Steroids, Gynecomastia and Gyno Surgery

Haha yes. I still took it. I made myself believe I was using the wrong organ support and kept telling myself I didn’t have the right supplements for organ support:liver. When I finally realized that it doesn’t matter what organ support I use and that I have to accept I can’t take orals that are methylated, then I put ‘em down. Pancreatitis feels like your stomach inflates on the inside and you have to throw up every 5 minutes, can’t move. It’s horrible

With stomach you mean your whole abdomen or literally stomach?

How were you diagnosed?
With stomach you mean your whole abdomen or literally stomach?

How were you diagnosed?
I went to the hospital and they told me, theres 2 types of pancreatitis acute and chronic. Mine was acute. Your pancreas swells up and pushes up against your literal stomach
I paid like 450p with him as I had a 1p% off coupon and it was $5k at the time. It has probably gone up.

However I cannot possibly say enough good things about Dr Adajar. He is an artist and a doctor. He is into bodybuilding himself and somewhere around 80% of all his procedures are naked gyno surgeries so which is critical because it means he fucling KNOWS WHATS HE IS DOING. He isn't some clown that does gyno once every couple months.

He is the best of the best and does full gland removal and lipo to sculpt the pec to highlight the insertions AND most importantly ensure there won't be concave nipples. He does virtual consulatuons so for travel all you'd have to do is pay for the flight to and from CHI for the actual procedure.

If you have gyno then this is worth every penny. I can't even describe how much better I felt mentally since then. I used to look down and see my fucking gyno every day. Every single day it would bother me. The money spent and 4 weeks recovering were absolutely worth it to me. I honestly can't imagine NOT having done it.

I first saw some local guy who barely did gyno and his before after pics looked like shit, he didn't do full gland removal and obviously almost entirely just breast implants for women. That's fine but you should NEVER trust the future of your chest to someone who isn't specifically a gyno expert.

Anyways, I highly recommend Xsculpr/Dr Adajar. I had my procedure I think 3 year as ago now? Even blasting 40mg MENT per week at one point and many other compounds over the years and I have had a few times where I had sensitive nipples but a .25 mg adex pill always fixes it right uo. Never had any growth since then (I started measuring the nipple with a caliper to emsure).
I have a (dumb) question.

Did he say anything like: "Don't ever use testosterone or (Fill in the blank compound here), AGAIN!"
I have a (dumb) question.

Did he say anything like: "Don't ever use testosterone or (Fill in the blank compound here), AGAIN!"
No I told him I was on TRT he said he could treat me if I wanted but I didn't want to switch as I was happy with my treatment already. He knows what's up, very smart guy. I liked dr Adajar a lot I highly recommend him to anyone who wants gyno surgery
What is the best approach to take in regards to AAS use and how much to information disclose to the surgeon? I’m sure most would want to treat it non surgically first.
What is the best approach to take in regards to AAS use and how much to information disclose to the surgeon? I’m sure most would want to treat it non surgically first.
A real surgeon will use tests to determine if it's indeed tissue and require surgery. Once I got a referral, he only did breast ultrasound and mammogram and submitted it to insurance for pre-approval. Don't mention AAS use if asked, many get gyno as a teen.
A real surgeon will use tests to determine if it's indeed tissue and require surgery. Once I got a referral, he only did breast ultrasound and mammogram and submitted it to insurance for pre-approval. Don't mention AAS use if asked, many get gyno as a teen.
Somewhere around 40% of guys get gyno as a teen. That's when I got it, but TRT and AAS made it get worse. I also had tried SARMs at one point but quickly quit because it was crap and stupid.

What is the best approach to take in regards to AAS use and how much to information disclose to the surgeon? I’m sure most would want to treat it non surgically first.
Dont mention AAS use IMO. If you're using a cash pay clinic then it doesn't really matter it's up to you and how comfortable you are with the doctor. When I went the doctor asked (he lifts and is a big guy and prescribes TRT as well). I told him I was on TRT but hadn't done any cycles, but that the TRT had made it worse.

But yes if you're going through insurance then definitely don't mention AAS. They'll deny you. Either way it is already really difficult to get insurance to cover gyno surgery. Some want proof that it "significantly impacts your life". Also going through insurance it's extremely unlikely that they'll do full gland removal (they usually remove like 70% of the tissue). So you if you mess up a cycle in the future and have high e2 it could start to grow back. At that point you'd probably have to do cash pay.
I’m going to the doctor next week so hopefully someone can see my question before then.

Is there anything I should tell me doctor when going in for a consultation? Anything I should be prepared for?
I’m going to the doctor next week so hopefully someone can see my question before then.

Is there anything I should tell me doctor when going in for a consultation? Anything I should be prepared for?
I went to a plastic surgeon who specializes in gyno and I just asked to confirm he was going to take the whole gland out bc sometimes they will just try to use the lipo and grind it and suck it out but that's not as good. So he cut the gland out and did a little lipo around the area so it would look right when it healed.
I was able to just have general anesthesia where they just numbed me and I was awake the whole time since my gyno wasn't a whole lot. Which I preferred bc it saved alot of money. And I asked if I'd have to have drain tube in and he said no I'd heal fine, and I never had any issues.
What is the best approach to take in regards to AAS use and how much to information disclose to the surgeon? I’m sure most would want to treat it non surgically first.

My surgery is booked 3 weeks away.

