SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

Good Morning all.
I hope the beginning of the work week is going well for those fortunate enough to still be able to work.
DNP capsules are finished; but I won't take orders until Wednesday night. I still have to package and label it all.
HCG and HGH are still untested. There is a delay with shipping and I will not sell them until they are tested.
I wish you all a great Monday. My list is to follow:

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I see you’re not having the dnp tested this time. Are you that confident with it? Is it the same batch as before? Sorry all this may of been said before but there was some inconsistencies with another dnp source here so just being cautious.
I see you’re not having the dnp tested this time. Are you that confident with it? Is it the same batch as before? Sorry all this may of been said before but there was some inconsistencies with another dnp source here so just being cautious.

I can't speak for Sym but I had contacted him a couple of weeks ago about another product I wanted to order, which I was wondering if he had test results for. He told me that he had sent a number of products out for testing but it was extremely delayed. Im not sure if DNP was included in this shipment. I believe he was having them resent.

I don't want to put out too much info but I sent 9 products to be tested and it has not updated in over a week. Hopefully the situation will resolve and products can be tested because I believe it is in the best interest of the board to have as much stuff as possible.
im pretty sure the DNP is from the same batch of raws, he had 1kg left.

a thing i noticed with DNP capsule is after swallowing my throat burns, not too bad but i can definitely feel it, not sure if capsules open in my throat or DNP causes reflux that burns my throat

only happens with DNP, drinking water or having a bite fixes it, otherwise it lingers for a while
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im pretty sure the DNP is from the same batch of raws, he had 1kg left.

a thing i noticed with DNP capsule is after swallowing my throat burns, not too bad but i can definitely feel it, not sure if capsules open in my throat or DNP causes reflux that burns my throat

Good memory. Now that you say that, I do remember him saying he had that left over.
Yes. Some things were 5:1 preference in liquid according to the tally since I started.
I would assume that the liquid sales of some of them were driven by the amount of hormone available for the same price; but much of the reason is the dosage flexibility.
Without any overestimation, I have had at least 10 emails each day with requests for liquids and different dosages of capsules.
Stocking multiple capsule dosages is simply not possible for me; so suspensions will meet more of the needs for the majority of people.

True, it is more efficient for me to produce suspensions than capsules; albeit more expensive. In addition to the efficiency; the possibility of mistake is greatly reduced because to the decreased number of variables in the math for suspensions vs capsules.
I am unsure if it is common knowledge, but any two shipments of empty capsules will likely have significantly different weights. I am unsure of the reason for this manufacturing difference. A 3 mg weight difference, per capsule, will make a difference over 5000 capsules; and I believe it would be enough of a difference to make the dosages unreliable by my standards.. Also, the excipient (filler) will have a different weight depending on the humidity at the time of compounding. I was very surprised to find this out and see the significance through the math when doing my calculations. The potential weight differences between empty capsules and filler make having a standard "formula" impossible without a rigorously controlled humidity environment and capsule supply.
All of that means that each capsule batch is from a completely new formulation in which the empty capsules are weighed and weighed again when filled to max capacity of each filler and API. This is done the old fashioned way and not with any sort of powder calculator. I use a formula from legitimate compounding guide.
It's a good 1.5 hours of math and mess making before I can even compute the quantities needed for a batch.
Then the powders are blended for 6 hours in the v-blender.

What this means is that there are about a hundred chances for me to make a mistake; and I remove most of those chances with suspensions.

And in the end: the suspensions sell better. It has never been a secret that I want to maximize profit from this venture; so there is a significant financial component to the decision as well.

I feel certain that I will lose some customers who demand capsules; but that is a loss I can absorb since I know I will be less likely to produce an inconsistent product. I would much rather have 100 happy and healthy customers than 200 customers that take a chance on me messing up a capsule formula.

Regarding DNP:
It will definitely remain in capsule form until I no longer carry it. I can't imagine taking it in liquid since just the dust from it has permanently stained some of the nonporous surfaces in my lab yellow. I have 1Kg or raw DNP left, and I won't be ordering any more of it. It is laborious to deal with and I still don't really like the idea of distributing something lethal.

I apologize for any inconvenience these decisions may cause; but I believe they are the right decisions for everyone involved.

Took me a minute to find it even with the search function. Post #6690.

Regarding DNP:
It will definitely remain in capsule form until I no longer carry it. I can't imagine taking it in liquid since just the dust from it has permanently stained some of the nonporous surfaces in my lab yellow. I have 1Kg or raw DNP left, and I won't be ordering any more of it. It is laborious to deal with and I still don't really like the idea of distributing something lethal.
Anybody else tempted to buy from this dude simply because of how pretty his vials are. They look so Pharma grade ish. I could use his Test E-400 for a year round TRT regimen.

Are you kidding? That’s why everyone buys. Good labels always mean good [emoji91] gear, bro. [emoji106]

You should be more interested in lab testing of his product. That’s a better indicator of quality.
Are you kidding? That’s why everyone buys. Good labels always mean good [emoji91] gear, bro. [emoji106]

You should be more interested in lab testing of his product. That’s a better indicator of quality.
Yeah I know it’s a stupid reason to buy from him I saw his lab reports too. I just can’t get over how good his shit looks. Sadly that’s the main reason I want to buy it over other labs. Lol I know it’s dumb.
Yeah I know it’s a stupid reason to buy from him I saw his lab reports too. I just can’t get over how good his shit looks. Sadly that’s the main reason I want to buy it over other labs. Lol I know it’s dumb.

Lol. It’s alright.

Two trains of thought on this kinda thing 1) guys like that he takes pride in the appearance of his product as well as the quality and 2) guys don’t give a shit about the labels as long as what’s inside is good.

There’s a lot of UGLs out there that have really nice labels and underdose their gear. That’s not a good thing. A lot of the sources on BoP have amazing labels but crap product.
Lol. It’s alright.

Two trains of thought on this kinda thing 1) guys like that he takes pride in the appearance of his product as well as the quality and 2) guys don’t give a shit about the labels as long as what’s inside is good.

There’s a lot of UGLs out there that have really nice labels and underdose their gear. That’s not a good thing. A lot of the sources on BoP have amazing labels but crap product.
Damn right, you can’t just go off looks alone. To me it is just the icing on the cake for a source who is already proven. Kind of that extra UMFFF if you’re sitting on the fence and caught between two choices.
@Dthcore i also get shortness of breath, I don't think it's due to DNP, I noticed it mostly happens after eating especially when eating volumes of food(u too?), I think it's a side-effect of high steroids use, stuff like stimulants make it worse. it's a known fact that cardiovascular issues are #1 side-effects of steroid use.

anyone has any insight/experience on this?
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@Dthcore i also get shortness of breath, I don't think it's due to DNP, I noticed it mostly happens after eating especially when eating volumes of food(u too?), I think it's a side-effect of high steroids use, stuff like stimulants make it worse. it's a known fact that cardiovascular issues are #1 side-effects of steroid use.

anyone has any insight/experience on this?

I noticed it was after eating too man! I hated it! I do think its the DNP though. Im sure it has something to do with breaking down the food you just consumed putting the body on overdrive or something. Shit was unsettling for me. haha
@Dthcore i also get shortness of breath, I don't think it's due to DNP, I noticed it mostly happens after eating especially when eating volumes of food(u too?), I think it's a side-effect of high steroids use, stuff like stimulants make it worse. it's a known fact that cardiovascular issues are #1 side-effects of steroid use.

anyone has any insight/experience on this?
Ang time I go overboard with my meals, I get that need to take a deeper breath to get enough oxygen (No DNP ).