Damm, I was on the first private go around, hope I circle jerked enough into the next and ordered enough in the middle to make the cut....We’ll see
When i'm not in here berating Stan, i'm usually messing with him, posting rubbish, hopefully giving him a little chuckle. i know he works hard at all this. He deserves a little comedy relief once in awhile.

But there's always that one guy that thinks everything is about him. He ain't the first nor the last that will take the dumb shit i say personal. Can't win them all, you know?

Yeah, life is rolling along. Still healthy, still putting in my time 5 nights a week. Hope you and yours are weathering the virus storm safety.
Some people’s kids I always say.

Thats good to hear. Same shit here just dealing with this shit. So far everyone here is still good. I worry about my wife since she’s a nurse but her hospital only has 11 cases in icu and she’s nowhere near that floor.
I’m usually pretty tolerant of most anything, and that stuff hits me pretty hard. First shot I did was .3ml, and it was too much, for me, I was shaky and felt weird for a few hours. Dropped back down to about .2ml, and could barely feel it .25-.28ml seems to be about the right spot for me. It’s crazy how such a tiny dose is so potent.
How is it administered? IM or Sub Q?
Sub q, although I get lipo b shots from my HRT doc, and they do them IM, so I’m not sure if that’s an option, or not. Everything I’ve seen on dragons blood has been sub q.
I don’t think you want to do Dragon’s Blood IM but I’d let @StanfordPharma confirm that.
I know for a fact, that I don’t want it IM. I’ll pin sub q all day long, but still hate every IM injection, even after several hundred, or whatever that number is at this point!

I’d just be curious as to if it’s an option, and what the difference would be. I’ve always been a little curious why my doc does the Lipo B IM, if sub q is an option. Probably because he charges $20 for them.
Since everyone has been bashing @StanfordPharma for his T/A here lately I thought I would post how my order has went so far and update as it goes.
Sent an email on Thursday wanting to place an order. Got an email the same day about how and where to sent the funds. Sent the funds on Friday and and the email, received an email about 2 hrs later saying Confirmed. So far so good. I have been dealing with Stan for a couple of yrs now and he always has done me right and no I’m not talking about giving me freebies. Maybe sometimes we get a lil worked up and forget there’s a shit ton of people wanting stuff now a days. Anyways will update as things unfold!
Since everyone has been bashing @StanfordPharma for his T/A here lately I thought I would post how my order has went so far and update as it goes.
Sent an email on Thursday wanting to place an order. Got an email the same day about how and where to sent the funds. Sent the funds on Friday and and the email, received an email about 2 hrs later saying Confirmed. So far so good. I have been dealing with Stan for a couple of yrs now and he always has done me right and no I’m not talking about giving me freebies. Maybe sometimes we get a lil worked up and forget there’s a shit ton of people wanting stuff now a days. Anyways will update as things unfold!
My experience was a bit different. Took a bit of time to get the proper email and an updated list. Although reaching out to Stanny over PM straightened everything out relatively quickly. A little delay but I knew that going in, coming up on 7 days since I sent payment. Anything I needed fast I ordered from a lab that's known for speed. Anything I knew I could wait on, and pay in terms of a "time premium" , i went with Stanny.

With that said, T/A should never be over 12 days in my opinion.. so I don't start becoming a prick until that point.
My experience was a bit different. Took a bit of time to get the proper email and an updated list. Although reaching out to Stanny over PM straightened everything out relatively quickly. A little delay but I knew that going in, coming up on 7 days since I sent payment. Anything I needed fast I ordered from a lab that's known for speed. Anything I knew I could wait on, and pay in terms of a "time premium" , i went with Stanny.

With that said, T/A should never be over 12 days in my opinion.. so I don't start becoming a prick until that point.
I for sure agree with you there! After 2 weeks I’m sending an email for sure! I got it from one source in 2 days granted I live the next state over from where it came from.
I sent payment Wednesday, he acknowledged it Thursday....if it was shipped already, touchdown should be tomorrow.....if not I’d assume Wednesday.....I’ll post when mine lands

side note, can anyone vouch for their EQ or Deca?
i'd like to take a moment after the sweeet delt workout i just had to apologize to @redwolftheanimal for my hot headed, foul remarks to him a few pages back.

You know that guy that gets stressed out at work, then comes home and verbally takes it out on his family? i'm kinda that guy, with Meso being my family, and i tend to not think before i take my anger out on some of my fellow forum members.

If you want to tell me to fuck off and shove my apologies, i can't really argue with that and completely understand where you're coming from.

Lastly, i also called that Conner kid retarded in that same post. That i'm not apologizing for 'cause fuck that guy and his dark net gear!
i'd like to take a moment after the sweeet delt workout i just had to apologize to @redwolftheanimal for my hot headed, foul remarks to him a few pages back.

You know that guy that gets stressed out at work, then comes home and verbally takes it out on his family? i'm kinda that guy, with Meso being my family, and i tend to not think before i take my anger out on some of my fellow forum members.

If you want to tell me to fuck off and shove my apologies, i can't really argue with that and completely understand where you're coming from.

Lastly, i also called that Conner kid retarded in that same post. That i'm not apologizing for 'cause fuck that guy and his dark net gear!

Great! I’m first in line...

“Fuck off and shove your apologies!”

Wow, that felt great, can we do this every morning?

Next person in line, go ahead. Let’s make this quick though that line’s pretty long.