Steroids, Gynecomastia and Gyno Surgery

Finally decided on a surgeon and set a date for surgery he ended up being the most certified and gyno is his specialty. Since mine isnt very bad hes doin local anesthesia so saved me some money, so total is 6k vs every other surgeon i talked to was 9k.
Finally decided on a surgeon and set a date for surgery he ended up being the most certified and gyno is his specialty. Since mine isnt very bad hes doin local anesthesia so saved me some money, so total is 6k vs every other surgeon i talked to was 9k.
6k just for local?? That seems nuts man. Usually that's the case for a pre-ordered with anesthesia. So he is just gonna do gland removal or what? Is it full gland removal or is he just going to do partial?
6k just for local?? That seems nuts man. Usually that's the case for a pre-ordered with anesthesia. So he is just gonna do gland removal or what? Is it full gland removal or is he just going to do partial?
Shit 6k is the cheapest ive found. He said hes gonna take out prolly 99 percent of it but has to leave a tiny amount or the nipples will concave. He said hes never seen any come back after his surgeries. Hes gonna do some lipo as well since he said mine is a mix of glandular and some fatty tissue.
What area? I would agree that seems high unless he’s doing lipo on your belly etc.
Just the chest. Removing glands and doing some lipo to make it lay good. But really that's the cheapest I could find and he's a well known gyno surgeon. I had other quotes both for 9k. The pricing on gyno surgery has shot up in the past few years it seems
Finally decided on a surgeon and set a date for surgery he ended up being the most certified and gyno is his specialty. Since mine isnt very bad hes doin local anesthesia so saved me some money, so total is 6k vs every other surgeon i talked to was 9k.

I paid 6500 for gland removal and lipo, who’s doing the surgery?
Shit 6k is the cheapest ive found. He said hes gonna take out prolly 99 percent of it but has to leave a tiny amount or the nipples will concave. He said hes never seen any come back after his surgeries. Hes gonna do some lipo as well since he said mine is a mix of glandular and some fatty tissue.
Interesting. I haven't heard of anyone having lipo without anesthesia and just local. Definitely let me know how that goes. I paid around $5k for mine IIRC, with anesthesia and lipo and full gland removal (which it sounds like you're doing which is EXCELLENT because otherwise it had a huge chance that it will come back since you cycle AAS.

Mine was a couple years ago though. Prices have gone up. I just find it odd that they will only do local. I would ask the doc if he/she can script you Xanax or lorazipam or something to take before hand to nix any anxiety.

My doc did pretty intense lipo from the upper chest/delt insertion all the way to the serratus and lower chest. I am super happy with it.
Interesting. I haven't heard of anyone having lipo without anesthesia and just local. Definitely let me know how that goes. I paid around $5k for mine IIRC, with anesthesia and lipo and full gland removal (which it sounds like you're doing which is EXCELLENT because otherwise it had a huge chance that it will come back since you cycle AAS.

Mine was a couple years ago though. Prices have gone up. I just find it odd that they will only do local. I would ask the doc if he/she can script you Xanax or lorazipam or something to take before hand to nix any anxiety.

My doc did pretty intense lipo from the upper chest/delt insertion all the way to the serratus and lower chest. I am super happy with it.
Yea prices have definitely went up alot but I dont have any upper chest fat I think he's just gonna do some lipo on the general area of the gyno so more lower chest maybe the side a little. But he woukd do anesthesia if I wanted but said we could get away without it and I probably will ask about a pill to help relax a bit but idc I'm just happy to get it done.
Yea prices have definitely went up alot but I dont have any upper chest fat I think he's just gonna do some lipo on the general area of the gyno so more lower chest maybe the side a little. But he woukd do anesthesia if I wanted but said we could get away without it and I probably will ask about a pill to help relax a bit but idc I'm just happy to get it done.
I didn't have any upper chest fat at all either, but now I REALLY don't and the pec and delt insertions are fucking more glorious than I ever imagined. Essentially now my "normal" look is the same as I used to look when I was towards the end of a cut getting down towards single digit BF% and I love it :)

I am just surprised at the cost if he doesn't do anesthesia because normally the anesthesia is actually a massive portion of the overal cost. The drugs to knock you out are very expensive, there is additional liability and crap they have to deal with every time they put someone under, so usually that alone is anywhere from $1-3k of the overall cost!
I didn't have any upper chest fat at all either, but now I REALLY don't and the pec and delt insertions are fucking more glorious than I ever imagined. Essentially now my "normal" look is the same as I used to look when I was towards the end of a cut getting down towards single digit BF% and I love it :)

