Steroids, Gynecomastia and Gyno Surgery

I was suffering from gyno from my early age like 16. Some people told me that it will go away on its own but it never went away nd i never took any steroid in my life but still got it
nd i got my surgery done like 3 months ago
If I take performance enhancing drugs will i get gyno again some people say that if the tissue is removed it wont come back nd some say it can come back
So anybody had this kind of experience
It depends on whether he removed the gland or not, as that will determine if the gyno will come back. Moving forward, it’s essential to be mindful of this. After my surgery, I reduced my gear usage, and when I did use it, I didn’t experience tenderness luckily even though I didn’t use an AI. To avoid gyno in the future, I’ll pay closer attention and take necessary precautions.
I was suffering from gyno from my early age like 16. Some people told me that it will go away on its own but it never went away nd i never took any steroid in my life but still got it
nd i got my surgery done like 3 months ago
If I take performance enhancing drugs will i get gyno again some people say that if the tissue is removed it wont come back nd some say it can come back
So anybody had this kind of experience
If the entire gland was removed, it can’t come back. If any part was left in, it could proliferate and grow still
has anyone ever looked at injecting DHT or mast INTO gyno??
That sounds like a terribly painful idea to inject into breast gland/tissue. I’ve read of people hypothesizing that DHT cream could be rubbed on to prevent/reduce gyno but have never actually seen someone report it working or even trying it
I got gyno from being stupid and using irresponsibly aas. Had high estrogen, didn't test for it, and got a surprise in about nine weeks of doing high doses of test e. It was two years ago.

I tried tamox, ralox, anti estrogen, etc. Nothing worked. I have a bigger lump under my left nipple, and a very small one under the right one. Some days my nipples are dilated, other days it's as if I don't have gyno. I got used to it, but I'm planning on doing surgery when I can.

I would suggest to always be aware and do blood tests. If you already have it, surgery is the only real solution.
That sounds like a terribly painful idea to inject into breast gland/tissue. I’ve read of people hypothesizing that DHT cream could be rubbed on to prevent/reduce gyno but have never actually seen someone report it working or even trying it
There is a fair amount of published research on the topic. Topical DHT works for mild gyno. here's an example:

There is a lack of consensus regarding systemic vs local effects of the topical form. It may be working simply through androgen replacement; reducing testosterone secretion and thus estrogen synthesis, due to exogenous non-aromatizable androgen. If that were the case, however, oral DHT derivatives ought to work just as well. DHT is non-toxic at least.

