SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

Got my pack a few days ago. Triple wrapped burrito basically, one of the most encased packages I’ve ever received. Sym brewed me some test-U @ 400mg/ml with pumpkin seed oil and about 2-3% guaiacol. A little finicky with stability, one of the vials crashed on its way over but I partially submerged it into a ~125 degree water bath and it went back into solution. Pinned 1.5ml with 27 gauge ventrogluteal and PIP was essentially non-existent. Worked legs and some cardio and 0 complaints. Though I am VERY tolerant to PIP so take that with a grain of salt. Sym also pinned some before shipping it out and he had no issues either.

Interestingly this brew smelled pretty good. I was sniffing the needle after the pin lol

I am currently sending an unlabeled vial from my order to be tested. Hope to get those results back in a few weeks. Will also get bloodwork in a few weeks as well.

In my discussion with Sym he said he would be interested in adding this product to his lineup but is holding off until he can get it tested as well. Maybe we’ll see it in the future :p
Why pumpkin seed oil?
I told Sym carrier oil was brewers choice and that I had no preferences or intolerances. Just seemed to strike a good balance of viscosity and solvation.
Interesting, so HE chose the PSO? I think I read somewhere that he likes it or maybe I’m just imagining that.
Don't believe everything you read.Says I'm a junior member, truth is I've been here for years, just been away for a while. It's my nature to help another out
And you are appreciated. The world already has too many assholes without them ruining what is supposed to be a helpful site/forum. Ass holes, you don't have to answer. Duh!!!! Try to make it a b
I get it. I’ve done the same. I like the guys here and we’ve all needed help before.

We should let the source provide those answers though. It would encourage Sym to stop by more often. It’s HIS customer service, not ours. We’re enabling him to put less effort into his own customers.
That is exactly the way it should be. But that leaves one question....what will the sad, grudge filled ass holes have to complain about? Sad world.
Not only that big baldie, but this is Meso if you want handouts go to ASF or erroids. We have a reputation. No handouts. I got ran through the trenches when I first started with Meso. These rookies got to get a clue. At that, I’m still a rookie as well, but Im an apprentice that actually listens to Meso community.
Damn sweetie...I'm sorry to ask a question that you just had to waste your valuable time to coment on. Your profile that you and your boyfriend? Just trying to make sense as to why you cry so easily.
Damn sweetie...I'm sorry to ask a question that you just had to waste your valuable time to coment on. Your profile that you and your boyfriend? Just trying to make sense as to why you cry so easily.

Tbh. Symbiotics doesn’t deserve this kind of bullshit on his forum. So with that being said. Goodluck Sir. I will continue posting to posts concerning his business and products. I won’t respond to a child.

Tbh. Symbiotics doesn’t deserve this kind of bullshit on his forum. So with that being said. Goodluck Sir. I will continue posting to posts concerning his business and products. I won’t respond to a child.

Hahahha...made ya boil didn't I. Hahahaaha!!!! You shouldnt let shit get to you like that. With the doses you are on, really hard on your heart. And thanks. Good luck to you as well.
Hahahha...made ya boil didn't I. Hahahaaha!!!! You shouldnt let shit get to you like that. With the doses you are on, really hard on your heart. And thanks. Good luck to you as well.

Every new guy comes in here like a snowflake expecting “easy questions to be answered” and then they go on the attack trying to change MESO.

You’re not the first and you won’t be the last. But like @Mdrock98 said, he went thru the same thing. He made it because he realized this place has a certain way to it. The ones that survive show a little fucking humility and understand that nobody here owes you shit. They contribute also and become one of the community. The guys that remain stubborn and think they’re entitled don’t make it 3 months. They just quietly leave because they ostracized themselves.

If you want a chance here you better leave your bullshit uppity sense of entitlement at the door. There’s no mods here making sure everyone is playing nice. You’re going to attract a lot of bad attention. You’re a nobody and we don’t give a fuck about you.
Every new guy comes in here like a snowflake expecting “easy questions to be answered” and then they go on the attack trying to change MESO.

You’re not the first and you won’t be the last. But like @Mdrock98 said, he went thru the same thing. He made it because he realized this place has a certain way to it. The ones that survive show a little fucking humility and understand that nobody here owes you shit. They contribute also and become one of the community. The guys that remain stubborn and think they’re entitled don’t make it 3 months. They just quietly leave because they ostracized themselves.