I am just surprised at the cost if he doesn't do anesthesia because normally the anesthesia is actually a massive portion of the overal cost. The drugs to knock you out are very expensive, there is additional liability and crap they have to deal with every time they put someone under, so usually that alone is anywhere from $1-3k of the overall cost!
Yea I know that's one of the major costs but one of the other surgeons I got a quote from that was 8900. I called to see if I could get local anesthesia to be cheaper and they said their price is for either way so I might have got local there and still pay 8900. They said ur paying for the procedure here.
I said fuck yall.
Yea I know that's one of the major costs but one of the other surgeons I got a quote from that was 8900. I called to see if I could get local anesthesia to be cheaper and they said their price is for either way so I might have got local there and still pay 8900. They said ur paying for the procedure here.
I said fuck yall.
Two surgeon's in MS were 4,600 out the door, location is probably the difference some in price.

But local anaesthesia for gland and lipo? Wow, I'm not sure you will like that. If it were me, I'd pay to go to sleep. He's a bit cheaper because of using local only, general anaesthesia cost me about 1,800 extra. Hope it goes well for you.
Two surgeon's in MS were 4,600 out the door, location is probably the difference some in price.

But local anaesthesia for gland and lipo? Wow, I'm not sure you will like that. If it were me, I'd pay to go to sleep. He's a bit cheaper because of using local only, general anaesthesia cost me about 1,800 extra. Hope it goes well for you.
Well like I said my case is pretty minor so I doubt the lipo will be very invasive. Probably just the general area of the gland. He was confident that I'd be fine with local so I think itll be fine. 2000 extra to go to sleep is alot of money for me so i will tough it out for the hr or 2. I'll let yall know how it goes
I go for Gyno surgery on the 9th December with Karidis here in the UK - Its pretty much fact that he is the best Gyno surgeon in the country.

Having general anaesthetic, Liposuction to the breasts and axillae with gland removal - He leaves a tiny bit of gland apparently to prevent nipple indentation and said this is normal practice now with this procedure and not one client of his has ever had Gyno return and the majority. 9k it cost altogether as NHS don’t cover it so you have to pay the private hospitals fees and anaesthetist fee etc.

Been waiting for this day for a long time, pissed I can’t train upper body for 4 weeks but at least it’s for a good cause lol

EDIT: Sorry I didn’t explain how I got Gyno.

So I had genuine pubertal Gyno that never went away but never got any worse until the first time I did Dbol (No AI, was a lot less educated then) and it made the Gyno 10x worse almost overnight.
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Wanted to give an update, and ask about my final recovery time frame. I'm 2.5 months post op.

After 6 to 7 weeks of constant seromas, it finally stopped. I drained so much on my own, it took that to get them to stop as my doctor didn't want to as much as they needed draining. I have a picture with one side holding probably 100ml of pure fluid, My doctor wouldn't allow the ER to drain. Infuriated me as I sat for 3.5 hours and got nothing done.

I have what appears to be scar tissue, its hard swelling along the bottom, on both sides, and behind the nipple. It's all good on the top, seems like it's healing from top down. With a tight shirt and chest stretched out, still looks like minor gyno but from the swelling.

I've read and been told 3 to 6 months, mainly 6 months. For those who went thru this surgery, did you have this type of swelling at 3 months? I don't know if the surgeon messed up or this was absolutely normal. I still have 2 more weeks of free doctor visits available with him.
Wanted to give an update, and ask about my final recovery time frame. I'm 2.5 months post op.

After 6 to 7 weeks of constant seromas, it finally stopped. I drained so much on my own, it took that to get them to stop as my doctor didn't want to as much as they needed draining. I have a picture with one side holding probably 100ml of pure fluid, My doctor wouldn't allow the ER to drain. Infuriated me as I sat for 3.5 hours and got nothing done.

I have what appears to be scar tissue, its hard swelling along the bottom, on both sides, and behind the nipple. It's all good on the top, seems like it's healing from top down. With a tight shirt and chest stretched out, still looks like minor gyno but from the swelling.

I've read and been told 3 to 6 months, mainly 6 months. For those who went thru this surgery, did you have this type of swelling at 3 months? I don't know if the surgeon messed up or this was absolutely normal. I still have 2 more weeks of free doctor visits available with him.

Get one of those vibrating massage guns and start breaking up the scar tissue. Hit it at least once a day try to do it twice a day if you can.
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Get one of those vibrating massage guns and start breaking up the scar tissue. Hit it at least once a day try to do it twice a day if you can.
I'll look next time at Walmart. I've been massaging by hand best I can, just surprised it's taking this long. I honestly thought this swelling would be gone by now.