I am currently using QSC DHT mixed with Iron Legion Salvo (4g / 30 mL) on a small lump I have. I apply maybe 1/3 mL three times a day, just enough to thoroughly cover the area. I am about 10 days in and noticing significantly less puffiness in general, reduced pain and senstitivity (my main complaints really), and shrinking of the mass. I plan to give it 2 months to truly evaluate the results but am feeling encouraged.
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I was suffering from gyno from my early age like 16. Some people told me that it will go away on its own but it never went away nd i never took any steroid in my life but still got it
nd i got my surgery done like 3 months ago
If I take performance enhancing drugs will i get gyno again some people say that if the tissue is removed it wont come back nd some say it can come back
So anybody had this kind of experience
usually not all tissue is removed, a small part is left behind the nipple otherwise the nipple would look “sunken“.
I also have a puberty gyno. In my first cycle I took a blood test 4 weeks after the start to see how high my estrogen was, since it was slightly above the reference I took a small dose of aromatase inhibitor every 2 days, my gyno did not increase. However, for fear of my gyno growing, I took a small amount of tamoxifen daily for the weeks before my blood draw to be on the safe side until the aromatase inhibitor was in.
usually not all tissue is removed, a small part is left behind the nipple otherwise the nipple would look “sunken“.
I also have a puberty gyno. In my first cycle I took a blood test 4 weeks after the start to see how high my estrogen was, since it was slightly above the reference I took a small dose of aromatase inhibitor every 2 days, my gyno did not increase. However, for fear of my gyno growing, I took a small amount of tamoxifen daily for the weeks before my blood draw to be on the safe side until the aromatase inhibitor was in.
yea i m scared of gyno too
cause i m already prone to it
so hoping on peds seems bringing it back but i m reading here for a while people say AI stops that .
Some say dont use ai until u see any side effects nd some say start on ur first day of cycle . The more u read the more u get confused lol.
i guess u can’t say anything until u experience that then only u will know nd get tested while on cycle
but it sucks here in canada to get tested on cycle
Everytime i go to clinic stupid doctors ask only one thing
why why why
yea i m scared of gyno too
cause i m already prone to it
so hoping on peds seems bringing it back but i m reading here for a while people say AI stops that .
Some say dont use ai until u see any side effects nd some say start on ur first day of cycle . The more u read the more u get confused lol.
i guess u can’t say anything until u experience that then only u will know nd get tested while on cycle
but it sucks here in canada to get tested on cycle
Everytime i go to clinic stupid doctors ask only one thing
why why why
have you tried to look for a lab nearby? Usually the doctors take your blood and send it to a laboratory for analysis, but many laboratories also offer to give your blood directly to them, usually you get a paper wehere all the stuff they can test is written on and you mark with a cross what you want to test.
have you tried to look for a lab nearby? Usually the doctors take your blood and send it to a laboratory for analysis, but many laboratories also offer to give your blood directly to them, usually you get a paper wehere all the stuff they can test is written on and you mark with a cross what you want to test.
ohh i didn’t think they do that here
but i will try to find
so they are mostly private?
Tiles Gynecomastia Journey.
Surprisingly enough my Gyno History extends much past my AAS History. I was always a wiery boy. Id have to say that in my opionion as a child, and a teen i was more ectomorph than anything, but my genetic is more of Mesomorph, and it shown as I hit adolescence. I started to fill in , my pecs gained definition and size, but as always my nipples were very small. I always had a V waist line, low BF%, and visable abs.
Somewhere around the age of 12 -13 I was put into residential treatment facilities for troubled teens. Around this time or shortly in the years to come, the facilities such as Califronia Youth Authority, and others, issued me alot of different medications, for depression, rage, violence, etc. Medications that i can recant, are : rispidal, depokote, buspar, wellbutrin, zoloft, zyprexa, seroquil, and ridilin/adarol . This is in the mid to late 1990s, and i have no clue on dosages, or combinations of medications being prescribed to me at that time. Lets say the switch happened at 15 years old. I was approximately 140 pounds, and within 3Months of a certain medication combo, i was lethargic, slower than normal, mentally, and physically, as if there was no more fight in me. I gained 120 pounds of pure fat. 260 Pounds . I remember vividly pounding the shit out of a few people while I had that weight behind my blows. Not to say I didn't wield a punch before , lol. All I can remember is when we discontinued the medications, the weight fell off as fast as it came . I was left with stretch marks on my inner biceps, and on my butt, and hip areas. No loose skin was to be found miraculously, But glandular tissue had developed under my aerolas. My nipples remained forever ''puffy'' .
It Mentally deflating. It could be seen through looser garmets like a cotton shirt . It ruins ones want to go to the local swimming pool, let alone date to some extent. It would be one thing to be born with something, you grow up accepting, but seeing a change in what you admired, to what becomes a mental tumor is a difficult thing. I felt alone, dont think I ever spoke with anyone regarding the matter. At this time the internet wasn't what it is now, you couldn't just Google an answer up or compare cliff notes. One thing I remember doing, this entire last 17 years of living with Gynecomastia, was pinching my nipples before posing, or taking my shirt off, or swimming, as it will give the immediate effect of a smaller original sized nipple for all of 5 minutes. For what ever reason the skin retracts or contracts irrgardless of whether there is glandular tissue behind it or not. I remember in 2012 reading for the first time a realself experience, or maybe it was idk, but someone else had done the turn your back, and pinch your nipples thing for years too!!!! I remember breathing a sigh of relief, it wasnt just me .
