Steroids, Gynecomastia and Gyno Surgery

As for the pecs ... I don't compete or anything like that, so I am fine with them being normal looking and not supper cut like you're describing. Although it does sound real nice what you're saying and I do envy you : D
Hmmm ... ok, now you got me a bit scared with the concaving of the nipples. I talked to him about this and he said it wont be a problem.

Interesting about the removing of the adipocytes. I mean, I know about all of this, just wasn't aware that it's so hard for the body to create new fat cells. I though about doing lipo around my lower side abs, as it's freaking impossible for me to get rid of them, I have to get down real low on bf%, like 8% app. for them to disappear. And then I thought, that if I did lipo, that they would just come back once I would bulk back up to 12% again ... You saying that if I remove this, it wont come back when I bulk? I never loose my abs when I bulk fyi.
It's not that hard for the body to create new fat cells, but it will preferentially store in existing fat cells first. So like I said, unless I got super fat, I won't gain fat in that area any longer. Concave nipples aren't usually a problem for docs that know what they're doing. Because I had full gland removal done, the chance of concave nipples is higher, but the lipo basically allows the doc to fully shape the entire pec so that doesn't happen.

What does happen often times is that when you get lipo in one area, the body will store that fat in a different area instead. So if you get lipo around your pecs and love handles, then perhaps your body now chooses to store that fat in your thighs and abs instead--that is, unless you permanently lower your weight/body fat percentage. The body will do whatever possible to maintain homeostasis and get back to its desired weight/fat level. We can fight it all we want, and I believe there's some evidence that over time we can change that so you can "re-program" your body to live at a lower fat level, for example. For me, I am not concerned about it since the amount of fat around my pecs was so miniscule, but it made a big difference due to it being in just the wrong spot.

If you got your love handles lipo-ed, then yes, your body would not store fat there during bulks anymore, but would instead store it in other locations (it's impossible to say exactly where as it depends on he person). For me, if I got my love handles lipo-ed and then that fat came back around my abs, I would not be happy about it. I would rather have it on my love handles than my abs.. and personally I'd rather just cut down to ~10% to lose them and just stay there most of the year except when bulking. Having a little bit on your love handles during a bulk is totally fine and expected!

In short, there is no way to lose all your fat cells, the body will make more or it will store more fat in existing adipocytes in other locations around the body. That's just the name of the game.
It's not that hard for the body to create new fat cells, but it will preferentially store in existing fat cells first. So like I said, unless I got super fat, I won't gain fat in that area any longer. Concave nipples aren't usually a problem for docs that know what they're doing. Because I had full gland removal done, the chance of concave nipples is higher, but the lipo basically allows the doc to fully shape the entire pec so that doesn't happen.

What does happen often times is that when you get lipo in one area, the body will store that fat in a different area instead. So if you get lipo around your pecs and love handles, then perhaps your body now chooses to store that fat in your thighs and abs instead--that is, unless you permanently lower your weight/body fat percentage. The body will do whatever possible to maintain homeostasis and get back to its desired weight/fat level. We can fight it all we want, and I believe there's some evidence that over time we can change that so you can "re-program" your body to live at a lower fat level, for example. For me, I am not concerned about it since the amount of fat around my pecs was so miniscule, but it made a big difference due to it being in just the wrong spot.

If you got your love handles lipo-ed, then yes, your body would not store fat there during bulks anymore, but would instead store it in other locations (it's impossible to say exactly where as it depends on he person). For me, if I got my love handles lipo-ed and then that fat came back around my abs, I would not be happy about it. I would rather have it on my love handles than my abs.. and personally I'd rather just cut down to ~10% to lose them and just stay there most of the year except when bulking. Having a little bit on your love handles during a bulk is totally fine and expected!

In short, there is no way to lose all your fat cells, the body will make more or it will store more fat in existing adipocytes in other locations around the body. That's just the name of the game.

This is all really great information over the last few pages brother
Appreciate the fuck tonne of time to write it all.

I've been thinking of Gyno surgery ... it's not noticable AT ALL.
But I get a flare up ... every ....fucking...cycle.
BP is always great, acne is fine.. just fucking gyno flare up.
I wouldnt mind being able to run higher estrogen for those fucking gains.

Genetically as well, I store a a good bit of fat around my chest in comparison to my stomach/sides.

Might look into full removal and suctioning, especially if it helps the surgeon properly shape the chest so that the final product is less noticeable.
It's not that hard for the body to create new fat cells, but it will preferentially store in existing fat cells first. So like I said, unless I got super fat, I won't gain fat in that area any longer. Concave nipples aren't usually a problem for docs that know what they're doing. Because I had full gland removal done, the chance of concave nipples is higher, but the lipo basically allows the doc to fully shape the entire pec so that doesn't happen.

