SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

Listen man. Thank goodness/God your alive and well. I’m sorry that happened to you and glad you came out of it smarter and without serious consequences. Don’t let it get to you man. Just do a search on bodybuilders passing after that happened to them. It’s a blessing your still here.

Cheers [emoji1635]
You are so correct Mdrock. I was very close to death. My respirations went to 6 per minute. They were shoving the nitro down my throat. lol. Man, when I came out of that hospital, I felt like I had been re born. I see so many things in a more positive manner than before. And thank you bro!!!! I'll buy you that beer one day hopefully.
how long have you been cruising on test and eq? I have been thinking about adding primo to my 250mg test cruise, but wasnt sure
That is almost crazy. I cruised 6 weeks on test and eq, but, Monday, what is that, 4 days ago, added 200 mg Primo E per week. Have you ever used Primo? Wondering why you are considering it. Two weeks from now I plan to increase to 500 Eq and 400 Primo E depending on how I feel physically. In the past, Primo and Test stack alone have made me feel wonderful. Even without Deca, body aches fade, appetite becomes stable, energy is like I want it to be, not like some old ass rocking chair dude. Motivation improves also which is a huge bonus for anyone with any type of depression. I am using Eq to help with appetite, strength, and basically for the sense of well being it offers also. Since my attack, I lost weight and appetite. Good luck to you.
Yeah I use to use Tren quite a bit. I'm in my lower 30s but will only ever use it again at 350mg a week max for no more than 4-6 weeks. It just fucks things up too much, nevermind the increased potential for developing Alzheimer's with its use.
Indeed. You are young enough for your body to be able to rebound from Tren like side effects. At age 54, man, that shit is hard on a dude. I am convinced I still have Tren sides lingering. Just be smart and listen to your body. I haven't been too good about that in the past. And remember, there are safer choices that were actually developed for human use instead of cattle. Lol. You may have to combine more than one compound to achieve effects as quick as you do with Tren, but safer and can stay on cycle longer for more effect as well as sustaining the effects after stopping use. Best of everything to you man.
It does suk. And some can use that suff with virtually zero sides. It is probably the very best I have ever used. The effects are phenomenal. But to people susceptible to the sides, It does suk!!!
The one time I used it, I didn’t really get any physical sides. I just wonder what it did to my organs and brain lol
Damn dude Trop of 30 is huge. Lots of cardiac muscle ischemia there. Do you know what your ejection fraction is and did it improve with time/recovery post heart attack? Just curious. Tx
I know you will question this, but, my EF was 59 upon arrival to ER. It was 60 one week later.
True. I often wonder the same about any of this stuff. Especially SARMS and peptides with the limited or no studies we have for them.
I tried ostarine and had bloodwork down after. My liver enzymes were astronomical! 300 and 800!! So who knows. And to your point, I think it’s best to stick with compounds that have years and years of medical research on humans.
I tried ostarine and had bloodwork down after. My liver enzymes were astronomical! 300 and 800!! So who knows. And to your point, I think it’s best to stick with compounds that have years and years of medical research on humans.
I'm turning back to that myself. Forget all the hype. We have stuff in our arsenals that do just as well. Maybe not a fast as we would like, but they get us there. Shit fire JC!!!! That just hit me.....300 and 800!!!!! Those readings are severely elevated. I'm assuming that is AST and ALT units per L? Lucky for us, our liver is one organ that can overcome and repair itself. PEDs do astronomical things to our bodies.
Idk if it's really so much the dhb compound or if it's more so how it's made, like if it's got alot of guic in it, iv seen lots of blood work on it some people have no issues and there bloods are fine, but I have seen some where it threw off there lipids... I'm not to worried about that cause I'm in my lower 30s and I always have blood work done mid way through.... I'm curious how the pip is with his is there is any, usually with dhb it'll have a pretty bad bite and u whind up having to stop, I'm kinda between weither to use primo or dhb from sym
I'm turning back to that myself. Forget all the hype. We have stuff in our arsenals that do just as well. Maybe not a fast as we would like, but they get us there. Shit fire JC!!!! That just hit me.....300 and 800!!!!! Those readings are severely elevated. I'm assuming that is AST and ALT units per L? Lucky for us, our liver is one organ that can overcome and repair itself. PEDs do astronomical things to our bodies.
Yeah ast and alt. My doctor yelled at me lol. She said it was from protein powder and to stop. hahaha
Are you serious ?? You post dumb ass memes every two seconds with zero regards to Syms stuff [emoji2361] I cant believe the Old Man hasn’t gotten on your shit yet , he must be calming down [mention]Oldschool [/mention] , may be a good thing tho lol been a while since I’ve posted but dammm I’m all for memes and emojis but you take it to another level sir
Fuck you and fuck calming downo_O:D
Memes are good. I dont care what that rich truck driver @HIGHRISK says. :cool:
Yeah ast and alt. My doctor yelled at me lol. She said it was from protein powder and to stop. hahaha
Yea it's werid that it does that isn't it, do you remember how bad they were off and we're u using anything else like orals or anything that would also contribute to it? That's why I'm leaning alil more towards using syms primo, I was considering dhb cause u get more out of it unless I ran a really good dose of primo
It's all good. And thanks.
Anytime brother, it deff can be used I know plenty of guys who have used it and had no issues, I would just recommend doing bloods midway through to make sure nothing is to out of whack, if u don't have any issues it's a great compound but u have to find a good one cause pip usual I'd always an issue but there are good ones out there with basically no pip
Yea it's werid that it does that isn't it, do you remember how bad they were off and we're u using anything else like orals or anything that would also contribute to it? That's why I'm leaning alil more towards using syms primo, I was considering dhb cause u get more out of it unless I ran a really good dose of primo
Between ending the ostarine and getting my bloodwork, she had put me on some antibiotic for IBS. Could have have that, both, or the ostarine alone. No way to tell. But I’d still rather never do sarms again and I’m not too big on orals.