Strongman strength only cycle

So a conversation with @dennia had me thinking about either modifying this cycle or doing something completely new for next cycle.

I am interested in gaining strength only, not weight and I don’t care about aesthetics (or at least it’s a DISTANT 2nd priority).

Current cycle:
Test C 280/wk, EOD
NPP 280/wk, ED
MENT 70/wk,ED

in 3 weeks I am swapping the NPP with tren. I have 11 weeks until my next strongman competition so I still have quite a bit of time to change things up if necessary.

I suppose I have two questions:

1) am I running too little gear?

2) what’s the best stack/cycle for strength gains? I’m talking about a full cycle, not just throwing in halo for 2 weeks at the end.

I generally prefer to run medium to long cycles (12+ weeks), but have run shorter cycles, as short as 8.

All suggestions/recommendations welcome.

EDIT: muscular endurance is also a pretty big deal with strongman
Tren is the best for strength with no weight gain. Npp will stack on some meat. Might not want that. Ment is good for what your trying to do. I would up the test to at least 600 if not more for that. Pro strongmen take like 3g of test haha prob more. Tren idk thats up to you, have you ran it? I mean dhts also give good strength gains. Dhb is good for dry strength. Might wanna throw in some eq for the rbc boost for endurance and it is good for dry strength at higher doses. I would try to run 1-1.5g of gear. Honestly if it was me id run 3g for a strongman comp and bring lots of food. People are gonna shit on me for dosages but its all info i was able to find fairly easily. Ive ran near there in the past its not that bad
Tren is the best for strength with no weight gain. Npp will stack on some meat. Might not want that. Ment is good for what your trying to do. I would up the test to at least 600 if not more for that. Pro strongmen take like 3g of test haha prob more. Tren idk thats up to you, have you ran it? I mean dhts also give good strength gains. Dhb is good for dry strength. Might wanna through in some eq for the rbc boost for endurance and it is good for dry strength at higher doses. I would try to run 1-1.5g of gear. Honestly if it was me id run 3g for a strongman comp and bring lots of food. People are gonna shit on me for dosages but its all info i was able to find fairly easily. Ive ran near there in the past its not that bad
I’m running NPP now and I love it. I loved it the first time too. And luckily I have actually dropped 10 lbs in the last 4 weeks, so I know I can cut on NPP.

I have run tren before, and I responded VERY well to it with respect to having virtually no sides (to be fair, mood sides were my only issue, and they got bad enough that I thought I may never be able to run it again. But I’m hoping MENT will improve my tren mood issues the same way it did with my nand mood issues).

Im curious where you got your info about dosages? I know two pros that I have talked to and both of them were running a gram (total of all compounds) or less per week. I’m sure there’s some that run crazy amounts, but not these two.

I like the idea of increased test and boldenone (I’d probably choose bold cyp over EQ though just because of half life)
I’m running NPP now and I love it. I loved it the first time too. And luckily I have actually dropped 10 lbs in the last 4 weeks, so I know I can cut on NPP.

I have run tren before, and I responded VERY well to it with respect to having virtually no sides (to be fair, mood sides were my only issue, and they got bad enough that I thought I may never be able to run it again. But I’m hoping MENT will improve my tren mood issues the same way it did with my nand mood issues).

Im curious where you got your info about dosages? I know two pros that I have talked to and both of them were running a gram (total of all compounds) or less per week. I’m sure there’s some that run crazy amounts, but not these two.

I like the idea of increased test and boldenone (I’d probably choose bold cyp over EQ though just because of half life)
I cut on npp but its not a anticatabolic so i didnt retain as much than if I stacked a dht in there. Ive read a few different sources of people who knew or trained with them. There is no way. Looks like you got the "eat wheeties and take creatine" advice. Thats what bb have said in the past! Its lies. Its a huge liability for them to just say what they are on. There are a few who tell the truth and out everybody else so at least theres that. You think pudzianowski stayed that big, lean, aand strong on a gram??
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I have designed a few strongman cycles, as well as powerlifting cycles. They're much more fun to design than BB to me.

It's not often that I recommend larger doses, and I'm not necessarily recommending them now, but I'll say that more test equates to more strength. While your dosages are respectably modest, more test will serve you well.

NPP is very underated as far as strength goes too... I'd choose it over tren every time for strength.

Bold is also an excellent choice for your sport.

To bring it all together, my cycle would be a larger test base, with moderate bold and npp doses. I'd add a short ester test to spike the testosterone further up at 3 weeks out from comp. I would add either var or anadrol at 2 weeks out. If weight is a concern, I'd just be ready for a water cut.
As I have seen you running too little gear for anyone to get pro at any respectable level even if is bb,strongman or powerlifting.
Don't know how true was the guys that were telling you that they run 1g of total gear.
I am sure that a guy like Brian,Eddie,Thor size that 1g is per day not per week but this is not the case as you are not those guys size.

