I have a feeling someone’s gonna fuck up with the dragons blood... tho I hope not. @StanfordPharma maybe put directions on the label lol?!

I’ve had the same thought. I did as much research as I could, before pinning that stuff, but I’m guessing everyone doesn’t. I’m not even sure what I would say the safe dosage is, as I’m sure it affects everyone different. Maybe .15 for men. Highest I’ve ever done was .3, and that felt like too much, at the time.,
I’ve had the same thought. I did as much research as I could, before pinning that stuff, but I’m guessing everyone doesn’t. I’m not even sure what I would say the safe dosage is, as I’m sure it affects everyone different. Maybe .15 for men. Highest I’ve ever done was .3, and that felt like too much, at the time.,
What did you get out the dragons blood?
What did you get out the dragons blood?

It just gives you a good boost in energy. I quit taking pre-workouts, because I figured they’d kill me at some point. Especially taking more than the recommended dosages, every day.

Around that same time, I was getting Lipo B shots from my trt doc, and I was put on an albuterol inhaler, which makes my lungs feel awesome during workouts. I figured between saving $20 per Lipo B shot, and hoping I got some similar effect from the injectable albuterol, it was worth a shot. I only got to use it once or twice at the gym before the covidpocalypse, so I can’t give a great report on workout benefits. If I stick to about .25ml, it’s a good energy boost, without being too much. .3ml was too much, at least for my first dose.
Anyone have experience/reviews for Stan's Masteron Enanthate?

I have gone through a lot of mast e from him and I don't have lab tests to be able to tell you if it's good or not but it did do what I wanted it to do which was keepmy estrogen levels in check
Somebody asked me if I'll reimburse for testing, but can't remember who. The answer is yes. I'll reimburse if you post testing results no matter what results say. I'll credit all cost involved.
Has anyone tried the liquid albuterol?? I ordered some and it came in an unmarked blue bottle. Just curious on how intense it is. I see posts about dragon blood but not the liquid albuterol
Has anyone tried the liquid albuterol?? I ordered some and it came in an unmarked blue bottle. Just curious on how intense it is. I see posts about dragon blood but not the liquid albuterol
Liquid albuterol is 10mg per ml. Half a ml (5mg) is a healthy first dose. As you use on a daily basis your receptors saturate and the dose has to increase to maintain the same affect.

