Steroids, Gynecomastia and Gyno Surgery

Who did your surgery?
All my prior details are in a previous post, but I used a local breast surgeon specialist and got gland removal covered by insurance. He's done a lot, and we think I'll be happy with only gland to start as I only wanted to look normal in a shirt.
I am creating this sticky as a convenient resource for information about steroids and gynecomastia (aka "gyno", "man-boobs" "bitch tits", etc). It is largely a placeholder at the moment but I hope to include links to more relevant threads in the future. To start, I want to add the first-hand experiences of two veteran members who underwent surgical procedures to remove gyno:

Thanks to @johnnyBALLZ:

Gyno Surgery Pics!!

Thanks to @tileguy123:

Tiles gyno op
Thanks @Millard . Always good to see you post.
Although I'm not a gyno sufferer (thankfully) I know it's not only a physically uncomfortable side effect/genetic problem it's also emotionally taxing to those who suffer from it. Thanks for making this a priority topic.
How did it go bro? How do you feel? If u don’t mind telling us where u went and cost?
Sorry just saw this. But it went real good.juat had local anasthetic and got full glands removed and they did a little lipo. Took about an hr and a half. My gyno was pretty small but obce they got it out it was alot bigger than i thought it would be, ill pist a pic of glands post op.
I asked him if i needed a compression vest or anything and he said not for my amount said i would heal up good. Friday was 4 days post op and they had me remove my stitches and just put some steri strips ( similar to bandaids) over them and said id be good by the time they fall off.
I went to dr law in raleigh NC and it was 6k. Hes a well known gyno specialist. He cut around the top and bottom of the nipple to go in and said after many years hes found this gives the best results as he can go in from both directions better and heals up better. I have minor bruising and swelling but feel better everyday and its been 6 days and i can do anything like normal, just not exercising at all yet so it heals up good.


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Sorry just saw this. But it went real good.juat had local anasthetic and got full glands removed and they did a little lipo. Took about an hr and a half. My gyno was pretty small but obce they got it out it was alot bigger than i thought it would be, ill pist a pic of glands post op.
I asked him if i needed a compression vest or anything and he said not for my amount said i would heal up good. Friday was 4 days post op and they had me remove my stitches and just put some steri strips ( similar to bandaids) over them and said id be good by the time they fall off.
I went to dr law in raleigh NC and it was 6k. Hes a well known gyno specialist. He cut around the top and bottom of the nipple to go in and said after many years hes found this gives the best results as he can go in from both directions better and heals up better. I have minor bruising and swelling but feel better everyday and its been 6 days and i can do anything like normal, just not exercising at all yet so it heals up good.
Looks great congrats bro. U will have to post after photo . Did he do little lipo to form the peck?
Looks great congrats bro. U will have to post after photo . Did he do little lipo to form the peck?
Yea he did lipo first i believe thats why the glands look so clean, i assume so he could see the full gland and made sure he got everything and did lipo around the general area. He seemed very meticulous in making sure he got it all and everything was right. Im very pleased so far. Only a week post op but feeling great and chest is looking and feeling better everyday.
15 days post op and im pretty much recovered. Just walked and hiked until 3 days ago but i started back weight training lightly. I feel fine and like i could probably lift fairly heavy but im easing into it slowly
Only thing i have is some hardness under and around nipples still, i dont really know how to describe it but its getting better everyday. Chest looks so much better and im very happy i finally got the surgery.

"Cruciferous Vegetables like broccoli, kale, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, maca, and so on are filled with some very favorable compounds to decrease your estrogen levels.

1. They’re rich in zinc which is a mineral known to boost testosterone. Zinc also stops the aromatase enzyme from doing its damage on your testosterone levels, so that your T doesn’t convert so easily to estrogen anymore.

2. They’re rich in a compound called Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C) which converts into 3,3-Diindolylmethane (DIM) in your stomach. DIM is known best for its ability to regulate estrogen, which means that it effectively flushes out estrogenic compounds and xeno-estrogens from your body.

Many people like to eat their cruciferous vegetables steamed. However, I believe that when you expose those veggies to too much heat, they’ll lose some of the beneficial nutrients."

Obviously is not a 10 year, double-blind, clinical research study with a population of 100,000. But I have seen numerous references to cruciferous vegetables helping to control estrogen and aid in reducing gyno. I'm a firm believer in exploring every avenue and these vegetables are good for you even if they don't help with the gyno.

Bio Response DIM is mentioned in one study I’ve read. They don’t seem to be financial sponsors of that study

Is there anyone that takes out the whole gland like Dr. Caridi in Texas? He quoted me $8500, but I'd like to look for something a bit cheaper if possible...
Dr Adajar at xsculpt in Chicago.
I paid like 450p with him as I had a 1p% off coupon and it was $5k at the time. It has probably gone up.

However I cannot possibly say enough good things about Dr Adajar. He is an artist and a doctor. He is into bodybuilding himself and somewhere around 80% of all his procedures are naked gyno surgeries so which is critical because it means he fucling KNOWS WHATS HE IS DOING. He isn't some clown that does gyno once every couple months.

He is the best of the best and does full gland removal and lipo to sculpt the pec to highlight the insertions AND most importantly ensure there won't be concave nipples. He does virtual consulatuons so for travel all you'd have to do is pay for the flight to and from CHI for the actual procedure.

If you have gyno then this is worth every penny. I can't even describe how much better I felt mentally since then. I used to look down and see my fucking gyno every day. Every single day it would bother me. The money spent and 4 weeks recovering were absolutely worth it to me. I honestly can't imagine NOT having done it.

