i'd like to take a moment after the sweeet delt workout i just had to apologize to @redwolftheanimal for my hot headed, foul remarks to him a few pages back.

You know that guy that gets stressed out at work, then comes home and verbally takes it out on his family? i'm kinda that guy, with Meso being my family, and i tend to not think before i take my anger out on some of my fellow forum members.

If you want to tell me to fuck off and shove my apologies, i can't really argue with that and completely understand where you're coming from.

Lastly, i also called that Conner kid retarded in that same post. That i'm not apologizing for 'cause fuck that guy and his dark net gear!
Fuck off!!!
So Saturday night I pinned 200mg of tren e and 125mg of test, well closer to 180mg test (around .75ml)...bloodwork on monday was primarily for lipids and cholesterol but I threw on total was 1201 @StanfordPharma...excellent. now if anyone has any input on how my triglycerides went from 170 to 340 in three months (no aas since Aug) and cholesterol from 190 to 250, I'd welcome it.... I don't eat anything fried except for bacon An Egg's a couple times a month. Cut my sugars and carbs in half over the last month too. It's not possible 200mg of tren could wreck my shit in 36hours.....hell could one pin of test c even raise my test in 36hours?
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So Saturday night I pinned 200mg of tren e and 125mg of test, well closer to 180mg test (around .75ml)...bloodwork on monday was primarily for lipids and cholesterol but I threw on total was 1201 @StanfordPharma...excellent. now if anyone has any input on how my triglycerides went from 170 to 340 in three months (no aas since Aug) and cholesterol from 190 to 250, I'd welcome it.... I don't eat anything fried except for bacon An Egg's a couple times a month. Cut my sugars and carbs in half over the last month too. It's not possible 200mg of tren could wreck my shit in 36hours.....hell could one pin of test c even raise my test in 36hours?
I’m thinking that you cut stuff out to quickly..
How’s water intake and cardio..
A dramatic change in diet will put things out of whack... I’d say let everything settle since it’s a shock to your body .. and re-test...
So Saturday night I pinned 200mg of tren e and 125mg of test, well closer to 180mg test (around .75ml)...bloodwork on monday was primarily for lipids and cholesterol but I threw on total was 1201 @StanfordPharma...excellent. now if anyone has any input on how my triglycerides went from 170 to 340 in three months (no aas since Aug) and cholesterol from 190 to 250, I'd welcome it.... I don't eat anything fried except for bacon An Egg's a couple times a month. Cut my sugars and carbs in half over the last month too. It's not possible 200mg of tren could wreck my shit in 36hours.....hell could one pin of test c even raise my test in 36hours?

If you’re losing weight, guess what’s getting released into your bloodstream? Fat, in the form of triglycerides and fat also stores cholesterol.

How much weight did you lose?
If you’re losing weight, guess what’s getting released into your bloodstream? Fat, in the form of triglycerides and fat also stores cholesterol.

How much weight did you lose?
Wait until a problem presents itself is one fin just started my cycle last weekend.... my weight really didn't change maybe 4 or 5 lb
Also waiting for mine, stan said it was gonna be shipped today. I'll let yall know when I get it. Say goodbye to big ballooned muscles, now it's time to shred hahaha
Yeap I order and sent money last week. I ordered my cut cycle as well. Got to get ready for the beach then I go to Annual Training right after so I will for sure drop 10 lbs after I put it on at the beach
So Saturday night I pinned 200mg of tren e and 125mg of test, well closer to 180mg test (around .75ml)...bloodwork on monday was primarily for lipids and cholesterol but I threw on total was 1201 @StanfordPharma...excellent. now if anyone has any input on how my triglycerides went from 170 to 340 in three months (no aas since Aug) and cholesterol from 190 to 250, I'd welcome it.... I don't eat anything fried except for bacon An Egg's a couple times a month. Cut my sugars and carbs in half over the last month too. It's not possible 200mg of tren could wreck my shit in 36hours.....hell could one pin of test c even raise my test in 36hours?
My girl had a similar issue with triglycerides and high cholesterol on a blood test and it came down to her forgetting to fast so her result was way out of whack. A retest 3 weeks later with proper fasting showed her numbers back to normal.
If you’re consuming plenty of water, wouldn’t that flush it out?

My cholesterol was super high, my last bloodwork, but I had been strict Keto for about 6 weeks prior. When you’re in ketosis, your body is burning fat as fuel, opposed to glucose, which is generally burned as fuel, if it’s there, as that’s a more readily available fuel source. If you are eating low or no carb, your body will become fat adapted, and you will have a bunch of fat in your bloodstream.

That Dr. Shawn Baker, he like the OG carnivore diet guy, said something about cholesterol and triglyceride tests being bullshit as those levels are in constant fluctuation, and a blood test is just a quick snapshot of that level.

Either of those could explain being out of range. I’d just keep my eye on it. If your diet is clean and you’re working out, it might not be a big deal.
Yeap I order and sent money last week. I ordered my cut cycle as well. Got to get ready for the beach then I go to Annual Training right after so I will for sure drop 10 lbs after I put it on at the beach
Sweet man, keep us updated on how your cutting cycle goes. I'll do the same.