Anyone try the Dhb recently. Never ran Dhb and was thinking of starting 1cc with 1/2 cc of stand test e Any pip. ?
I took Stannys DHB for 1 year almost.... no pip whst so ever... i think his DHB is the smoothest out of all thst i tried ... Too bad i am not in his list now ... i cant believe it ... was in every of his private lists but last time i didnt make it ... fucking sad shit
I took Stannys DHB for 1 year almost.... no pip whst so ever... i think his DHB is the smoothest out of all thst i tried ... Too bad i am not in his list now ... i cant believe it ... was in every of his private lists but last time i didnt make it ... fucking sad shit
You will always be on my list.
Anyone try the Dhb recently. Never ran Dhb and was thinking of starting 1cc with 1/2 cc of stand test e Any pip. ?

PIP with spot injections like arms and delts hurts. Glutes and quads are smooth, just pin slow if you're doing a lot of oil
Would love to get DHB, placed an order a little bit ago, and would love details on how to get my hands on DHB for second order in the future.
You’re correct captain obvious. I hate drama queens like yourself. Therefore, I avoid hypocrites like the plague.
Hey man , I’m not the one begging.. if you don’t like it here at meso . You should find another forum that can cater to you .. and don’t get all butt hurt when the rest come and comment..remember this is a community.. and by the looks of your history, you barely contribute