Steroids, Gynecomastia and Gyno Surgery

How sore where you . The day after? Could you work or lift anything ? Did he tell you what level/grade (that is how does it-level1,2,3 etc)?
How sore where you . The day after? Could you work or lift anything ? Did he tell you what level/grade (that is how does it-level1,2,3 etc)?

I was level 2 needed lipo. Pretty sore the next 2 days after surgery. I could lift things but I couldn’t work I do construction so I would say it depends on what you do for a living. I can’t post pics because I have some pretty defining ink, but I will see if I can cover it up.
I was level 2 needed lipo. Pretty sore the next 2 days after surgery. I could lift things but I couldn’t work I do construction so I would say it depends on what you do for a living. I can’t post pics because I have some pretty defining ink, but I will see if I can cover it up.
Usually no matter what you should always wait 2 weeks. To risk tearing stitches and causing further damage. Lifting can also increase the risk of hematoma as you are increasing blood flow significantly to the area surgery was performed on.

Just wait. IIRC, it takes 3 weeks for your body to even start losing any muscle from atrophy. Just keep eating a high protein diet (hopefully as usual). Usually after 2 weeks you can start doing light lifting again. Then after a month you can go back to normal activity.

You aren't going to lose any significant gains that fast. Any small amount you do lose will be gained back within a week or 2. Just be patient and let you body heal, lest you set yourself back even further,
I got a gyno question so thought ild post here, is it possible to be immune to gyno? I know you can be not gyno prone. Which i think i am not gyno prone as my estrogen was once 4 times the highest it should be and had no signs of gyno. Even went to a gyno surgeon who works with bodybuilders to make sure. This time im using tren aswell though. So im going to do a test to see what its at. But im no longer wanting to use an ai as i know using one can do more harm than good, the only reason i would use it is to prevent gyno but if there is such a thing as being "immune" to it then ild just keep estrogen high for strength and to not have to use an ai?

Thanks for any input :)
I got a gyno question so thought ild post here, is it possible to be immune to gyno? I know you can be not gyno prone. Which i think i am not gyno prone as my estrogen was once 4 times the highest it should be and had no signs of gyno. Even went to a gyno surgeon who works with bodybuilders to make sure. This time im using tren aswell though. So im going to do a test to see what its at. But im no longer wanting to use an ai as i know using one can do more harm than good, the only reason i would use it is to prevent gyno but if there is such a thing as being "immune" to it then ild just keep estrogen high for strength and to not have to use an ai?

Thanks for any input :)
Estrogen effects more than just gyno, alot of people dont need an ai but u have to make sure ur bp is under control and not retaining alot of water.
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Estrogen effects more than just gyno, alot of people dont need an ai but u have to make sure ur bp is under control and not retaining alot of water.
Cheers, i do check my bp now n then. I tend to feel when its abit high so dont check it as often as i should, i am retaining abit of water at the moment bit last few days been slacking on drinking it so hopefully its that.ill know when i get back to my usual amount i drink. Ill get an estrogen test real soon n post the results here
If anyone is interested in gynecomastia removal surgery in Europe, I will have surgery in Poland within the next month.
the cost is about 5k pln (1k £ / 1.2k $) plus travel and hotel costs (although I am Polish, I live in England) so airbnb + ticket prices are around £ 100- £ 200
I will post the result after surgery
Just had the surgery yesterday. 5 hours, local anesthesia. Paid £ 520 for the surgery + tightening belt + sutures removal.
After removing the dressing, I will show the result.


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Just had the surgery yesterday. 5 hours, local anesthesia. Paid £ 520 for the surgery + tightening belt + sutures removal.
After removing the dressing, I will show the result

Very curious to see before and after! That looks like a lot of tissue. Man, doing local instead of going under saves so much money...

