Steroids, Gynecomastia and Gyno Surgery

Best lifehack on little gyno is be a fucking low body fat. I have gyno but it doesnt looks like cuz i am 24/7/365 shredded
I have clearly visible abs while relaxed and my gyno was still apparent to me. It wasn’t even a lot as you can see from the size of the glands removed in the photos. Having lower body fat DID seem to mildly shrink the appearance of it but at the same time, made the tissue more apparent if that makes any sense
I have clearly visible abs while relaxed and my gyno was still apparent to me. It wasn’t even a lot as you can see from the size of the glands removed in the photos. Having lower body fat DID seem to mildly shrink the appearance of it but at the same time, made the tissue more apparent if that makes any sense
Thats true somebody like you can have that gyno in advanced form and only way to fix it is cut it off..
Thats true somebody like you can have that gyno in advanced form and only way to fix it is cut it off..
Yup. Had that shit with me for a full two decades. Can’t wait to get out of all these wraps and get back in the gym in a couple more weeks. Idk what to do with myself not being able to workout. Working out is as much a part of my day as waking up or going to sleep is lol
Recovery update- 9 days post-op. Chest looks amazing from the little time I’ve seen it in the mirror before and after showering. Contour looks dramatically improved and I couldn’t be happier with that. Right side is a little swollen around the nipple where the smaller lump was removed. But right side I have more mobility with my arm. Haven’t tried reaching over with either arm yet and prob won’t try until next week just as a precaution. Left side is still moderately bruised and fairly swollen from the nipple to my armpit as that lump was significantly larger and extended toward my armpit. The drain is out at least and the incision wound on that side is almost 100% closed from what I saw last night at shower time. There seems to be a small collection of blood near the nipple but nothing close to the hematoma I had in the first few days post-op.
Gyno can be a real pain in the *ss, I remember when I had it last year it hurt like hell and it was a little bit appearant even thought I was on 8% BF. What solved the problem for me was a little cure Femara (or exemstane) and nolvadex.
I basically took 1 pill of Femara every 2 days and 1 pill of nolvadex every day for 3 weeks. And after that I continued my whole cycle with 1 pill of arimidex every day.
On my current prep, I'm still going with 1 pill of Arimidex and 1 pill of Femara every day, no gyno in sight (thank god).
Gyno can be a real pain in the *ss, I remember when I had it last year it hurt like hell and it was a little bit appearant even thought I was on 8% BF. What solved the problem for me was a little cure Femara (or exemstane) and nolvadex.
I basically took 1 pill of Femara every 2 days and 1 pill of nolvadex every day for 3 weeks. And after that I continued my whole cycle with 1 pill of arimidex every day.
On my current prep, I'm still going with 1 pill of Arimidex and 1 pill of Femara every day, no gyno in sight (thank god).
Wait, was it actually femara or exemestane you took? Femara is letrozole and exemestane is aromasin. Glad you got rid of it tho! You’re a lucky dude and saved about $10k that I didn’t get to hold on to lol
Thanks bro, yeah it really did the work though.
And in my case I actually took Femara (letrozole) and nolvadex when I've noticed the gyno. However Femara could be replaced by Exemestane but it's a bit stronger component.
And when I've finished that cycle, I've found that my prolactine was a bit higher than usual, it was about 25 ng/ml, so I've added Dostinex into my PCT ( 1/2 pill/week for 2 weeks then 1 pill/week for 2 weeks). My prolactine had fallen to 5 ng/ml after the PCT.
Anyway, have a speedy recovery!!
I bought a vial of Aqualyx online(deoxycholic acid) and injected .2ml at 4 locations around each nipple after seeing the same procotol from a friend (who posted his success in another community). Nipples look amazing, removed all the fat in the area, and you can't even notice the tiny bit of glandular tissue left over.
Surgery is the only thing that will really work unless your gyno is very recent, then it MIGHT be able to be reversed. Even if you can "reverse" it, it usually just flares right back up very easily. Just get the surgery.
I bought a vial of Aqualyx online(deoxycholic acid) and injected .2ml at 4 locations around each nipple after seeing the same procotol from a friend (who posted his success in another community). Nipples look amazing, removed all the fat in the area, and you can't even notice the tiny bit of glandular tissue left over.
Did you have glandular tissue behind the nipples, confirmed by ultrasound? I'm going to have a hard time believing this took care of true glandular gynecomastia in which surgery is required for most cases after its set in.
Thinking of trying some nolva to reduce my puffy nipples. Something like 10mg a day for a couple weeks? I'm currently on a TRT dose of 150mg/week.
Hey my name is Archie and I had gyno growing up, and luckily managed to get a double mastectomy at 17. As I’ve read from the experiences and replies below should mean I’m exempt from gyno forever now, but if anyone else could back this up it would be great!

The issue is now I have noticed I have pectus carinatum and I’m struggling to build my chest enough to cover it up. I really want to be able to take my shirt off this summer as I have struggled with insecurities for so many years of my life now.

Anyone else had pectus? It’s so draining to feel like you’re shaped wrong!
Ive been to like 3 consultations around my area (central Virginia) and they all "claim" it can only be done with general anesthesia and that makes it nearly double the price....

Why are they such snakes? Does anyone have recommendations hopefully close to my location who will do it local anesthesia?

This is becoming a pain in my ass (tits)
Ive been to like 3 consultations around my area (central Virginia) and they all "claim" it can only be done with general anesthesia and that makes it nearly double the price....

Why are they such snakes? Does anyone have recommendations hopefully close to my location who will do it local anesthesia?

This is becoming a pain in my ass (tits)
I went to Dr law in Raleigh NC he did local anesthesia on me. He is one of the top gyno surgeons in the US from my research and he did great on me. I think it was right at 6k
I went to Dr law in Raleigh NC he did local anesthesia on me. He is one of the top gyno surgeons in the US from my research and he did great on me. I think it was right at 6k
Ill look him up, not too far and seems fair price - I was quoted 10 grand from basically everyone else
Ill look him up, not too far and seems fair price - I was quoted 10 grand from basically everyone else
Yea everywhere else I went the cheapest was 10k another was 13k and I was like u I asked for local and they didn't want to do it but dr law said no problem and it didn't hurt at all I recovered super quick and didn't have to get drains put in or anything.
Yea everywhere else I went the cheapest was 10k another was 13k and I was like u I asked for local and they didn't want to do it but dr law said no problem and it didn't hurt at all I recovered super quick and didn't have to get drains put in or anything.
I got a quote from another surgeon for like 7k which is obviously way better than the 10k(s) I was quoted and these two guys seem more concentrated on gyno- did your guy take it all out or leave a little so didnt concave