[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

I appreciate the free back everyone so I assume the cycle is good to go then ? 300 each is good to go?

Also I will take the advice of running a shorter cycle since it’s short esters 8 weeks sounds better anyway lmfao

And I thought about running the anavar in the front but my douche of a friend said at the end. Glad to hear someone else agrees with me on it.

Again everyone thanks so much for the free back I’ve really learned a lot from you guys best forum ever

On a short cycle beginning is good.

Long cycle end is best.
Alright here go boys. With the current situation of my Mis order. As of now I would run

Test-P at 300 per week for 12 weeks
Tren-A at 300 per week for 8 weeks
Anavar 40mg a day weeks 9-12
Arimidex at .5 eod or 1 eod depending on the feels
With a pct at the end.

Pinning both the tren and the test EOD

22 gauge needles doing the shot in my gluteus and delts 1-1/2 inch for glutes and a 1inch for the delts.
I would draw with the 22g and use 25g to inject lol
Alright here go boys. With the current situation of my Mis order. As of now I would run

Test-P at 300 per week for 12 weeks
Tren-A at 300 per week for 8 weeks
Anavar 40mg a day weeks 9-12
Arimidex at .5 eod or 1 eod depending on the feels
With a pct at the end.

Pinning both the tren and the test EOD

22 gauge needles doing the shot in my gluteus and delts 1-1/2 inch for glutes and a 1inch for the delts.
Yeah I think most people pin with 23g or 25g. This can depend on where you pin as well. I typically 25g glutes and delts but have done 23g as well... personal preference though.
Was pinning 22 inch and a half and everything went smooth no pain. When I dropped to just an inch it was still
Smooth just knotted up. I just assumed it was due to the shorter needle. But I’m gonna for sure do 25s
Alright here go boys. With the current situation of my Mis order. As of now I would run

Test-P at 300 per week for 12 weeks
Tren-A at 300 per week for 8 weeks
Anavar 40mg a day weeks 9-12
Arimidex at .5 eod or 1 eod depending on the feels
With a pct at the end.

Pinning both the tren and the test EOD

22 gauge needles doing the shot in my gluteus and delts 1-1/2 inch for glutes and a 1inch for the delts.
Too much adex in my opinion. We all respond different. For me .5mg in the middle of the week keeps my E low on 500mg of Test. I'd start low and get some bloods drawn after week 5 or 6. You can always add more but you don't want to crash yourself.
Was pinning 22 inch and a half and everything went smooth no pain. When I dropped to just an inch it was still
Smooth just knotted up. I just assumed it was due to the shorter needle. But I’m gonna for sure do 25s
Healthykin .com has a case of 100 for $17 after shipping. Shipping was next day turnaround.
Is there any correlation to the knot I had and the inch needle ? Or was it just a coincidence. Personally I don’t enjoy the knots so I’d like to avoid them.
Is there any correlation to the knot I had and the inch needle ? Or was it just a coincidence. Personally I don’t enjoy the knots so I’d like to avoid them.
I've used both lengths and never had that experience. What I have experienced is virgin muscle being sore, pip, and some scar tissue build up. If your not going through fat then the likelihood of needing an inch and a half is nill. Rotate sites and use what your comfortable with. I find more versatility in a 1 inch as far as multiple site pinning. Don't be pinning the same site eod.
Is there any correlation to the knot I had and the inch needle ? Or was it just a coincidence. Personally I don’t enjoy the knots so I’d like to avoid them.

knots are typically not due to needle length, has more to do with the gear itself IME. 1'' should be fine unless your pinning 3cc at a time. Many reasons, virgin muscle , too much oil, crashed gear, intolerance to carrier oil etc
Is there any correlation to the knot I had and the inch needle ? Or was it just a coincidence. Personally I don’t enjoy the knots so I’d like to avoid them.
You’re doing almost 1 cc of test prop and almost 1 cc of Tren Ace EOD right? That is going to knot you up more often than it isn’t. That’s why some of us suggested doing 0.5 cc of each ED.