SuperQuality Steroids

I send last week 15 post
After that 3 more people asking for gear I send them too

I also refused free gear to some 5-7 people
To all people I send to PM
So you joined Meso to use the Private Messaging system to make contact with people to send samples of AAS to.
Did you by chance read the Steroid Underground Rules prior to using PM here at Meso to establish and communicate transactions of AAS products?

The "Steroid Underground" forum is intended for members only to share good and bad experiences ordering anabolic steroids on the internet black market, to provide steroid source reviews, to share links and ask questions about third party websites selling steroids, to talk about underground labs (UGLs) and to report steroid scammers.

And your buddy Meeks can't help you on this one...I blocked his dumb ass.
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So you joined Meso to use the Private Messaging system to make contact with people to send samples of AAS to.
Did you by chance read the Steroid Underground Rules prior to using PM here at Meso to establish and communicate transactions of AAS products?

The "Steroid Underground" forum is intended for members only to share good and bad experiences ordering anabolic steroids on the internet black market, to provide steroid source reviews, to share links and ask questions about third party websites selling steroids, to talk about underground labs (UGLs) and to report steroid scammers.

And your buddy Meeks can't help you on this one...I blocked his dumb ass.
Well said, @retpsd. Seems some lab owners/reps are just too dumb to read the simple rules, plus some dumb idiots shilling or begging for free samples to be thrown at them (I am looking at you, @MEEKmlz ;) )
Prove it then show the proof read back he said both publicly its there for all to read but hey if ur gonna deny the truth go ahead just makes u look like more of an idiot but its ok Im enjoying it so keep going lol. @MindlessWork

The only one denying the truth is you, Meekmilk. Proof? Here's your proof, right from the horses mouth:

I just want to send you free samples
Don't like free speaking

I just offer you some free stuff if you want
If don't want no problem

To some clients I send tablets also
Soon all you will see
Thanks to MEEK
Only he was real man

Another gear whore exposed. LMFAO
And I asked u for proof faggot @MindlessWork and u shut up cause u had none now u wanna start again? Show me the proof and Ill admit to it u pussy. The source already said he didnt send me shit. Ur just a bitch that cant stand to be called out and proven u are just a follower of the rest. Fucking tool. Lol
And I asked u for proof faggot @MindlessWork and u shut up cause u had none now u wanna start again? Show me the proof and Ill admit to it u pussy. The source already said he didnt send me shit. Ur just a bitch that cant stand to be called out and proven u are just a follower of the rest. Fucking tool. Lol
Shut up when adults are talking, son.
Hahahahaha thats all u got old man? U were proven WRONG!!!! LMFAO so sad u cant just admit it. I will have a great night sleep knowing how annoyed u are cause u have been proven to be a troll and an awesome member cock sucker. Haha hey I have an idea why dont go "like" more their posts so they will accept u more haha cause we all know thats what this is about. U have no friends except ur internet meso circle jerk crew so might as well "like" as many posts of theirs as possible. So u can feel special :) Im off to bed I have an early morning of eating and training. Good luck with ur acceptance issue old man;) nighty night;) @MindlessWork
Hahahahaha thats all u got old man? U were proven WRONG!!!! LMFAO so sad u cant just admit it. I will have a great night sleep knowing how annoyed u are cause u have been proven to be a troll and an awesome member cock sucker. Haha hey I have an idea why dont go "like" more their posts so they will accept u more haha cause we all know thats what this is about. U have no friends except ur internet meso circle jerk crew so might as well "like" as many posts of theirs as possible. So u can feel special :) Im off to bed I have an early morning of eating and training. Good luck with ur acceptance issue old man;) nighty night;) @MindlessWork
Wow you don't get it at all. You've been proven to be a master source manipulator and tons of people called you out on it...have you forgotten, peabrain?

And do you really lift? Methinks your peabrain self doesn't
Meek, do you have any recent pics of you? We all are curious how you look, considering you been making good use of all that free gear ;)

This is what he looks like, at least he has abs, and bigger boobs than his husband..... I mean wife.
Meek, do you have any recent pics of you? We all are curious how you look, considering you been making good use of all that free gear ;)
LOL I had to block Meeks once I read through his posts about HCG and his comments on "not trusting himself enough to mix it" I shit you not, go read it...its hilarious...I mean 300lb soccer mom's learn how to do it every day...there are plenty of them on youtube to show him how :) but I guess its complicated and the math evades him, as it does with the 10x rule.
I simply don't have a desire to fight with someone that I can't lose's just not a true challenge.
He lacks the mental capacity to compete on anything greater than a 5th grade level.
LOL I had to block Meeks once I read through his posts about HCG and his comments on "not trusting himself enough to mix it" I shit you not, go read it...its hilarious...I mean 300lb soccer mom's learn how to do it every day...there are plenty of them on youtube to show him how :) but I guess its complicated and the math evades him, as it does with the 10x rule.
I simply don't have a desire to fight with someone that I can't lose's just not a true challenge.
He lacks the mental capacity to compete on anything greater than a 5th grade level.
LMAO, Meek did come off as a total troll being in just about every source thread. What a cockhead he is. His feeble brain just can't comprehend things except the words "free gear" so he'd dickride the sources here so much ;)


This is what he looks like, at least he has abs, and bigger boobs than his husband..... I mean wife.
LMAO that's close to what I pictured him as...he must look like some of the dumb old dweebs at my gym haha
It was just a matter of time before he screwed up and showed his true colors...1000 posts in a couple of months "I PM U" Whoops!
Meek, do you have any recent pics of you? We all are curious how you look, considering you been making good use of all that free gear ;)

Meek said he was was going to post a pic a few days ago. I was actually excited to see what a 200lb troll looks like! Can't say it's surprising he didn't follow through.
Yea thats why the source publicly said he didnt send me shit right? All u morons can say what u want but I have been proven to be honest this whole time and mayne also confirmed that I pmed him. U fools will never learn. But hey makes me feel great knowing u have been proven wrong and all u can do is continue to say the same shit over and over again without proving anything. Haha u fools look like the biggest losers on here.
U fool want to see my starting point before I started my cycle u can find it on my cycle log. Im not gonna post it if u really wanna see it u can do the digging and find it urself. My end results will be posted on the same thread when my cycle is over. U fools have nothing better to do. Ur all really sad. Where are ur physiques? Ihave posted my photos where are urs?