this is gonna come off as rude, probably. I never mean to be offensive, so I apologize in advanced.

I get a lot of people trying to scam me. Some are very obvious and some not so much. That being said, I will not ship a pack if I don't see coin in my wallet and can't find on the blockchain. Also, if tracking says pack landed then I did my part. Will not ship another pack based on someone saying they didn't receive when it shows it landed. I don't save personal info unless you have been blacklisted or if you claim something was off I make a note so I can reference back to see if it's common with a particular person. Let's just say some people claim something every order. I will no longer service someone who I feel are trying to get over. Like I said, not trying to be rude, but it's not fair to me.

And FYI. If I'm not answering your emails there's a good chance you've been blacklisted.

I do my best to make everyone happy and be on the up and up. Too bad everybody wasn't honest.

That being said, if there's an issue, don't be afraid to bring it up. The scammers are usually easy to spot.
No need to apologize. At the end of the day you’re running a business.
I’m using it currently in a cut and working well. I’m using it before lifting in the morning (7 days a week) and before afternoon cardio (7 days a week)
No trouble with sleep which is good. Also running 300 mg Tren so I’m borderline on the sleep difficulty but I can sleep @ 300mg Tren. And even with a shot of DB around 4 pm I still sleep fine.
Added some taurine recently, no cramps.
You really can sleep OK On 300mg/week of Tren Deskoze ?? Man, even at a relatively moderate dose of 300mg/week Tren just destroys my sleep. Destroys my sleep at 210mg/week as well (30mg ED).
You really can sleep OK On 300mg/week of Tren Deskoze ?? Man, even at a relatively moderate dose of 300mg/week Tren just destroys my sleep. Destroys my sleep at 210mg/week as well (30mg ED).
Yeah 300 is fine for me. At 350 and up I get sleep difficulties and night sweats and heartburn. So for that reason I never run it above 300 mg now. No side effects at all.
Also blood pressure is 115/70
Everyone is different and responds differently to each drug so finding your individual tolerable dose is very important I feel.
I’m running 850 Test with it. I feel the higher Test is a very important factor.
And 8 IU HGH
The HGH is a bolus dose before bed so that is also a factor
Yeah 300 is fine for me. At 350 and up I get sleep difficulties and night sweats and heartburn. So for that reason I never run it above 300 mg now. No side effects at all.
Also blood pressure is 115/70
Everyone is different and responds differently to each drug so finding your individual tolerable dose is very important I feel.
I’m running 850 Test with it. I feel the higher Test is a very important factor.
And 8 IU HGH
The HGH is a bolus dose before bed so that is also a factor
Awesome. So 850mg Test / 300mg Tren (Acetate or Enanthate ??) / 8iu's that everything you are running ?
Awesome. So 850mg Test / 300mg Tren (Acetate or Enanthate ??) / 8iu's that everything you are running ?
Yes sir
I’m about to drop the Tren either completely or drop it to 70 mg per week for the rest of this cut. At 8 weeks with the Tren now.
Well im using Dragons Blood twice a day also before each workout
Taking ancillaries, 45 mins level 2 cardio every day and 100% clean diet.
Only eating egg whites, old fashioned oats, chicken breast, jasmine rice, green beans
Nothing else at all.
Those are factors too
You really can sleep OK On 300mg/week of Tren Deskoze ?? Man, even at a relatively moderate dose of 300mg/week Tren just destroys my sleep. Destroys my sleep at 210mg/week as well (30mg ED).
Don’t know any one’s age but I quit playing with tren in my 30’s. It’s the only compound I have ran where I looked and felt like a god and also was a pure asshole psychopath. Lol

If your not competing or aspiring to, I feel like the risk to reward ratio isn’t worth it.

I rather bump up test.

But to each there own and that is my personal opinion and what I experienced.

Tren cough, vivid nightmares, sweating profusely, wanting to fuck anything and everything showing skin and a god persona that was disgusting was what I experienced.

I ran it high/ low experimented with it and it is one hell of compound!
Don’t know any one’s age but I quit playing with tren in my 30’s. It’s the only compound I have ran where I looked and felt like a god and also was a pure asshole psychopath. Lol

If your not competing or aspiring to, I feel like the risk to reward ratio isn’t worth it.

I rather bump up test.

But to each there own and that is my personal opinion and what I experienced.

Tren cough, vivid nightmares, sweating profusely, wanting to fuck anything and everything showing skin and a god persona that was disgusting was what I experienced.

I ran it high/ low experimented with it and it is one hell of compound!
I tried the low microdose tren meme and I'm actually liking it. On 85mg tren ace a week and zero sides besides a crazy libido. Getting more vascular even at 18% bf.

Have previously ran tren from 175wk to 560wk
Don’t know any one’s age but I quit playing with tren in my 30’s. It’s the only compound I have ran where I looked and felt like a god and also was a pure asshole psychopath. Lol

If your not competing or aspiring to, I feel like the risk to reward ratio isn’t worth it.

I rather bump up test.

But to each there own and that is my personal opinion and what I experienced.

Tren cough, vivid nightmares, sweating profusely, wanting to fuck anything and everything showing skin and a god persona that was disgusting was what I experienced.

I ran it high/ low experimented with it and it is one hell of compound!
I’ve tried 3 different esters with dosages ranging from 80 - 300 mgs a week and same thing brother ….

The mental sides far outweigh any of the gains for me ….

I turn into a lunatic
Will media bottles be coming back?

How are the turtles doing?
I wish, but i think he was losing too much money on them vs the time it took
I personally would have paid more for them but unless he charges in the Ks he makes way more off of the 10ml bottles i believe
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@Stanfordpharma1 would you ever consider making winstrol/test suspension?
That woukd be a nice blend. I’ve only seen that made a couple of times and I’ve been around since the beginning of UG labs. It’s hard enough getting one of the into a nice suspension with minimal pain. Dior’s Stan make water based suspensions? I need to check the list.
That woukd be a nice blend. I’ve only seen that made a couple of times and I’ve been around since the beginning of UG labs. It’s hard enough getting one of the into a nice suspension with minimal pain. Dior’s Stan make water based suspensions? I need to check the list.
I meant separate suspensions… apologies for the way I worded it, but damn that would be a nice blend…he does not currently, I would love if he did, not sure if there is much interest in those anymore though. There’s nothing like a well made Winstrol suspension