The plastic surgeon didn’t ask any leading questions regarding AAS use or why I developed gyno. He said “wow, you’re fit”-pinched the nipple and said “clearly it’s just a glandular issue, we’ll get that removed”. It was all straight to the point without an uneasy feeling of judgment. $7500 in Southwest FL under general anesthesia. No primary care visit was required.

Those who have had the surgery, is there any advice or tips you could give regarding pre/ post procedure?

I’m currently on test/primo @200/150mg/wk, 3iu GH which I will stay on throughout. No orals so my coagulation will be normal.
5’8” 188lbs 29yo.
I took a full week off of work for the recovery period which should be more than enough.
My surgery is booked 3 weeks away.

The plastic surgeon didn’t ask any leading questions regarding AAS use or why I developed gyno. He said “wow, you’re fit”-pinched the nipple and said “clearly it’s just a glandular issue, we’ll get that removed”. It was all straight to the point without an uneasy feeling of judgment. $7500 in Southwest FL under general anesthesia. No primary care visit was required.

Those who have had the surgery, is there any advice or tips you could give regarding pre/ post procedure?

I’m currently on test/primo @200/150mg/wk, 3iu GH which I will stay on throughout. No orals so my coagulation will be normal.
5’8” 188lbs 29yo.
I took a full week off of work for the recovery period which should be more than enough.
Biggest recommendation, buy a good compression vest and be diligent to wear it all the time. I dealt with seromas badly because my surgeon said I didn't need one. I think Marena is a recommended company to buy one from.

The pain after was minimal, almost none for me. You should be good with a week.
Biggest recommendation, buy a good compression vest and be diligent to wear it all the time. I dealt with seromas badly because my surgeon said I didn't need one. I think Marena is a recommended company to buy one from.

The pain after was minimal, almost none for me. You should be good with a week.
I asked about a vest too and my surgeon said I'd be fine and I had no issues at all but yea I saw ur seromas and that looked rough. It's probably better safe than sorry
I’m going to the doctor next week so hopefully someone can see my question before then.

Is there anything I should tell me doctor when going in for a consultation? Anything I should be prepared for?
Ask the following:

* What percentage of your procedures are gyno?

* Do you work with body builders often?

* What percentage/how much of the gland do you remove?

* Will I need drain tube?

* How would you plan on dealing with any complications such as seroma/hematoma?

* Do they do lipo with the gland removal to shape the pec and if so do they do lipo on the pec insertions or any other spots?

Obviously also they should have an easily accessible gallery of pre/post op pics for you to see. If you don't like what you see then this doc isn't the one for you.

Then also:

* What recommendations do you have for aftercare?

* Do you provide a compression vest?

* Do you have specific recommendations for supplements or anything to aid in recovery?

* How would you recommend I return to training?

And also do they provide documents for you to take home that detail aftercare protocols regarding supps/training/etc. Ideally they'd have print outs or PDFs they could email you that would detail this out. When I got mine they gave me 3 pages of aftercare info.

I know its late reply but hopefully that helps people at some point! I'm sure there's others but that's what comes to mind offhand.
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Ask the following:

* What percentage of your procedures are gyno?

* Do you work with body builders often?

* What percentage/how much of the gland do you remove?

* Will I need drain tube?

* How would you plan on dealing with any complications such as seroma/hematoma?

* Do they do lipo with the gland removal to shape the pec and if so do they do lipo on the pec insertions or any other spots?

Obviously also they should have an easily accessible gallery of pre/post op pics for you to see. If you don't like what you see then this doc isn't the one for you.

Then also:

* What recommendations do you have for aftercare?

* Do you provide a compression vest?

* Do you have specific recommendations for supplements or anything to aid in recovery?

* How would you recommend I return to training?

And also do they provide documents for you to take home that detail aftercare protocols regarding supps/training/etc. Ideally they'd have print outs or PDFs they could email you that would detail this out. When I got mine they gave me 3 pages of aftercare info.

I know its late reply but hopefully that helps people at some point! I'm sure there's others but that's what comes to mind offhand.
For the record my gyno surgeon answered the following

* percentage procedures? 80% gyno

* yes they work with BBers often, he was a lifter himself and was a big guy

* he did full gland removal. Basically said 99% gets removed, there's a tiny bit that just can't be removed at the very tip of the nip.

* they provided a compression vest with foam padding

* he did do lipo although he said there wasn't much to remove. It just allowed him to be able to do a full "chest sculpt" to ensure uniformity and proper shape to the pec. It also reduces the chance of getting concave nipples afterwards (crater nips) which look horrible and most would say require a remedeation surgery unless maybe your pecs are gonna double in size lol then perhaps theyd fill out idk.

Anyway, the results are still beautiful what is this...3 years later. Pretty sure it was 2020? After multiple cycles of test with NPP and mast P, a tren cycle, anavar.

Already covered his aftercare recommendations which they sent well in advance so I could buy the supplements, etc. I also told him I was going to use peptides and he said if I need he can prescribe them for this purpose, but I already had a script so I passed on that occasion.

Shoutout to Dr Adajar at XSculpt in CHI town!
One week post- op. Very pleased with the results. Definitely glad I went through with it. Here are some photos. Also, a big thank you to the person who recommended getting a compression vest beforehand. It was much better than what they provide for you.


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I have gynecomastia from puberty that I am getting removed in late June. Would it make any sense to start a trt dose before than to help me keep muscle during the month I won’t be able to do upper body?