What does happen often times is that when you get lipo in one area, the body will store that fat in a different area instead. So if you get lipo around your pecs and love handles, then perhaps your body now chooses to store that fat in your thighs and abs instead--that is, unless you permanently lower your weight/body fat percentage. The body will do whatever possible to maintain homeostasis and get back to its desired weight/fat level. We can fight it all we want, and I believe there's some evidence that over time we can change that so you can "re-program" your body to live at a lower fat level, for example. For me, I am not concerned about it since the amount of fat around my pecs was so miniscule, but it made a big difference due to it being in just the wrong spot.

If you got your love handles lipo-ed, then yes, your body would not store fat there during bulks anymore, but would instead store it in other locations (it's impossible to say exactly where as it depends on he person). For me, if I got my love handles lipo-ed and then that fat came back around my abs, I would not be happy about it. I would rather have it on my love handles than my abs.. and personally I'd rather just cut down to ~10% to lose them and just stay there most of the year except when bulking. Having a little bit on your love handles during a bulk is totally fine and expected!

In short, there is no way to lose all your fat cells, the body will make more or it will store more fat in existing adipocytes in other locations around the body. That's just the name of the game.

Yeah, for me, it's really low bf % before it goes away. 8% I'd say. It's really the last thing to go, and I look like Sceletor when I get there, if I'm not on cycle. I also think they're just getting bigger and bigger with time.

Anyway, this is not the point of this thread and I'll leave it at this.
So the soonest my local surgeon had was april 12th for an appointment. I was able to schedule one for beginning of next month with one an hour away. Both apparently do a lot of these surgeries and have pics to show.

If thing's go good with the doctor next month and I feel comfortable, idk if I should wait another month for a second opinion or just have the surgery done with the first. I'd like to get it done and over with but don't want to make the wrong decision.
So the soonest my local surgeon had was april 12th for an appointment. I was able to schedule one for beginning of next month with one an hour away. Both apparently do a lot of these surgeries and have pics to show.

If thing's go good with the doctor next month and I feel comfortable, idk if I should wait another month for a second opinion or just have the surgery done with the first. I'd like to get it done and over with but don't want to make the wrong decision.
Just be sure to ask them questions:
1. What percentage of the procedures they do are male gyno removal surgeries?
2. Do they do full or partial gland removal? I strongly recommend reading about both.
3. Do they do lipo with the surgery?
4. Look very carefully at their gallery. You are going under the knife with this person and they are literally shaping how your body will look for the rest of your life (barring being super unhappy with it and getting a second surgery...which does happen to people and sounds horrible). If you don't LOVE their gallery then DEFINITELY get a second opinion and consider a different doc.
5. How long have they been doing plastic surgery for?
6. What is their recommended recovery procedure?
7. Do they have any specific supplements or medications they recommend taking after?
8. Will they have you wear a post-surgery compression garment?

My first visit, I discovered that, yes the doctor was accredited with the Board of Plastic Surgeons, but only like 15-20% of the procedures he did were gyno procedures. On top of that, he only did partial gland removal (like 60-70%, which in my case being an AAS user means there is a decent likliehood it could come back). Then when I looked at his gallery I knew in the back of my head I would not be happy with my results. Honestly, part of me wanted to ignore that voice. I wanted the surgery so badly that a little part of me just wanted to do it. The clinic was 20 mins from my house and not badly priced (I think the quote was $4,300). As I was driving home the more I thought about it, the more I solidified as a hard "no fucking way will I let this guy shape my chest." If I had let that doc do my nips I probably would have concave nipples and be miserable about it, looking for another doc to fix the first docs fuck up.

So I did a bunch more research and wound up going to a doc that was about 5 hours away from me. The drive was rough, had to wake up early as hell, then get driven back half sedated. It was 100% worth it and I couldn't be happier I went to the doc I did. Personally, I think full gland removal is drastically superior to partial, but a minority of docs do the full gland removal. If you aren't an AAS user then partial is totally fine (unless you're obese or something), but with the substances I use I was not gonna risk it coming back.

The doc I went to gave me a list of like 10+ different supplements to take for a few months after the procedure on a detailed paper saying exactly what each one does and why to take it. I talked to him about using peptides after as well and he said go for it, he could even prescribe them if I needed (although I already had a peptide doc so didn't need this). Everything pointed to him being extremely knowledgeable and up-to-date on the latest medicine. He wasn't just coasting on his career, he actually was passionate about this stuff and really loved staying up on the most recent medicine research--which is honestly pretty rare in a lot of docs (which is just pathetic and SUPER unfortunate).

