SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

Got my pack a few days ago. Triple wrapped burrito basically, one of the most encased packages I’ve ever received. Sym brewed me some test-U @ 400mg/ml with pumpkin seed oil and about 2-3% guaiacol. A little finicky with stability, one of the vials crashed on its way over but I partially submerged it into a ~125 degree water bath and it went back into solution. Pinned 1.5ml with 27 gauge ventrogluteal and PIP was essentially non-existent. Worked legs and some cardio and 0 complaints. Though I am VERY tolerant to PIP so take that with a grain of salt. Sym also pinned some before shipping it out and he had no issues either.

Interestingly this brew smelled pretty good. I was sniffing the needle after the pin lol

I am currently sending an unlabeled vial from my order to be tested. Hope to get those results back in a few weeks. Will also get bloodwork in a few weeks as well.

In my discussion with Sym he said he would be interested in adding this product to his lineup but is holding off until he can get it tested as well. Maybe we’ll see it in the future :p
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Got my pack a few days ago. Triple wrapped burrito basically, one of the most encased packages I’ve ever received. Sym brewed me some test-U @ 400mg/ml with pumpkin seed oil and about 2-3% guaiacol. A little finicky with stability, one of the vials crashed on its way over but I partially submerged it into a ~125 degree water bath and it went back into solution. Pinned 1.5ml with 27 gauge ventrogluteal and PIP was essentially non-existent. Worked legs and some cardio and 0 complaints. Though I am VERY tolerant to PIP so take that with a grain of salt. Sym also pinned some before shipping it out and he had no issues either.

Interestingly this brew smelled pretty good. I was sniffing the needle after the pin lol

I am currently sending an unlabeled vial from my order to be tested. Hope to get those results back in a few weeks. Will also get bloodwork in a few weeks as well.

In my discussion with Sym he said he would be interested in adding this product to his lineup but is holding off until he can get it tested as well. Maybe we’ll see it in the future :p
How often will you pin the Test U and where do you hope your T levels to stay at?I bought some Test U from Sym a few weeks ago and plan on using it for my TRT in the future.
How often will you pin the Test U and where do you hope your T levels to stay at?I bought some Test U from Sym a few weeks ago and plan on using it for my TRT in the future.
I’m hoping to start a cycle when the gyms re-open and I’ll pin 600mg weekly. Will be a long cycle, probably 24 weeks to make the best use of the ester. If im cruising on trt then 400mg every 2 weeks works fine for me. Keeps me in the upper end or just over the upper end.
The reason I like a highly concentrated test is to lessen the volume of the injections. I like to keep the delts in the injection rotations and I don’t feel terribly comfortable trying to shove 2-2.5ml into the delts with a normally dosed product. 1.5ml to get 600mg or 1ml for 400 keeps all the injections sites comfortably in rotation. If I were to add compounds like primo which would take 2ml injections twice a week I could keep the test with the upper body injection sites and use the primo in the lower body injection sites. Just my opinion/preferences though.
Probably not the best advice I've heard here

It’s sarcasm dude, gentle at that. @BigBaldBeardGuy has helped many new members repeatedly answering that question I can imagine it gets annoying. This is a harm reduction board, you’d be doing yourself a disservice as a new member and not taking the time to read and figure out these kind of things on your own..
Meh... you’ve only been here a couple weeks so you’re still overeager to help. Honeymoon phase.

Give it a few months and you’ll be a miserable cynical asshole like the rest of us!

Don't believe everything you read.Says I'm a junior member, truth is I've been here for years, just been away for a while. It's my nature to help another out

I get it. I’ve done the same. I like the guys here and we’ve all needed help before.

We should let the source provide those answers though. It would encourage Sym to stop by more often. It’s HIS customer service, not ours. We’re enabling him to put less effort into his own customers.
I get it. I’ve done the same. I like the guys here and we’ve all needed help before.

We should let the source provide those answers though. It would encourage Sym to stop by more often. It’s HIS customer service, not ours. We’re enabling him to put less effort into his own customers.

Not only that big baldie, but this is Meso if you want handouts go to ASF or erroids. We have a reputation. No handouts. I got ran through the trenches when I first started with Meso. These rookies got to get a clue. At that, I’m still a rookie as well, but Im an apprentice that actually listens to Meso community.