Ive always wondered how guys like Dorian an Coleman got so damn big. Its gotta be the sugar overload before bed bahahaha. It always kills me when guys come up to me sayin they cant put on weight. Once they break their meals down their barley eating above maintenance. ....But its always, i eat a shit load all day brahh....then i break down what i use to eat to when i was trying to put on weight which was 6 full course meals a day, 2 of those meals being 6eggs makin it a total of a dozen eggs everyday, with 2 big ass protien shakes on top of that every fuckin day of the week for years straight. Then after their eyes light uo an the jaws drop their like.... Holy shit, damn i dont eat nearly that much......uh no fuckin shit, thats why your cryin to me that you cant pack on mass lmfao.
^^^This exactly^^^