My cholesterol was super high, my last bloodwork, but I had been strict Keto for about 6 weeks prior. When you’re in ketosis, your body is burning fat as fuel, opposed to glucose, which is generally burned as fuel, if it’s there, as that’s a more readily available fuel source. If you are eating low or no carb, your body will become fat adapted, and you will have a bunch of fat in your bloodstream.

That Dr. Shawn Baker, he like the OG carnivore diet guy, said something about cholesterol and triglyceride tests being bullshit as those levels are in constant fluctuation, and a blood test is just a quick snapshot of that level.

Either of those could explain being out of range. I’d just keep my eye on it. If your diet is clean and you’re working out, it might not be a big deal.
Appreciate the information and I believe that very well may be it. I was low carb trying to drop some fat before I started my next run
Order was placed and confirmed on Thursday April 16 and looks like I may be getting something Monday according to informed deliver. I’ll keep y’all updated;):cool:
i'd like to take a moment after the sweeet delt workout i just had to apologize to @redwolftheanimal for my hot headed, foul remarks to him a few pages back.

You know that guy that gets stressed out at work, then comes home and verbally takes it out on his family? i'm kinda that guy, with Meso being my family, and i tend to not think before i take my anger out on some of my fellow forum members.

If you want to tell me to fuck off and shove my apologies, i can't really argue with that and completely understand where you're coming from.

Lastly, i also called that Conner kid retarded in that same post. That i'm not apologizing for 'cause fuck that guy and his dark net gear!

Honestly I wasn't expecting that and I am thankful for the apology. I sincerely apologize to you as well. I am humbled and grateful for the apology. I also completely understand. I had a guy at the gym who I yelled at who came up behind me (I have ptsd and am a fighter) and I was ready to fight him. I was hot headed. I yelled, I apologized later and shook his hand. We became friends. Sincere sign of respect brother. Much appreciated and you didn't have to do that but it is much appreciated. Let's move forward and be cool.
Love it....even my amazon shit is taking over a week instead of 3days.
there’s a difference between amazon prioritizing shipments based on a needs-based algorithm for living essentials, delaying the actual shipping of a package and someone’s ability to put a prepaid self-prepared box in a mailbox at 3 am
there’s a difference between amazon prioritizing shipments based on a needs-based algorithm for living essentials, delaying the actual shipping of a package and someone’s ability to put a prepaid self-prepared box in a mailbox at 3 am

Yeah, but we all know how much of a clusterfuck USPS is around the holidays, and I'd imagine with many stores closed that package volume is up for them pretty significantly right now. Not defending month-long TAs but I do think this is a valid reason for a delay of a few days.
Yes, you guys are right. Post office is running just as smooth as ever. Disregsrd my comment and every other sources comments on it.
TD yesterday! Shit, Stan's t/a is going better than my Amazon prime t/a lmao. Competing with the big boys now I see! Everything was there and much appreciated brother.
Touchdown this morning! Everything looks good. Missing the dragons blood though. Was really looking forward to hitting that shit this morning so @StanfordPharma hit me up brother when u get a chance.


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