I first saw some local guy who barely did gyno and his before after pics looked like shit, he didn't do full gland removal and obviously almost entirely just breast implants for women. That's fine but you should NEVER trust the future of your chest to someone who isn't specifically a gyno expert.

Anyways, I highly recommend Xsculpr/Dr Adajar. I had my procedure I think 3 year as ago now? Even blasting 40mg MENT per week at one point and many other compounds over the years and I have had a few times where I had sensitive nipples but a .25 mg adex pill always fixes it right uo. Never had any growth since then (I started measuring the nipple with a caliper to emsure).
I paid like 450p with him as I had a 1p% off coupon and it was $5k at the time. It has probably gone up.

However I cannot possibly say enough good things about Dr Adajar. He is an artist and a doctor. He is into bodybuilding himself and somewhere around 80% of all his procedures are naked gyno surgeries so which is critical because it means he fucling KNOWS WHATS HE IS DOING. He isn't some clown that does gyno once every couple months.

He is the best of the best and does full gland removal and lipo to sculpt the pec to highlight the insertions AND most importantly ensure there won't be concave nipples. He does virtual consulatuons so for travel all you'd have to do is pay for the flight to and from CHI for the actual procedure.

If you have gyno then this is worth every penny. I can't even describe how much better I felt mentally since then. I used to look down and see my fucking gyno every day. Every single day it would bother me. The money spent and 4 weeks recovering were absolutely worth it to me. I honestly can't imagine NOT having done it.

I first saw some local guy who barely did gyno and his before after pics looked like shit, he didn't do full gland removal and obviously almost entirely just breast implants for women. That's fine but you should NEVER trust the future of your chest to someone who isn't specifically a gyno expert.

Anyways, I highly recommend Xsculpr/Dr Adajar. I had my procedure I think 3 year as ago now? Even blasting 40mg MENT per week at one point and many other compounds over the years and I have had a few times where I had sensitive nipples but a .25 mg adex pill always fixes it right uo. Never had any growth since then (I started measuring the nipple with a caliper to emsure).
So can the nipple enlarge independent of any fatty tissue beneath it?

So is gyno a feminising of the nipple size and shape not just breast fat under the nipple?
So can the nipple enlarge independent of any fatty tissue beneath it?

So is gyno a feminising of the nipple size and shape not just breast fat under the nipple?
Usually there is always some amount of fat, but yes ut can. Look at pics of BBers that fucked up while prepping for a show and you can see their nipples are massive but they're lean as fuck.

This link has a pic at the top that is a great example: Gyno in Bodybuilding: The Ultimate Guide – Fitness Volt

Still, any surgeon thay does full gland removal will almost certainly also do lipo because they need to to prevent concave nipples.
If anyone is interested in gynecomastia removal surgery in Europe, I will have surgery in Poland within the next month.
the cost is about 5k pln (1k £ / 1.2k $) plus travel and hotel costs (although I am Polish, I live in England) so airbnb + ticket prices are around £ 100- £ 200
I will post the result after surgery
How did your surgery go?
I am also in the UK and looking for options do you mind sharing the name of the surgeon/clinic.
It’s weird but I’ve never gotten gyno. Ran multiple cycles ranging from almost all compounds and the most was a burning/sensitive sensation on/in the nipple but I immediately started taking nolvadex at that moment, lowered dose (at the time my test was 700 so I brought it back down to 500 and npp was at 600 a week and brought that back down to 400) I always have AI’s and I Keep nolvadex on the side. What I DO GET BAD is stomach issues. I have to be very careful with orals. Any oral maybe other than proviron. But Animal Pak and Glutathione Spray have helped tremendously with liver enzymes. Got pancreatitis 3x from orals , horrible shit.
It’s weird but I’ve never gotten gyno. Ran multiple cycles ranging from almost all compounds and the most was a burning/sensitive sensation on/in the nipple but I immediately started taking nolvadex at that moment, lowered dose (at the time my test was 700 so I brought it back down to 500 and npp was at 600 a week and brought that back down to 400) I always have AI’s and I Keep nolvadex on the side. What I DO GET BAD is stomach issues. I have to be very careful with orals. Any oral maybe other than proviron. But Animal Pak and Glutathione Spray have helped tremendously with liver enzymes. Got pancreatitis 3x from orals , horrible shit.

So after you got pancreatitis for the first time, you still said fuck it, and ran orals a second time getting pancreatitis once again? But then you said fuck it the second time and ran orals again, aaand, got pancreatitis for the third time?

That's quite the story.

How did pancreatitis look like? Meaning, how where the symptoms? Orals fucked my gut up too. I have ibs now which has been going on for a couple of years and it doesn't look like it's going anywhere soon.
So after you got pancreatitis for the first time, you still said fuck it, and ran orals a second time getting pancreatitis once again? But then you said fuck it the second time and ran orals again, aaand, got pancreatitis for the third time?

That's quite the story.

How did pancreatitis look like? Meaning, how where the symptoms? Orals fucked my gut up too. I have ibs now which has been going on for a couple of years and it doesn't look like it's going anywhere soon.
Haha yes. I still took it. I made myself believe I was using the wrong organ support and kept telling myself I didn’t have the right supplements for organ support:liver. When I finally realized that it doesn’t matter what organ support I use and that I have to accept I can’t take orals that are methylated, then I put ‘em down. Pancreatitis feels like your stomach inflates on the inside and you have to throw up every 5 minutes, can’t move. It’s horrible