Like I said in my first post on this thread (it's only 1 page back if you want to read it), if you are going to spend several thousand dollars on a surgery, fucking get it done right. If that means you have to pay a little more, or pay for a plane ticket and a hotel room or drive several hours to get to the right doctor, then save up an extra few hundred bucks to cover that cost. A lot of guys literally fly across the country or overseas to get this shit done. Hell, you could even make a little vacation out of it and get the procedure done on the last day or something. In short, you do NOT want to be one of the people who has to get this procedure done twice.

Edited: added a few more questions and a little more detail :)
So, 7 days post-op and it's feeling great thus far. Sleeping on my stomach is O.K. and there is almost no pain, just a bit sore still. I'm a bit swollen, most notable on the sides, but no discoloring/bruising, etc. Looks like I've got a bit of a pump rly ...

With that said, here's a couple of questions : D

Did you put on water prof bandages over the incisions? And if so, did you put them on only for showering and then swapped them for normal ones? Thinking about the fact that the water proof ones don't really let the area of the incision "breathe".

How often did you replace the bandages?

I've also got little bandages over the incisions/stitches. Suppose to peel this ones off at 2 weeks after the surgery and cut the part of the stitch that's looking outside of the skin (the other part will supposedly dissolve in the skin). Did you take care of this little bandages (if you had them that is off course)? I'm thinking of just using alcohol wipes and "dabbing" them. Just to prevent any bacteria build up.

Did you remove your compression west's when training? I'm not at the gym yet (I'll do legs tomorrow), but I do skate ... I keep it on the low though, so I don't really build up a sweat and don't fall off course.
Just be sure to ask them questions:
1. What percentage of the procedures they do are male gyno removal surgeries?
2. Do they do full or partial gland removal? I strongly recommend reading about both.
3. Do they do lipo with the surgery?
4. Look very carefully at their gallery. You are going under the knife with this person and they are literally shaping how your body will look for the rest of your life (barring being super unhappy with it and getting a second surgery...which does happen to people and sounds horrible). If you don't LOVE their gallery then DEFINITELY get a second opinion and consider a different doc.
5. How long have they been doing plastic surgery for?
6. What is their recommended recovery procedure?
7. Do they have any specific supplements or medications they recommend taking after?
8. Will they have you wear a post-surgery compression garment?

My first visit, I discovered that, yes the doctor was accredited with the Board of Plastic Surgeons, but only like 15-20% of the procedures he did were gyno procedures. On top of that, he only did partial gland removal (like 60-70%, which in my case being an AAS user means there is a decent likliehood it could come back). Then when I looked at his gallery I knew in the back of my head I would not be happy with my results. Honestly, part of me wanted to ignore that voice. I wanted the surgery so badly that a little part of me just wanted to do it. The clinic was 20 mins from my house and not badly priced (I think the quote was $4,300). As I was driving home the more I thought about it, the more I solidified as a hard "no fucking way will I let this guy shape my chest." If I had let that doc do my nips I probably would have concave nipples and be miserable about it, looking for another doc to fix the first docs fuck up.

So I did a bunch more research and wound up going to a doc that was about 5 hours away from me. The drive was rough, had to wake up early as hell, then get driven back half sedated. It was 100% worth it and I couldn't be happier I went to the doc I did. Personally, I think full gland removal is drastically superior to partial, but a minority of docs do the full gland removal. If you aren't an AAS user then partial is totally fine (unless you're obese or something), but with the substances I use I was not gonna risk it coming back.

The doc I went to gave me a list of like 10+ different supplements to take for a few months after the procedure on a detailed paper saying exactly what each one does and why to take it. I talked to him about using peptides after as well and he said go for it, he could even prescribe them if I needed (although I already had a peptide doc so didn't need this). Everything pointed to him being extremely knowledgeable and up-to-date on the latest medicine. He wasn't just coasting on his career, he actually was passionate about this stuff and really loved staying up on the most recent medicine research--which is honestly pretty rare in a lot of docs (which is just pathetic and SUPER unfortunate).

Like I said in my first post on this thread (it's only 1 page back if you want to read it), if you are going to spend several thousand dollars on a surgery, fucking get it done right. If that means you have to pay a little more, or pay for a plane ticket and a hotel room or drive several hours to get to the right doctor, then save up an extra few hundred bucks to cover that cost. A lot of guys literally fly across the country or overseas to get this shit done. Hell, you could even make a little vacation out of it and get the procedure done on the last day or something. In short, you do NOT want to be one of the people who has to get this procedure done twice.

