SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

end of day 2 375mg DNP(6 days total), forgot to mention i'm taking 50mg T3 since day 1 of cycle:
before sleep felt headache & fatigue, night sweats(opening all windows when its 50 degrees out solved it lol), insomnia, i just woke up after 4 hour sleep will get back to sleep now haha.

ill keep it like that for 2 more weeks.
Just posting a brief review on my experience with Sym having ordered from him a number of times. In my experience T/A and communication have always been good and orders arrived within 3 to 5 days in most cases. In this instance, it was 2 days. Packaging is definitely very secure.

As far as product I have found his oils to be smooth with no PIP and I have seen the desired results. Have a number of his products to be tested so hopefully the results will be available shortly. I don't doubt his products at all but I feel this will be valuable info for the board and members to have in addition to the testing that Sym has already done. In my eyes the more testing the better. As a customer, I definitely appreciate the time and money he spends to test his raws and finished product. I wish that more sources would do this.
Thanks for taking your time to test out the products Amtont...

No problem. A lot of people here have helped me out/given me advice so I felt it would be helpful to other members. I am hoping it doesn't take forever with the coronavirus. In the future I am going to try to do that more on a regular basis. I feel like it benefits us all just to keep sources with the highest quality product possible.
Just posting a brief review on my experience with Sym having ordered from him a number of times. In my experience T/A and communication have always been good and orders arrived within 3 to 5 days in most cases. In this instance, it was 2 days. Packaging is definitely very secure.

As far as product I have found his oils to be smooth with no PIP and I have seen the desired results. Have a number of his products to be tested so hopefully the results will be available shortly. I don't doubt his products at all but I feel this will be valuable info for the board and members to have in addition to the testing that Sym has already done. In my eyes the more testing the better. As a customer, I definitely appreciate the time and money he spends to test his raws and finished product. I wish that more sources would do this.

I don’t have bad pins. Been pinning twice a week for four years and have never once had a problem. Years ago I had a similar reaction to PPL’s test that was in a different carrier oil. I imagine that I’m somewhat more sensitive to different brews than others are. It’s not a big deal. I’m still very excited to see how this blast goes and I have not said a bad word about the source. He delivered to me the product that I bought in a timely fashion. I was simply giving an update about how the pip was since that’s something that perhaps a few people wondered about.
I’m experiencing the same pip problems now with PPL test E. Just curious did yours ever get better? I’ve had pip before but nothing like this. Feels like I shot a nail into my ass. Honestly thinking about just giving it away at this point. I have raws to make test just figured I’d run what I had but not being able to walk really fucks things up
staying on 375mg, the heating is not as strong anymore, not as sweating anymore, I'm still warm but no as before, should I increase the dose? perhaps I'm building tolerance? taking 250mg in the am, then 125mg before bed

I am living in the northeast so it dropped to 49 degrees and was snowing a lil today which might explain feeling less warm, I still don't turn on heating haha :)

keep in mind even on tren I have fewer night sweats than most
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end of day 2 375mg DNP(6 days total), forgot to mention i'm taking 50mg T3 since day 1 of cycle:
before sleep felt headache & fatigue, night sweats(opening all windows when its 50 degrees out solved it lol), insomnia, i just woke up after 4 hour sleep will get back to sleep now haha.

ill keep it like that for 2 more weeks.
What exactly are you taking this? Competition? How much fat are you trying to lose? Honest question, not trying to be a prick.
staying on 375mg, the heating is not as strong anymore, not as sweating anymore, I'm still warm but no as before, should I increase the dose? perhaps I'm building tolerance? taking 250mg in the am, then 125mg before bed

I am living in the northeast so it dropped to 49 degrees and was snowing a lil today which might explain feeling less warm, I still don't turn on heating haha :)

keep in mind even on tren I have fewer night sweats than most
Recommend staying at 375 at least a few more days. Its still building up to that dose. If in say, 3 to 5 more days you can handle the sides, you can try 500mg.
Recommend staying at 375 at least a few more days. Its still building up to that dose. If in say, 3 to 5 more days you can handle the sides, you can try 500mg.
you are right, better than forcing side effects, did have night sweats last night considering how cold it was so there's that
competition later this summer which i hope not cancelled

you have competed before right? Do you think it was needed or could you just got to stage weight on a normal cut or did you have a lot to lose. I know I can usually cut about 30 in 12 weeks or so on tren mast prop winny anavar and abuterol. Well at least I have for the 2 shows I’ve done.