Everything going on in this thread and that's what you take away? Some pretty significant issues here, you don't have to like Bware but I do believe Stanford is the only one that has something to prove. Bware is vocal but not without merit, let's try not to let member on member infighting distract from these other issues. For the record had he fired the first shot I would have said the exact same thing. This place used to have a genuine brotherhood...I'd like get back there.

SP has something to prove? Did I read that right? If I read that right then you have obviously not been here for much time. When SP was private he had everyone knocking on his door for just a peek of his products... members even paid more to source from someone that could get SP products.

Now that he is public yall wanna bitch n moan about every detail.... and somehow yall believe he has something to prove. Yall are silly. I wish SP would go back to private, he is the best source period!

You may want to go back to his Private Thread and read up a bit... anything he has to prove hes done it.
SP has something to prove? Did I read that right? If I read that right then you have obviously not been here for much time. When SP was private he had everyone knocking on his door for just a peek of his products... members even paid more to source from someone that could get SP products.

Now that he is public yall wanna bitch n moan about every detail.... and somehow yall believe he has something to prove. Yall are silly. I wish SP would go back to private, he is the best source period!

You may want to go back to his Private Thread and read up a bit... anything he has to prove hes done it.
LMFAO. Resting on past merits? GTFOH. A source CONSTANTLY has to prove themselves and right now, he’s failing. A guy comes in here unvetted because vets vouched for him. He never shared his brewing setup, never posted pics and he’s proven?
SP has something to prove? Did I read that right? If I read that right then you have obviously not been here for much time. When SP was private he had everyone knocking on his door for just a peek of his products... members even paid more to source from someone that could get SP products.

Now that he is public yall wanna bitch n moan about every detail.... and somehow yall believe he has something to prove. Yall are silly. I wish SP would go back to private, he is the best source period!

You may want to go back to his Private Thread and read up a bit... anything he has to prove hes done it.

Suck suck...

Spit or swallow?
Who’s bragging? I was just pointing out that it’s no surprise at all that a pack got intercepted being as he sent me a pack that I did not order and did not know was coming. You should go back and read. It’s in black and white of why I brought it up, but yes I did advertise that his “error” cost him. The content of the pack shouldn't matter but being as some time has passed and I am enjoying the gear, I said I’d drop it even though it probably should be taken pretty seriously. I mean have you ever heard of such? I’ve been around a minute and have never heard of a source sending a unscheduled/unknown pack. Oh, and I wish he would bite. He ain’t biting because he knows that so far all I’ve done is share my experience and have kept it honest. If I get bit I’m burning this mother fucker down while chanting “We ain’t got no water let the mother fucker burn!” You guys kill me, fan boyees. Just yesterday alone 3 members came out and said they have been waiting months/weeks and Stan has no knowledge of their orders. Aren’t y’all tired of reading the same compliants? When are y’all going to be about the members like this place used to be? Fuck sake! Just mind blowing the amount of complaints, a seizure and the fact that it’s been nearly a year since he tested anything and you guys are trying to get on the list.o_O

Funny you talk about class @movingiron88. You’ve been running around bashing the only guy on this board that we should all be trying to help as he shared with us that he’s 100s of lbs over weight and trying to better his quality of life.

Have a good day :)
Double packs have happened to me twice from 2 different sources. One about 4 days apart ...and the other about 1 month later. I have Informed Delivery and in each case as soon as I saw that another address label was created I contacted each source and told them about the situation as I am a regular customer of both sources. One source told me no big deal..enjoy the bonus, the other I paid for when I made a future order. Just saying these things DO happen and I've seen it mentioned on other boards also. Now with that said , had I not been a regular customer with each of these sources I'm pretty sure I would of said nothing and left it at that.
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Double packs have happened to me twice from 2 different sources. One about 4 days apart ...and the other about 1 month later. I have Informed Delivery and in each case as soon as I saw that another address label was created I contacted each source and told them about the situation as I am a regular customer of both sources.
Did you offer to pay for other packs?
Double packs have happened to me twice from 2 different sources. One about 4 days apart ...and the other about 1 month later. I have Informed Delivery and in each case as soon as I saw that another address label was created I contacted each source and told them about the situation as I am a regular customer of both sources.

Yikes! That’s crazy that you have random boxes of drugs showing up. :eek:

I don’t have the luxury of informed delivery as I don’t have drugs shipped to my house. I feel if I set up informed delivery to the addy I use it would tie me to it which I most certainly don’t want to do as it defeats the purpose of using it.
SP has something to prove? Did I read that right? If I read that right then you have obviously not been here for much time. When SP was private he had everyone knocking on his door for just a peek of his products... members even paid more to source from someone that could get SP products.

Now that he is public yall wanna bitch n moan about every detail.... and somehow yall believe he has something to prove. Yall are silly. I wish SP would go back to private, he is the best source period!

You may want to go back to his Private Thread and read up a bit... anything he has to prove hes done it.
Dealt with Standford when he was private, had some good experiences. He sent my cash back last week after he lost my order and hadn't shipped after a month, which I posted here saying he kept his word and made me whole. He has handled everything extremely professionally, but he is falling short in a big way and will be the first to tell you...happens to the best time and time again once they go public on meso. No one is prepared to scale that quickly. I'm not badmouthing Stanford, simply stating the facts and you read that right he has a lot to prove to get back on solid ground. The ball is in his court.