Edited: added a few more questions and a little more detail :)
Dang, you got me really thinking about looking around even more for other doctors. Much appreciate the detailed response, I'll go reread a page back.
I guess this thread is the best place to place my question:
I got this compounds: Raloxifene (China raw powder), Tamoxifen (Indian pharma), Aromasin (Indian pharma). What should i use to prevent gyno? or should i just wait to see if i get any gyno first? I guess ralox is the mildest and best option unless i had other problems with estrogen, it's a raw though.
Some background:
I got some puffy nipples i believe from puberty from more than a decade ago, if im cold or exercising they are fine, but if its hot and im relaxed they are puffy, a gf used to say i had "ugly nipples", she's in the dumpster now, but i don't want them getting any "uglier".

Anyways, i just started my first cycle of 300-350mg/week TestE, the 1st of april at 00 was my first pin. I am running 250IU HCG 3xWeek, im running fin too, so there should be some extra E and reduced DHT.

I "frontloaded" by doing 125TestE+50TestP first day, 125TestE+50TestP second day and 125TestE the third day, i will be doing 50mg daily pins for the rest of the days.
This should be my first weeks plot, peaking at 55mg and steady state at 50mg:
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I guess this thread is the best place to place my question:
I got this compounds: Raloxifene (China raw powder), Tamoxifen (Indian pharma), Aromasin (Indian pharma). What should i use to prevent gyno? or should i just wait to see if i get any gyno first? I guess ralox is the mildest and best option unless i had other problems with estrogen, it's a raw though.
Some background:
I got some puffy nipples i believe from puberty from more than a decade ago, if im cold or exercising they are fine, but if its hot and im relaxed they are puffy, a gf used to say i had "ugly nipples", she's in the dumpster now, but i don't want them getting any "uglier".

Anyways, i just started my first cycle of 300-350mg/week TestE, the 1st of april at 00 was my first pin. I am running 250IU HCG 3xWeek, im running fin too, so there should be some extra E and reduced DHT.

I "frontloaded" by doing 125TestE+50TestP first day, 125TestE+50TestP second day and 125TestE the third day, i will be doing 50mg daily pins for the rest of the days.
This should be my first weeks plot, peaking at 55mg and steady state at 50mg:
View attachment 143221

You can definitely load ralox and stay on the whole time.
I'm a fan of that methodology.
If you decide to use Ralox as a RESPONSE to a gyno flare up, then try hitting the flare up with Tamoxifen, then switch to the ralox once the immediate symptoms have been reduced.

it is my.personal experience that Nolva is more effective at the immediate combat of gyno

Wheras Rlox is significantly "Less harsh" in terms of side effects.
So, 7 days post-op and it's feeling great thus far. Sleeping on my stomach is O.K. and there is almost no pain, just a bit sore still. I'm a bit swollen, most notable on the sides, but no discoloring/bruising, etc. Looks like I've got a bit of a pump rly ...

With that said, here's a couple of questions : D

Did you put on water prof bandages over the incisions? And if so, did you put them on only for showering and then swapped them for normal ones? Thinking about the fact that the water proof ones don't really let the area of the incision "breathe".

How often did you replace the bandages?

I've also got little bandages over the incisions/stitches. Suppose to peel this ones off at 2 weeks after the surgery and cut the part of the stitch that's looking outside of the skin (the other part will supposedly dissolve in the skin). Did you take care of this little bandages (if you had them that is off course)? I'm thinking of just using alcohol wipes and "dabbing" them. Just to prevent any bacteria build up.

Did you remove your compression west's when training? I'm not at the gym yet (I'll do legs tomorrow), but I do skate ... I keep it on the low though, so I don't really build up a sweat and don't fall off course.

Pics? I had mine done 10 years ago so just curious how you're healing.

Figured I'd chime in on this thread with some pics of my gyno ever since puberty. My age in each picture is 15, 17, 18, and 18. The last one is the only one not natty.

You can clearly see in the first photo that I'm skinny fat. I was always this way as a kid, and my nipples were always a pouty oval shape rather than the small circle that other kids had. The next pic is a cringy posing pic from when I was 17. You can see my nips have the same sort of oval shape even after building a little muscle.