I would personally run much more including more test and add anadrol for more time(+8 weeks) as I find the best for strength,muscle building and increasing RBC as well.
You said you had problems with tren in that case I would take more npp or deca and keep some tren at what minimum dosage you can handle. Add masteron in there for what DHT can provide.
Other steroid to look up is superdrol. Don't know if you have taken and how you respond to it but I still prefer andarol over superdrol.
If you don't have estrogen problems and you are on a budget then I would go with a high only test cycle and add anadrol in there. And when I said high I mean +3g or one bottle/week

Dosage are relative but I would go with 30-35mg/kg. So you do the math but you have some work to pin all that oil

I am a heavy steroid user or what heavy means by a regular gym rat standards so add to that my desire to turn pro I would go nuts with steroids, food and training but that's me and probably one of the reasons why some don't go pro as they don't push enough(gear,food and training) ***I am not including genetic here as this you can't do anything about it. If you don't have some genetics then forget about going pro in any sport even if is basketball,swimming or strongman and do yoursel a favor and stop destroying you chasing something you can't obtain***
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I cut on npp but its not a anticatabolic so i didnt retain as much than if I stacked a dht in there. Ive read a few different sources of people who knew or trained with them. There is no way. Looks like you got the "eat wheeties and take creatine" advice. Thats what bb have said in the past! Its lies. Its a huge liability for them to just say what they are on. There are a few who tell the truth and out everybody else so at least theres that. You think pudzianowski stayed that big, lean, aand strong on a gram??
You could very well be correct. I didn’t mention that these guys are 105k pros, not open pros, but I get your point
I have designed a few strongman cycles, as well as powerlifting cycles. They're much more fun to design than BB to me.

It's not often that I recommend larger doses, and I'm not necessarily recommending them now, but I'll say that more test equates to more strength. While your dosages are respectably modest, more test will serve you well.

NPP is very underated as far as strength goes too... I'd choose it over tren every time for strength.

Bold is also an excellent choice for your sport.

To bring it all together, my cycle would be a larger test base, with moderate bold and npp doses. I'd add a short ester test to spike the testosterone further up at 3 weeks out from comp. I would add either var or anadrol at 2 weeks out. If weight is a concern, I'd just be ready for a water cut.
Thinking like 500/350/300 test/NPP/bold? I don’t know how big of a dose to run for bold.

Also, I cannot drop the MENT because it counter acts the only real side I get from nandrolone, the mood sides, and my mood sides can be bad enough to be detrimental to my family life
As I have seen you running too little gear for anyone to get pro at any respectable level even if is bb,strongman or powerlifting.
Don't know how true was the guys that were telling you that they run 1g of total gear.
I am sure that a guy like Brian,Eddie,Thor size that 1g is per day not per week but this is not the case as you are not those guys size.

I would personally run much more including more test and add anadrol for more time(+8 weeks) as I find the best for strength,muscle building and increasing RBC as well.
You said you had problems with tren in that case I would take more npp or deca and keep some tren at what minimum dosage you can handle. Add masteron in there for what DHT can provide.
Other steroid to look up is superdrol. Don't know if you have taken and how you respond to it but I still prefer andarol over superdrol.
If you don't have estrogen problems and you are on a budget then I would go with a high only test cycle and add anadrol in there. And when I said high I mean +3g or one bottle/week

Dosage are relative but I would go with 30-35mg/kg. So you do the math but you have some work to pin all that oil

I am a heavy steroid user or what heavy means by a regular gym rat standards so add to that my desire to turn pro I would go nuts with steroids, food and training but that's me and probably one of the reasons why some don't go pro as they don't push enough(gear,food and training) ***I am not including genetic here as this you can't do anything about it. If you don't have some genetics then forget about going pro in any sport even if is basketball,swimming or strongman and do yoursel a favor and stop destroying you chasing something you can't obtain***
That would be 3300 grams total on the low end.

If I said I had problems with tren, I misspoke. Only tren side I had at 315/wk was mood issues, and I’m thinking the MENT will take care of that.
Thinking like 500/350/300 test/NPP/bold? I don’t know how big of a dose to run for bold

I'd go with 600/400/400, and you're still going VERY conservative with dosages at that but there's nothing wrong with that.

Again, I really don't like recommending dosages - I tend to tolerate very high dosages very well with no issues to really speak of at all... But, maybe others really don't do well at half of what I'd take.. so dosage recommendations are really an educated guess for the most part. Sorry, just for clarity - I'm not saying I run big dosages every time either... There's a time and a place, I tend to opt for less. Regardless, I'm not one to make a lot of dosage suggestions on the open forum.

All that said, any kind of strength cycle tends to work really well when you titrate the dose up as you work through training blocks. So, if you have a hypertrophy block - that's where I'd be using the least amount of gear... Not that much is needed. As you move through strength blocks, you'd ideally bump the test dose up a bit until you get into a peaking block where you'd increase again. The dose should "match" the intensity of the block and it also gives you time to adapt to the hormones. Not a requirement by any means, just some food for thought...
That would be 3300 grams total on the low end.