Im not here to quote the occurance of Gyno in males , puberty induced, or other. Im here to share my experience with mine. There is alot of mystery surrounding causes and whether a case of puffy nipples is indeed gynocomastia, or is it fat? Is it pseudo gynecomastia or real gynecomastia? All these things should be questioned. Is there glandular tissue, and extra fat beyond the perimeter of the areola that needs to be addressed as well? But from what Ive gathered , when there is a puffy nipple that was once not that way, it seemingly is the cause of a hard tissue gland behind it. It made my nipples look more dome shaped. I could squeeze behind them and feel hard material , the size of almonds. There seemed to be more than just one lump under each, it spread to the outside perimeter around the nipple.
In 2014 I was on AAS 8 months of the year. The difference was pretty non existent. Then I pushed up to 1g of Test Eth per week, and added DBOL into the equation for a short stint. Arimidex had worked for me previously, but I was making a switch to using Xstane, and at the time wasnt taking it frequently enough, or enough of a dosage to combat the estrogen that was being created . At that time I remember waking up heavier and heavier every day, and my nipples itched, and were as puffy as Ive ever witnessed. The nipple appeared swollen to the max, and at that point , I had my blood checked, and then re checked again to dial my AI dose in. Once that was figured out they returned to orginal puffy state . Did the lumps grow anymore? Im still not sure, and I dont really care. I had already decided at this point that I had spent 17 years thinking about this. If there was a small chance I could metally forget about this whole ordeal, than I would try. At this time I followed JBs thread on his Gyno tale. It made it real for me, hey a guy I know has this same shit, and he is doing something about it. Oh wow I thought, the thought of them cutting open my shit, and that nasty ass gland, i YouTube'd it, and lipo, and could barely watch. But JB is doing it, I haven't heard him mutter one word of fear or discontent . Fuck that I can do this i thought.
And that was that. I started calling around , researching , doing my OCD thing. I use the power of Google to search out just about anything. I read tons of articles on it, doctor testominials , different forum etc. They all indicated mostly the same thing. If your very low bf% , and its just puffy nipples, than its mostly just gland probably. Now let me state , If i were loaded, i would seek out the best names in the buisness. Would you have brain surgery in Bismark North Dakota, or At a Major hopspital in Seattle? I know which I would prefer. The rule stands here, that a major metropolitan are , is most likely going to have more specialized fields of interest, and therefore a superior plastic surgeon. However I didnt have the means. I found a board certified plastic surgeon 3 hours one way from me, that had a decent portfolio of boob jobs, and seemed to say he was well versed in gyno. He was also the county's on call OR surgeon for immediate emergency traumas at the Hospital relating to plastic surgery, so that made me feel slightly better. Either way finding info on health grades, and or independently researching him was a pain in the ass, and I got nowhere. I sent pictures of my condition in, and they quoted me @ 2,000.00 US for glandular excision under local anesthesia , with oral sedation, ie hydrocodone, and Valium.
We booked a date, and things were set. I prepared. Bought a few things id need like 20 Gatorades, and some easy meals around the house. Cleared my schedule. Got my friend to drive me to and from . For about 2 weeks prior I was very very nervous. Am I making the right decision? Hell most people cant even see it, so why should I care anymore. .. all these things. Then id catch myself looking in the mirror at these damn puffy fucking things!! fuck it whats the worst that could happen?? I was nervous about the local more than anything.
Day of surgery. Doc comes in , I'm sleep deprived ,nervous and could barely sleep the night before. He calms me down , draws some marks around my nipples takes pics, and gives me some pills. 30 minutes latter they bring me into another room. I'm walking and talking but def more tired than usual and slurred. I lay back they drape me up, so my face is looking right at a curtain. Its bright but i don't seem to care. The doctor gives me local through a serious of shots with a 30g syringe into my pecs , and to my relief I don't feel a thing. Hardly a sting of the needle. In fact I feel great. What a relief i think to myself, and I carry on slight conversation with the doc, and nurse as it proceeds. Its over as fast as it started, and my friend helps me into my truck . They wrapped each nip in gauze taped it up, and then ace bandage compressed it over me. The stitches were steri strips. I was to leave it alone for 48hrs, then remove and shower, and re gauze and compress. by 36 hrs i didn't need the gauze,and dropped to the compress. The process was virtually pain free. Id get a twinge here and there, and still 5 days post as I write this I'm not pushing it, but not in pain. I want to flex my chest but I refuse too lol .
The ace bandage compress is no good, its constantly slips down the nipples and actually does the opposite of its intension. I found it better to wear a compress UA shirt , then wrap over that if additional compress is needed. I found the best was actually a UA shirt ''compress ''cut , and one size to small to be the best. Right now Im still healing, and my biggest concern is the nipple returning to its original size. They are still bigger than they should be , i cant tell if its shrunk at all yet. There are two of those steri strip stitches on each nipple basically criss cross at a 45 degree angle, so I'm not sure if there making the top of my nipple kind of jut out, or if swelling just needs to go down, and for the nipple to get used to all the room it has now. Anyways I'm nervous and hopeful.
I hope this experience may help someone make an rational decision in dealing with their individual case. I will report back as I heal and supply pictures along the way. The first two pictures are the glands excised. The next is a natural pre op side shot, of the puffiness of the right nipple. The following is pre op when the nipple is pinched and contracts to smaller more normal size, more concurrent with what it used to be . The last pic is 48 hrs post op . Next pics will be at 2 weeks and 4 post . View attachment 21087View attachment 21088 View attachment 21089View attachment 21090View attachment 21091
Thank you for sharing this experience with attached visuals, for the folks like me it is very helpful, to weight up on things right at the beginning
Here’s what was removed from me on Monday, 09/18! Full gland removal. Still fairly sore had drains put in for bleeding and the doctor removed the right drain on Wednesday. The left drain had to stay in longer and just came out yesterdayIMG_1897.jpegIMG_1896.jpeg