SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

i have less than a week left on DNP cycle, it really flattens you up, night sweats are annoying ESPECIALLY sleeping with a girlfriend, sweating balls during workouts etc... definitely lost fat weight, we'll see in a week as i get off

seems super effective just so scary to use from hearing all of negativity about it. I'd rather dnp sides than clen sides though lol
12 days on DNP i'm FLAT as fuck, what's going on? my arms flat as if i was natty all my life, is that normal? this gradually happened but now im actually flat. i definitely lost fat too.

Can’t speak for DNP but I take t3 from time to time and it also tends to flatten me out. When I up my test from trt ~150mg/week to 350-450mg it tends to completely go away. What compounds are you on?

Maybe it’s time to hit up a burger joint and get a fat, greasy, carb filled meal in you. Ever seen a guy at a contest right after the event is over and they all go eat? They blow the fuck up lol

Some guys they will take some carbs just before hitting the stage so they can fill out a little as the muscles are dying for glycogen and will eat it right up. You might be in the same boat. Do a re-feed day if you’re in a caloric deficit. Pretty much guarantee you’ll plump back up a bit.
Can’t speak for DNP but I take t3 from time to time and it also tends to flatten me out. When I up my test from trt ~150mg/week to 350-450mg it tends to completely go away. What compounds are you on?

Maybe it’s time to hit up a burger joint and get a fat, greasy, carb filled meal in you. Ever seen a guy at a contest right after the event is over and they all go eat? They blow the fuck up lol

Some guys they will take some carbs just before hitting the stage so they can fill out a little as the muscles are dying for glycogen and will eat it right up. You might be in the same boat. Do a re-feed day if you’re in a caloric deficit. Pretty much guarantee you’ll plump back up a bit.

[emoji1787] iF yOu’Re fEeLiNg fLaT tRy eAtInG cArBs

@Broskie I know you’re trying to help but you should have just stopped at “I can’t speak for DNP...” If you haven’t run DNP then how are you going to give him any real advice? He’s flat from his DNP run - that’s what it does.
Thanks for the heads up.

People, chk your return email addresses. SCAMMER is back!

Let me catch him.

No problemo ;) , I just remember he said in a few threads back he had to deal with someone in his family going to hospital is all and few others stuff happened. Knowing how people here can't be bothered to read a few threads back.

I get what you're saying though, message received
You cant just take @Villain job like that! He is Meso' spooner.
For the review as far as pip the npp in mct is not my favorite it is really mild, I can pin quads and work legs the following day with minimal problems. Same for for test e 300mg in mct mild pip regardless of rotation and or pinning I have very minimal pip. All and all I think it is doing it’s job. I’m very sensitive to oils and high concentrations.. hopefully this is useful.
Regarding my email response times:
Nobody in my family is currently sick or causing me to use extra time. There are no disasters I am currently cleaning up or repairing from.

I am not responsive during the day because I have a job.

I work outside and most often I am on or in the water.
I promised in my introduction that I would reply to emails within 24 hours; and if that time is exceeded to please email me again because I may have opened it and gotten distracted before replying.

Aside from my career and my family obligations, I sometimes sleep.
Not one thing has changed in my ability to reply or respond in a timely manner, with the exception of my ability to use the TOR browser to log into the forum dependably.
There was a time about a month ago, in which I was in my office processing samples; and I would be able to use the computer to answer emails during the day.
There are some days of the week in which I am able to go back to land for lunch and use the internet; and I reply to emails during those times.
These daytime email sessions are not predictable and may not recur for months on end. It just depends on my work and what phase I am operating in at the moment.
In all, my messages are processed every day before the 24 hour mark has passed; with the afore mentioned exceptions of being distracted from an opened email.
Sounds like you could use a break.
Sounds like you could use a break.

Good idea! We’ll promote him to Vice President here, which comes with a 6 week vacation package and company car. He also gets a key to the executive lounge which is fucking sweet - fully stocked bar, concierge service and a view that is nothing short of magnificent. We encourage all of our VPs to utilize their vacation time. We would hate for them to get too burned out.