Steroids, Gynecomastia and Gyno Surgery

No, he wouldn't be surprised. Shutdown after sarms is a normal thing. That's why you need to pct.
Dude was trying to tell me there’s “no way”. It happens to lots of people. I was listening to the wrong sources of information who said “you don’t need to pct off of this sarm” or “sarms won’t shut you down”. It’s all bullshit people use to sell sarms. Shit isn’t a joke.
Dude was trying to tell me there’s “no way”. It happens to lots of people. I was listening to the wrong sources of information who said “you don’t need to pct off of this sarm” or “sarms won’t shut you down”. It’s all bullshit people use to sell sarms. Shit isn’t a joke.

I meant there's no way you natty test didn't bounce back shortly after your sarms run!
Im running ralox while on cycle and my nipples are smaller and the whole area shrank. I don't know if it will remain like this when im finished with the ralox but it's a big cosmetic improvement from previous puffy nipples.
Im running ralox while on cycle and my nipples are smaller and the whole area shrank. I don't know if it will remain like this when im finished with the ralox but it's a big cosmetic improvement from previous puffy nipples.

Ralox is the best serm for gyno and gyno prevention. Something like 30mg ed on cycle is a good idea if you are gyno prone.

How high are you running it?
Dude was trying to tell me there’s “no way”. It happens to lots of people. I was listening to the wrong sources of information who said “you don’t need to pct off of this sarm” or “sarms won’t shut you down”. It’s all bullshit people use to sell sarms. Shit isn’t a joke.

I meant there's no way you natty test didn't bounce back shortly after your sarms run!

Its individually dependant.
A friend of mine when we were younger blamed Deca/Tren stacks, with ZERO PCT (Like 5 month cycles lol) along with crazy oral runs.
He recovered perfectly every time.

I was all about Test and an oral finisher
I'm TRT for life, even though I ran PCT perfectly.
it's just dependant on how fragile your endocrine system/HPTA
I had undiagnosed Hashimoto's auto immune disease, so my Endocrine system was already at a disadvantage.

Im running ralox while on cycle and my nipples are smaller and the whole area shrank. I don't know if it will remain like this when im finished with the ralox but it's a big cosmetic improvement from previous puffy nipples.

Works very well, keep it up for a few months after your lumps stop shrinking, this effect can be permanent!

Ralox is the best serm for gyno and gyno prevention. Something like 30mg ed on cycle is a good idea if you are gyno prone.

How high are you running it?

Adding Ralox to a stack will help soooo much to prevent gyno for us Gyno prone guys!!!

I prefer Nolva for flare ups, then adding Ralox at 30mg to "Cruise"
Why do you start with nolva though? Ralox has a greater binding affinity for estrogen receptors in breast tissue and is more effective then nolva.

Takes 2 weeks on Evista for sensitivity to leave
take mes 3 days at an equivalent Nolva dosage.

Both Pharma
Some compounds work better for different people
I meant there's no way you natty test didn't bounce back shortly after your sarms run!
Its the same as shutting down your HPTA with exogenous roll the dice. Sarms should always be ran with a test base. This is why people who do sarm only cycles get roasted. They think its not as bad as i jecting testosterone. In reality youre doing more damage to your endocrine system with a sarms only cycle
Its the same as shutting down your HPTA with exogenous roll the dice. Sarms should always be ran with a test base. This is why people who do sarm only cycles get roasted. They think its not as bad as i jecting testosterone. In reality youre doing more damage to your endocrine system with a sarms only cycle

All I meant is 99% of people will bounce back just fine even with no pct same thing with thyroid bouncing back after t3 use.
Its the same as shutting down your HPTA with exogenous roll the dice. Sarms should always be ran with a test base. This is why people who do sarm only cycles get roasted. They think its not as bad as i jecting testosterone. In reality youre doing more damage to your endocrine system with a sarms only cycle

None of this is inherently true. Except the part that people think it's going to be a breeze. And even there, ymmv, some have it reall eazy, some don't.
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I've been thinking about getting the surgery next year. But beforehand I wanted to try using raloxifene to decrease the size and possibly get a cheaper quote. I read that the oral bioavailability is pretty terrible (2% if I remember correctly). Would making a transdermal version be worth the work to get a better bioavailability and also a better localized dose? Maybe this is just bro science but figured I'd get your guy's opinion on if that would even work or if it's even possible creating a transdermal version.
I've been thinking about getting the surgery next year. But beforehand I wanted to try using raloxifene to decrease the size and possibly get a cheaper quote. I read that the oral bioavailability is pretty terrible (2% if I remember correctly). Would making a transdermal version be worth the work to get a better bioavailability and also a better localized dose? Maybe this is just bro science but figured I'd get your guy's opinion on if that would even work or if it's even possible creating a transdermal version.
It's not going to make it any cheaper most likely. The majority of the cost is just from the anesthesia and general procedure. Whether if you reduced your glands by 40%, 99% of docs will still quote you the same because they are still cutting you open and putting you under and a good doc should also be doing lipo to the area to sculpt the chest properly.

Ralox didn't do anything for my pubertal gyno. Usually if its been there for more than 2 years the ralox just can't really do anything about it.
No drugs will get rid of actual gyno, perhaps reduce the size SLIGHTLY, but won't be anything special. Surgery is needed if the glandular tissue has grown.
Surgery is the only option if the gland has grown as stated above by jetsfan. I had mine removed about 7 years ago. It was around 5k, but it was worth every cent. Spend the $ and you won't regret it. This is gland they pulled out of mine.

Surgery is the only option if the gland has grown as stated above by jetsfan. I had mine removed about 7 years ago. It was around 5k, but it was worth every cent. Spend the $ and you won't regret it. This is gland they pulled out of mine.

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You also have a picture of your chest from before and after?
I'm In Canada so I was able to get mine done for free thankfully, but I'll be going to a plastic surgeon this summer to finally fix my nipples. I've had pointy/puffy nipples since puberty and running gear over the years hasn't help it any lol.

Here's a couple vids of the different procedures. I'm going to go with the procedure that cuts the whole nipple off rather than cut and fold over as my nipples are hyper sensitive and that sucks balls living where it's winter 8 months of the year :confused:


Surgery is the only option if the gland has grown as stated above by jetsfan. I had mine removed about 7 years ago. It was around 5k, but it was worth every cent. Spend the $ and you won't regret it. This is gland they pulled out of mine.

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So since you got your glands removed 7 years ago has any gyno started to show again? I am going to get surgery but I may wait till it gets worse because last thing I want is surgery then 3 cycles later I have gyno starting to become noticeable. Also how many cycles have you done since surgery? And what compounds stacked? I run test with gh eq and a few weeks of anadrol with dianabol and later a few weeks of tren.