If I said I had problems with tren, I misspoke. Only tren side I had at 315/wk was mood issues, and I’m thinking the MENT will take care of that.
Then that is the dosage I would run IF I was on your shoes but I am not so I can't push the syringe plug for you.

I never run MENT so I don't know what it does. Is a 19nor so it has those properties like nandrolone and trenbolone and is more estrogenic as I have read. Hopefully you get along well with ment.

Never had any issues with any steroids no matter what dosage I was running so I can't understand when people say mood issues and estrogenic problems and ED problems and so on(I understand they can give you problems). I am a very lucky guy that I have such tolerance to steroids so that's why I can go "crazy " with dosage but some of guys don't have and is required to run a higher dosage to get a certain goal and then you have to choose...
I'd go with 600/400/400, and you're still going VERY conservative with dosages at that but there's nothing wrong with that.

Again, I really don't like recommending dosages - I tend to tolerate very high dosages very well with no issues to really speak of at all... But, maybe others really don't do well at half of what I'd take.. so dosage recommendations are really an educated guess for the most part. Sorry, just for clarity - I'm not saying I run big dosages every time either... There's a time and a place, I tend to opt for less. Regardless, I'm not one to make a lot of dosage suggestions on the open forum.

All that said, any kind of strength cycle tends to work really well when you titrate the dose up as you work through training blocks. So, if you have a hypertrophy block - that's where I'd be using the least amount of gear... Not that much is needed. As you move through strength blocks, you'd ideally bump the test dose up a bit until you get into a peaking block where you'd increase again. The dose should "match" the intensity of the block and it also gives you time to adapt to the hormones. Not a requirement by any means, just some food for thought...
I actually did pretty good with a previous cycle at 525/350 test/NPP, so I imagine 600/400 plus adding 400 bold wouldnt be TOO different
Then that is the dosage I would run IF I was on your shoes but I am not so I can't push the syringe plug for you.

I never run MENT so I don't know what it does. Is a 19nor so it has those properties like nandrolone and trenbolone and is more estrogenic as I have read. Hopefully you get along well with ment.

Never had any issues with any steroids no matter what dosage I was running so I can't understand when people say mood issues and estrogenic problems and ED problems and so on(I understand they can give you problems). I am a very lucky guy that I have such tolerance to steroids so that's why I can go "crazy " with dosage but some of guys don't have and is required to run a higher dosage to get a certain goal and then you have to choose...
I’ll definitely be titrating up and not going straight for 3300 mg lol.

Only side I have had with MENT is the typical estrogen sides, but that is easily controlled with nolva and adex.

I actually don’t have any qualms with running high amounts of gear as long as I can control the sides without having to run a ton of other drugs. But I need to work up to that slowly
I really liked the tren run I did. Does bold stack well with tren? 600/300/400 test/tren/bold? I did so well at 315 tren I may toy with bumping it up to 400 as well.

Im thinking about sticking with my current cycle and just adding bold once I swap NPP for tren so that I don’t have to buy a bunch more stuff that I didn’t plan for.
400mg of eq is low and keep in mind that eq has undecylenate ester. Don't know if you or how many calculate the amount of actual hormone are you getting depending on the ester that steroid have.
You get about 70% of hormone with undecylenate(not 100% sure as I write what I remember).
With long ester I take about 20% more just to get the same as I would run a short ester.
400mg of eq is low and keep in mind that eq has undecylenate ester. Don't know if you or how many calculate the amount of actual hormone are you getting depending on the ester that steroid have.
You get about 70% of hormone with undecylenate(not 100% sure as I write what I remember).
With long ester I take about 20% more just to get the same as I would run a short ester.
I had planned to run bold cyp or ace, but it seems like (at least from what I have seen) EQ is about the only choice on short notice
I think Anavar is heavily underrated in terms of strength gains, Unless orals are off the table for ya.. I knew a guy that was a higher level amateur and he was using just Var and Test.. I wouldn't overthink the gear aspect because I think strongman is more about specific training, Like powerlifting but even more so.. Just do the basic shit and stay consistent. What you're doing now looks good but I'd personally throw in an Oral every now and then. NOT to mention the amount of food those guys eat.. seems like too much of a job itself :P
I think Anavar is heavily underrated in terms of strength gains, Unless orals are off the table for ya.. I knew a guy that was a higher level amateur and he was using just Var and Test.. I wouldn't overthink the gear aspect because I think strongman is more about specific training, Like powerlifting but even more so.. Just do the basic shit and stay consistent. What you're doing now looks good but I'd personally throw in an Oral every now and then. NOT to mention the amount of food those guys eat.. seems like too much of a job itself :p
I have run var twice now (50mg/day for 7 weeks both times) and I can’t say I feel like it did much for me. Anadrol on the other hand was wild and seemed to really put on some strength. The problem is it also helped me hold a lot of water too.

Im thinking I’m too far along to make many changes, but I am going to bump up my test. I probably won’t worry about the boldenone for this cycle
TNE/Test susp, Adrol for oral, Tren of course. This is assuming you want to be insanely strong and explosive.