SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

@Dthcore i also get shortness of breath, I don't think it's due to DNP, I noticed it mostly happens after eating especially when eating volumes of food(u too?), I think it's a side-effect of high steroids use, stuff like stimulants make it worse. it's a known fact that cardiovascular issues are #1 side-effects of steroid use.

anyone has any insight/experience on this?
I can only speak for myself, but during my very first Tren cycle I began having shortness of breath. This was in 2008. The shortness of breath has never ceased. I'll leave it at that but I feel other PEDs cause this as well.
I see you’re not having the dnp tested this time. Are you that confident with it? Is it the same batch as before? Sorry all this may of been said before but there was some inconsistencies with another dnp source here so just being cautious.
It is to be tested. Actually the sample from the last batch has been en route for testing since the end of April.
Yes, this is the same batch of raw materials as previous batches: actually the only time I have ever ordered it.
im pretty sure the DNP is from the same batch of raws, he had 1kg left.

a thing i noticed with DNP capsule is after swallowing my throat burns, not too bad but i can definitely feel it, not sure if capsules open in my throat or DNP causes reflux that burns my throat

only happens with DNP, drinking water or having a bite fixes it, otherwise it lingers for a while
Correct, my last Kg and the last time I will offer it.
I too got the burning sensation and the breathing oddity while on DNP. I have no explanation for either of those phenomena, other than the substance is temporarily very taxing on the body in multiple ways.
When will hcg/hgh be available?
When I know that it is what it is claimed to be.
It seems that many people have difficulties in finding my email address and list.
To anyone who may read this message:
My email address and all ordering instructions are contained within this list. The link is permanent and will automatically update as I make any changes to the list. Please feel free to save this link (not copy the information from the link) to use at any time there is confusion about product availability or contact information
Thank you.
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My God this is golden. This is why Meso is the best.


Any idea what that GIF was from? Obviously an award of some kind.
Just another customer experience post. I made my first order sometime recently and contacted sym 12 days after not receiving it. He quickly apologized and informed me that he forgot to mark it so it was never sent out and offered me an immediate full refund or he would ship it fast first thing the next morning and I chose the latter. Pack landed two days later with everything accounted for. Nothing more nothing less, as it should be, with great packaging. Everyone makes mistakes, I respect the way he handles his. I’ve followed this thread since day 1 and would order again.
Hello all.
I apologize; but I just found out I have to travel early Thursday morning.
This will affect DNP shipping since it will not be ready to send out until late tomorrow night.
I will not be able to fill any orders between Wednesday at 9pm and Monday morning.
Orders may be placed and the DNP will be held in the order in which funds are confirmed; but, again, I will not be able to ship it before next week.

I apologize to anyone who was hoping to get it shipped out before the weekend. This travel was unplanned and unexpected.

Thank you all for understanding.
Can anyone PM me pics of a couple vials? I'm interested to see the look of Sym.

Here, I'll post this publicly in case others have the same question. I forgot to add them to my review which you can find a couple pages back which will explain some things if you have questions. One vial crashed during shipping and two more crashed on an exceedingly cold night at home (could have been prevented If I chose to store them somewhere more temperature stable, oops). Keep in mind my order is experimental and is not at all indicative of what Sym's product stack will be like for all of you. I used a ~125 degree water bath to bring the three crashed vials back into solution which you can see in the photos.

I'll state again, this was an experimental order and is not what you should expect from Sym's products.


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I can only speak for myself, but during my very first Tren cycle I began having shortness of breath. This was in 2008. The shortness of breath has never ceased. I'll leave it at that but I feel other PEDs cause this as well.
haven't ceased even when natty? some PEDs cause permanent lung damage? that's fucked and needs to be addressed.
haven't ceased even when natty? some PEDs cause permanent lung damage? that's fucked and needs to be addressed.

I don’t mean to but in. Me and and my friend were talking last night, (I bought his pedal bike off of him for some extra cardio) none the less we both been diagnosed with low t, (I’ll save that for another thread lol) he been on AAS longer than me and been active’s forum and I’m @meso. He’s not a fan of Meso, because we’re too tough on eachother lol, but I digress. Anyways, we began talking about tren. I know it’s a little off topic but he claims his research backs up “permanent light brain damage” from high/heavy dosages of Tren. Not sure if he’s smoking crack or if it is true. He says it has something to do with changing of the brains proteins over the long run. I won’t touch tren, A- because I’m a pussy to do so, B - I work labor for my City and won’t do well with not sleeping due to night sweats.

On the topic of lung problems regarding AAS, I’m unaware. Although, from my research, it has been stated, it is a must to do cardiovascular exercise regardless of what compound you take due to the build up of plaque in the blood (cholesterol). I’m assuming this correlates with the function of the lungs, assuming the heart and lungs are basically husband and wife. Just my theory.. maybe bro science, but none the less, ever since my first pin I correlate pinning with cardio. Lol. It I’m pinning, I’m doing cardio (besides lifting) regardless, everyday. Granted, the big theory behind heart [emoji3590] problems and aas, is supposedly genetics. I forgot what bodybuilder just recently passed away due to heart failure. It was interesting because my friend and I were going over the autopsy, and there were no plaque build up or anything. They claim it was un related to AAS and it was related to his gene pool. Supposedly, his whole line of family had heart problems. Anyways, sure risks are there, as we all know, but so is walking outside your house. My dad always said “If you are scared to die, your already dead”. I will take this to grave. None the less, we have to be smart with everything we do. I call it “be on your P’s and Q’s”. Lol. I was diagnosed with hypogonadism 3 years ago, and since I been on testosterone, my quality of life has drastically improved. Stronger, faster, better sex drive, better sleep. None the less, I try to incorporate cardio everyday after my lifts, before and on off days. (Hence the reason to buy his [emoji605], because too much running has takin its toll on my body) lol. I digress.
There’s only one way out this bitch called life, just make sure she’s beautiful. Hahaha.

Cheers [emoji1635]
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