 300 per week for 8 weeks
Anavar 40mg a day weeks 9-12
Arimidex at .5 eod or 1 eod depending on the feels
With a pct at the end.

Pinning both the tren and the test EOD

22 gauge needles doing the shot in my gluteus and delts 1-1/2 inch for glutes and a 1inch for the delts.

Hell to the no on the whale harpoons..... lol.

And sounds like you are going to draw and use same needle to inject?
Alright here go boys. With the current situation of my Mis order. As of now I would run

Test-P at 300 per week for 12 weeks
Tren-A at 300 per week for 8 weeks
Anavar 40mg a day weeks 9-12
Arimidex at .5 eod or 1 eod depending on the feels
With a pct at the end.

Pinning both the tren and the test EOD

22 gauge needles doing the shot in my gluteus and delts 1-1/2 inch for glutes and a 1inch for the delts.

Sounds like you’re wanting to lean up at the end. If not kick starting with the anavar would be a great move. 22s get real old with prop. I use 23 and 25s. The inch and a half was totally unnecessary when I tried. Now I just get 23 1 in.

Good luck man. Hope you get some good lean results.
Sounds like you’re wanting to lean up at the end. If not kick starting with the anavar would be a great move. 22s get real old with prop. I use 23 and 25s. The inch and a half was totally unnecessary when I tried. Now I just get 23 1 in.

Good luck man. Hope you get some good lean results.

I appreciate the free back everyone so I assume the cycle is good to go then ? 300 each is good to go?

Also I will take the advice of running a shorter cycle since it’s short esters 8 weeks sounds better anyway lmfao

And I thought about running the anavar in the front but my douche of a friend said at the end. Glad to hear someone else agrees with me on it.

Again everyone thanks so much for the free back I’ve really learned a lot from you guys best forum ever
I appreciate the free back everyone so I assume the cycle is good to go then ? 300 each is good to go?

Also I will take the advice of running a shorter cycle since it’s short esters 8 weeks sounds better anyway lmfao

And I thought about running the anavar in the front but my douche of a friend said at the end. Glad to hear someone else agrees with me on it.

Again everyone thanks so much for the free back I’ve really learned a lot from you guys best forum ever

Throwing yourself into the fire running test p and tren your first go around. Atleast your dosages seem modest.