The pic on the bottom left is me slightly cut down and just turned 18, still natty. You can see that I'm way dryer (this was one day after surgery where I was only eating sugar free jello) but the puffy nips are still there. Note that I experimented with Ostarine after this and it was the first time I got "itchy nips". I chalk this up to being retarded and doing a SARM only cycle, which suppressed my natural test and threw off my hormone balance.

Last pic is me on 400 mgs test prop, and it honestly didn't make my nipples sensitive or itchy. The only time this seems to happen to me is when I'm coming off cycle or when my levels are suppressing. During PCT, I was slamming Nolva, Clomid, and Raloxifene but my nipples still have a small lump under them.

I'm currently cutting, trying to get leaner than I've ever been. It'll give me a good idea as to how much of my puffyness is gyno vs water and fat.
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Figured I'd chime in on this thread with some pics of my gyno ever since puberty. My age in each picture is 15, 17, 18, and 18. The last one is the only one not natty.

You can clearly see in the first photo that I'm skinny fat. I was always this way as a kid, and my nipples were always a pouty oval shape rather than the small circle that other kids had. The next pic is a cringy posing pic from when I was 17. You can see my nips have the same sort of oval shape even after building a little muscle.

The pic on the bottom left is me slightly cut down and just turned 18, still natty. You can see that I'm way dryer (this was one day after surgery where I was only eating sugar free jello) but the puffy nips are still there. Note that I experimented with Ostarine after this and it was the first time I got "itchy nips". I chalk this up to being retarded and doing a SARM only cycle, which suppressed my natural test and threw off my hormone balance.

Last pic is me on 400 mgs test prop, and it honestly didn't make my nipples sensitive or itchy. The only time this seems to happen to me is when I'm coming off cycle or when my levels are suppressing. During PCT, I was slamming Nolva, Clomid, and Raloxifene but my nipples still have a small lump under them.

I'm currently cutting, trying to get leaner than I've ever been. It'll give me a good idea as to how much of my puffyness is gyno vs water and fat.

Bro your nips look perfectly normal and I see no signs of gyno. If you have a small lump make sure you keep test levels low and serms close by. No need to run clomid and definitely no need to run all 3 together, that's overkill to say the least.

Also how old are you?
Bro your nips look perfectly normal and I see no signs of gyno. If you have a small lump make sure you keep test levels low and serms close by. No need to run clomid and definitely no need to run all 3 together, that's overkill to say the least.

Also how old are you?
I appreciate that man, perhaps i’m being too self-conscious. I’m 19 now.
19 and using gear already......why? What are your goals bro and why did you get on the gear?
Basically using test because of the suppression I caused from sarms. If I hadn’t taken sarms and fucked with my natural levels, I’d probably still be natty.

It was really frustrating when I stopped making progress so young and I was too dumb to think I could PCT with HCG or Clomid.

However, I do know for a fact that my goal physique is not naturally attainable, so I was going to be on the gear regardless. The physique I continue to strive for, as stupid as it sounds, is Bane from the Batman comics. I wanna be a freak lol.
Basically using test because of the suppression I caused from sarms. If I hadn’t taken sarms and fucked with my natural levels, I’d probably still be natty.

It was really frustrating when I stopped making progress so young and I was too dumb to think I could PCT with HCG or Clomid.

However, I do know for a fact that my goal physique is not naturally attainable, so I was going to be on the gear regardless. The physique I continue to strive for, as stupid as it sounds, is Bane from the Batman comics. I wanna be a freak lol.
View attachment 144663

I don't think you really understand what you're talking about, but mostly from lack of experience and not so much from ignorance. There's no way you shut down your natural test production from sarms and I think that's just an excuse to jump on gear, that or you honestly didn't know any better. You are WAY TOO young to be using steroids and if you care at all about your future health I suggest you get off gear IMMEDIATELY, start a pct and then go for blood work 2 months after pct ends. Spend the next 4-5 years busting your ass natty then jump on gear. Think of racing with nitrous, you don't push the button right from the get go, but rather when you are already speeding along and then want to go much faster! Are you on just test-prop currently?
I don't think you really understand what you're talking about, but mostly from lack of experience and not so much from ignorance. There's no way you shut down your natural test production from sarms and I think that's just an excuse to jump on gear, that or you honestly didn't know any better. You are WAY TOO young to be using steroids and if you care at all about your future health I suggest you get off gear IMMEDIATELY, start a pct and then go for blood work 2 months after pct ends. Spend the next 4-5 years busting your ass natty then jump on gear. Think of racing with nitrous, you don't push the button right from the get go, but rather when you are already speeding along and then want to go much faster! Are you on just test-prop currently?
No i’m not taking anything, test levels at 1000 ng/dl after pct