I assume you had lipo too? Did they do full area lipo or just around the nipples?
Will your nipples always puff up or get sensitive if gyno is starting? I've never been low body fat but the last few years I've let myself get big(fat). I have lost about 30 pounds in the last few months and am noticing some man boobs. I don't think it's gyno, I think it's just normal fat starting to get loose from the weight loss but I'd hate to have them stay enlarged compared to the rest of me if it is gyno and I could do something about it now
Will your nipples always puff up or get sensitive if gyno is starting? I've never been low body fat but the last few years I've let myself get big(fat). I have lost about 30 pounds in the last few months and am noticing some man boobs. I don't think it's gyno, I think it's just normal fat starting to get loose from the weight loss but I'd hate to have them stay enlarged compared to the rest of me if it is gyno and I could do something about it now
Only a doc can tell you for sure. Post up some pics if you want feedback.
Very curious to see before and after! That looks like a lot of tissue. Man, doing local instead of going under saves so much money...

I assume you had lipo too? Did they do full area lipo or just around the nipples?
Doc said that the gynecomastia was small, the right gland was normal, the left one was slightly above the recommended size.
The glands were completely removed + the fibrous tissue that surrounded them + some fat to reshape the chest.

I am 8 days after surgery and I was removing stitches yesterday.
The doctor said that I can already ride a bike / run but still feel a little discomfort so I will wait another week.
I'm still in a compression vest and will be 3 more weeks.
Just had the surgery yesterday. 5 hours, local anesthesia. Paid £ 520 for the surgery + tightening belt + sutures removal.
After removing the dressing, I will show the result.
Could you send me the link from the doctor? Thank you!
How long were you out of work? Anyone get lipo on abs or love handles @ same time ? How sore and for how long? Thanks
Depends on your job. If you are getting lipo I would do it towards to end of the week so you have the weekend to recover.
On my feet most of the day - somewhat physical. I have low fat but dr said it would be minimal he would have to remove . More of the gyno I was concerned with…
How long were you out of work? Anyone get lipo on abs or love handles @ same time ? How sore and for how long? Thanks

I took a week off of work, but my job is extremely physical. I work in a steel mill. I did the gyno surgery and chest sculpt so I had lipo just in my chest area. Can’t say I was to sore, I was back in the gym doing legs and walking on the treadmill the 2nd week. 3rd week he had me doing cable flys and lat pull downs. I did developed a seroma about day 10 after surgery drained 20cc of shit from my left pec and after that I was good. Keep the compression vest on at all times, I bought 2 so the only time I was out of it was in the shower. I have 1 more week in the compression shirt (I am 5 weeks after surgery right now) I am doing full work out in the gym with a little less weight than I normally use.
I took a week off of work, but my job is extremely physical. I work in a steel mill. I did the gyno surgery and chest sculpt so I had lipo just in my chest area. Can’t say I was to sore, I was back in the gym doing legs and walking on the treadmill the 2nd week. 3rd week he had me doing cable flys and lat pull downs. I did developed a seroma about day 10 after surgery drained 20cc of shit from my left pec and after that I was good. Keep the compression vest on at all times, I bought 2 so the only time I was out of it was in the shower. I have 1 more week in the compression shirt (I am 5 weeks after surgery right now) I am doing full work out in the gym with a little less weight than I normally use.
Ugh I am glad I didn't get a second or hematoma, that sounds like puke central lmao. 20ccs is a ton of fluid!!

Good idea getting 2 vests. I wish I had done that,nor at least gotten extra foam pads for my vest, because those got pretty nasty. I was getting all sweaty in them they got sweat stained fast.

Glad to hear you're feeling better!
Ugh I am glad I didn't get a second or hematoma, that sounds like puke central lmao. 20ccs is a ton of fluid!!

Good idea getting 2 vests. I wish I had done that,nor at least gotten extra foam pads for my vest, because those got pretty nasty. I was getting all sweaty in them they got sweat stained fast.

Glad to hear you're feeling better!

Who did your surgery?
Damn you had to have that drained? Has anyone else had that complication? You did it @ Xsculpt. ?Can I ask how much it cost you? Or I would assume a local surgeon who could do that(removal of fluid) for you?