Touchdown this morning! Everything looks good. Missing the dragons blood though. Was really looking forward to hitting that shit this morning so @StanfordPharma hit me up brother when u get a chance.

Nice! I’m hoping for something today. His packs never show up on informed delivery for some reason so it’s always a nice surprise. Also hopefully he sent me your dragons blood by mistake [emoji23][emoji23]. Just kidding bro
Touchdown today! Everything looks good!! Took 7 days from email to landing! So glad Stanford went back private! Now just got to figure out how to take this dragons blood
Ordered my package 4/18 and just received it today. Everything was packaged nicely and everything I ordered is there.


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Right. I’d start at .2ML and maybe bump to .25-.28, the second or third time. I did .3ml the first time and it was too much. Felt like I was on meth.
What happened the first time?
I tried .3 ml the first time and like what @ZDogg said, it felt like I was on really shitty meth. Heart was bout to beat outta my chest and had real shaky sweaty hands and just felt crazy as hell haha. Second time I did
.18 - .2 ml and was fine. Itll get your heart pumping though so expect that. At least for me it did.
I tried .3 ml the first time and like what @ZDogg said, it felt like I was on really shitty meth. Heart was bout to beat outta my chest and had real shaky sweaty hands and just felt crazy as hell haha. Second time I did
.18 - .2 ml and was fine. Itll get your heart pumping though so expect that. At least for me it did.

Hmm. Maybe I’ll start at .1 just to see the first time when I get it.