If you want a chance here you better leave your bullshit uppity sense of entitlement at the door. There’s no mods here making sure everyone is playing nice. You’re going to attract a lot of bad attention. You’re a nobody and we don’t give a fuck about you.

Every new guy comes in here like a snowflake expecting “easy questions to be answered” and then they go on the attack trying to change MESO.

You’re not the first and you won’t be the last. But like @Mdrock98 said, he went thru the same thing. He made it because he realized this place has a certain way to it. The ones that survive show a little fucking humility and understand that nobody here owes you shit. They contribute also and become one of the community. The guys that remain stubborn and think they’re entitled don’t make it 3 months. They just quietly leave because they ostracized themselves.

If you want a chance here you better leave your bullshit uppity sense of entitlement at the door. There’s no mods here making sure everyone is playing nice. You’re going to attract a lot of bad attention. You’re a nobody and we don’t give a fuck about you.
My apologies. I apologized to Mdrock in a conversation. I misjudged some of the other comments I had read on here and foolishly thought what I said would be taken lightly. Hopefully laughed at. I was wrong. In order to avoid allowing my quick replies and smart ass remarks to offend any more members, I will stay MESO, though you are light years beyond all other forums I participate in. Really excellent knowledge here. I have been bodybuilding since 1984. Won state and national titles. But now I realize my senility is going to get me in trouble. I guess I tried to fit in too quickly. Again, my apologies to all that I offended and the best of luck to all in all you do. G
My apologies. I apologized to Mdrock in a conversation. I misjudged some of the other comments I had read on here and foolishly thought what I said would be taken lightly. Hopefully laughed at. I was wrong. In order to avoid allowing my quick replies and smart ass remarks to offend any more members, I will stay MESO, though you are light years beyond all other forums I participate in. Really excellent knowledge here. I have been bodybuilding since 1984. Won state and national titles. But now I realize my senility is going to get me in trouble. I guess I tried to fit in too quickly. Again, my apologies to all that I offended and the best of luck to all in all you do. G

You sound like a good dude. This place can take a minute to figure out, but it’s hands down the best forum I’ve been on. I started going on forums with elite fitness back in 2001, so I’ve seen how a lot of boards operate since then. You will enjoy your time here.
My apologies. I apologized to Mdrock in a conversation. I misjudged some of the other comments I had read on here and foolishly thought what I said would be taken lightly. Hopefully laughed at. I was wrong. In order to avoid allowing my quick replies and smart ass remarks to offend any more members, I will stay MESO, though you are light years beyond all other forums I participate in. Really excellent knowledge here. I have been bodybuilding since 1984. Won state and national titles. But now I realize my senility is going to get me in trouble. I guess I tried to fit in too quickly. Again, my apologies to all that I offended and the best of luck to all in all you do. G

Feel free and share some of your knowledge and experience then man. Lol, welcome to MESO. You’ll like it here.
You sound like a good dude. This place can take a minute to figure out, but it’s hands down the best forum I’ve been on. I started going on forums with elite fitness back in 2001, so I’ve seen how a lot of boards operate since then. You will enjoy your time here.
Thanks JC, Sometimes it takes this sort of thing to make oneself realize they are probably an arrogant ass hole. The guy I originally smarted off to, we are actually good friends now thanks to the conversation option. I hired a coach on here also. You are right, a great place. I went back and tried to delete my offensive comments but there is a 30 minute window and it had just passed. I will continue to answer, comment, and apologize to those that were offended by me. That is the right thing to do. But after that I'll just be a reader. They do say that is the way to gain knowledge and I don't want to upset anyone's day. My type of humor doesn't belong here. I was just having a happy, funny day.
Thank you again JC for your help. G.
Thanks JC, Sometimes it takes this sort of thing to make oneself realize they are probably an arrogant ass hole. The guy I originally smarted off to, we are actually good friends now thanks to the conversation option. I hired a coach on here also. You are right, a great place. I went back and tried to delete my offensive comments but there is a 30 minute window and it had just passed. I will continue to answer, comment, and apologize to those that were offended by me. That is the right thing to do. But after that I'll just be a reader. They do say that is the way to gain knowledge and I don't want to upset anyone's day. My type of humor doesn't belong here. I was just having a happy, funny day.
Thank you again JC for your help. G.

Glad to have you on board brother. And looking forward to increase my learnings from your decades of experience. I hope you share a lot of stores