Maybe it's you that should do a little more reading... I've been around, feel free to ask around. I guess the only question left then is who the fuck are you?
Yikes! That’s crazy that you have random boxes of drugs showing up. :eek:

I don’t have the luxury of informed delivery as I don’t have drugs shipped to my house. I feel if I set up informed delivery to the addy I use it would tie me to it which I most certainly don’t want to do as it defeats the purpose of using it.
I do agree...the more articles I read about Informed Delivery and how the post office is using that info the more I'm inclined to dump that service. Ill try to find and post the most recent article I read
Yikes! That’s crazy that you have random boxes of drugs showing up. :eek:

I don’t have the luxury of informed delivery as I don’t have drugs shipped to my house. I feel if I set up informed delivery to the addy I use it would tie me to it which I most certainly don’t want to do as it defeats the purpose of using it.
This seems weird to me. Seems like it would be more if a red flag to have something shipped to an address you don't regularly get mail at. Is it a friend's address at least? I don't have all the information, so maybe it isn't a security risk, but sounds like one to me
This seems weird to me. Seems like it would be more if a red flag to have something shipped to an address you don't regularly get mail at. Is it a friend's address at least? I don't have all the information, so maybe it isn't a security risk, but sounds like one to me

Yes... I pay a guy in crack to accept packs and let me use his name. :D Totally kidding, maybe. It’s not a risk. I see why you would think that. Sorry, that’s all I can risk saying.
Yes... I pay a guy in crack to accept packs and let me use his name. :D Totally kidding, maybe. It’s not a risk. I see why you would think that. Sorry, that’s all I can risk saying.
I get it, that why I said I don't have all the info. I just picture you finding a house for sale down the road or something stupid. Carry on
I can honestly say i certainly have earned the criticism as of late. Things got too big and too out of control. I can't blame anyone for speaking the truth. Will need to get things back under control. I am working on that. I've always wanted to be remembered as a great source. Seems i have some work to do.
Dealt with Standford when he was private, had some good experiences. He sent my cash back last week after he lost my order and hadn't shipped after a month, which I posted here saying he kept his word and made me whole. He has handled everything extremely professionally, but he is falling short in a big way and will be the first to tell you...happens to the best time and time again once they go public on meso. No one is prepared to scale that quickly. I'm not badmouthing Stanford, simply stating the facts and you read that right he has a lot to prove to get back on solid ground. The ball is in his court.

Maybe it's you that should do a little more reading... I've been around, feel free to ask around. I guess the only question left then is who the fuck are you?
Agreed for sure. I believe he needs to scale down and go back private. Then slowly rebuild up his infrastructure and refine his process. Or have a 500-700 minimum to knock down the little BS orders to free up more time. Maybe limit orders to X amount per day/week. When that number is hit that’s it until the following week. Stan has always been a stand up guy to me and has never done wrong in many years. I hate to see a good reliable source start to do business like this. He’s drowning in work and that’s when mistakes happen. Either here or at your day job it’s inevitable and that’s just human nature.
Agreed for sure. I believe he needs to scale down and go back private. Then slowly rebuild up his infrastructure and refine his process. Or have a 500-700 minimum to knock down the little BS orders to free up more time. Maybe limit orders to X amount per day/week. When that number is hit that’s it until the following week. Stan has always been a stand up guy to me and has never done wrong in many years. I hate to see a good reliable source start to do business like this. He’s drowning in work and that’s when mistakes happen. Either here or at your day job it’s inevitable and that’s just human nature.
Did you just call me human? LoL.
Agreed for sure. I believe he needs to scale down and go back private. Then slowly rebuild up his infrastructure and refine his process. Or have a 500-700 minimum to knock down the little BS orders to free up more time. Maybe limit orders to X amount per day/week. When that number is hit that’s it until the following week. Stan has always been a stand up guy to me and has never done wrong in many years. I hate to see a good reliable source start to do business like this. He’s drowning in work and that’s when mistakes happen. Either here or at your day job it’s inevitable and that’s just human nature.
This 100.
I told him last week in a pm discussion I don't envy him at all, there is a point when the money is not worth it. POTG used to have a system where I suspect he just tested raws, brewed mass inventory, then opened for business. Orders fly in when inventory is gone you close shop and rinse and repeat. There is a number of ways to skin a cat, but I think we are all in agreement this isnt ideal for anyone. You don't even have to sign up to view the underground, once you put an src email on a public board its a cattle call. Could you imagine the amount of skeptical first time users flooding in with one and two vial orders to test the waters? Fuck that noise not worth the time, more emails more pm more packs more attention more stress barely any additional ROI. Got kids putting fake names on WU transfers, fake names for receivers, all sorts of first time OPSEC red flags. Like I said I don't envy these guys at all, it's a fuckin grind...
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The way Stan is handling himself right now says a lot. If/when he pulls through this I believe his reputation will grow stronger down the line. Right now is a very uneasy time for himself and his customers.
Yikes! That’s crazy that you have random boxes of drugs showing up. :eek:

I don’t have the luxury of informed delivery as I don’t have drugs shipped to my house. I feel if I set up informed delivery to the addy I use it would tie me to it which I most certainly don’t want to do as it defeats the purpose of using it.
No offense but some of you guys are really paranoid.