MESO-Rx Sponsor Steroidify - Official Worldwide Pharma Distributor since 2008

It could be... But I'm running pharmacom tren ace, only 350mg/wk though so that could be why. It's only been a week and a half so I'll see if the sides increase with time.
Takes a bit, and the tipping point for me is 500mg's a week. I think yiure good to go with pharma's stuff.
Whats the discount code for a 2 week delayment lol. Unfortunately that's where im at so far :(

More than 95% of my packages are delivered in less than 7 days to US and 3 days to Europe.
5% are indeed delayed. Even if 5% is a small percentage, it still means tens of delayed orders per month, 8-12 days.

This is not a reason to worry, package will always get there, thousands did and yours will make no exception. Shipping success rate is 100%.

Make sure to check with your local post office, many times it can sit there without a door delivery attempt.
Great! What'd you order bro?

Test e 300, EQ 300, lots of Anavar and some dex. I love running test, EQ, for about 20 weeks and adding in some Var at the end.

I recently got bloods on a different lab and my estradiol was through the damn roof! Matter of fact I think me and you were talking about my lethargy on tren. Well I hadn't been running an AI on the prop and that answered that! I've been running aromasin high and feel much better now. I've started this dex EOD now. Doing much better than I was! No need for the prami. Just needed to get my estro in check.
Test e 300, EQ 300, lots of Anavar and some dex. I love running test, EQ, for about 20 weeks and adding in some Var at the end.

I recently got bloods on a different lab and my estradiol was through the damn roof! Matter of fact I think me and you were talking about my lethargy on tren. Well I hadn't been running an AI on the prop and that answered that! I've been running aromasin high and feel much better now. I've started this dex EOD now. Doing much better than I was! No need for the prami. Just needed to get my estro in check.

How'd your bloods look on the enanthate?!

Edit: just re read and the bloods were drawn on another lab
Test e 300, EQ 300, lots of Anavar and some dex. I love running test, EQ, for about 20 weeks and adding in some Var at the end.

I recently got bloods on a different lab and my estradiol was through the damn roof! Matter of fact I think me and you were talking about my lethargy on tren. Well I hadn't been running an AI on the prop and that answered that! I've been running aromasin high and feel much better now. I've started this dex EOD now. Doing much better than I was! No need for the prami. Just needed to get my estro in check.
Good, I think prami is a waste.
7 days from payment to your front door? Wow!

If a package is delayed for more than 7 days (less than 5% of the cases) you'll have an additional 10% DISCOUNT at your next order.
This discount can be merged with the MESO DISCOUNT or PRICE MATCH promo.

E-mail me the delayed tracking codes and I'll make sure to adjust the price for next orders.

wish I read this sooner Lol...Wonder, got mine in 12 just FYI...
About two weeks into my tren/test bulk. 350mg/wk of tren ace and test prop. My avatar was taken at the tail end of my cut cycle... This is two weeks into Darius, gear, post training shoulders with a pump...image.jpg

