SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

I ran osterine before and I wasn’t impressed. I never experienced any sides. Then again, the liver damage might have been silent. I have been off orals for a while, I’m definitely not a fan as well.

Cheers [emoji1635]
I agree with being unimpressed. I really felt it was a waste of money. Should have bought more gear lol
What kind of IBS sides do you have? I've been having issues lately too and came back negative for Celiac and my white blood cell count wasn't elevated so not dealing with an infection.
I go to the bathroom 6-10 times a day. Been tested for everything lol. So I was just “diagnosed” with IBS. Nothing has helped so far and I’ve tried probably everything over the last 7 or 8 years. I live on Metamucil. And sometimes I take Imodium which can help maybe 10%. But if I had to travel I’d load up on it well beyond the suggested dose

Have you been tested for Crohns disease or UC? I have Crohns disease and I lost about 75 lbs before I was diagnosed. I am back to 230 now but I went from 6'3 235 to about 160.

Not trying to get in your business or anything but I work in gastroenterology now so if you want to message me or discuss it I will do my best to help. I believe there are some other members on here that have had similar issues. Again not trying to tell you what to do or anything but just offering to try and help if possible because I know it sucks. Hope you both feel better over time!
You might not be getting any pip cause of the (EO/Guaiacol) and I spoke to sym and he said he hates pip and he said the dhb doesn't have any pip or if it does it's very very small amount, and also with pip it also comes down to how well it's brewed, I know of a CPL other dhb that have no pip to or if they do it's very small amount, one customer was running dhb and he had barely any pip so he thought it was fake or bunk and he sent it in for a test and it came back legit and was even alil over the dosage on the label and it was a blind sample, so just goes to show just cause ur not getting pip doesn't mean it's not legit... And I'm not saying ur saying syms dhb isn't good cause I actually believe it is , theres been a decent amount of raw test reports and also finished product tests by customers which all pretty much tested right on.... Thank u for the answer cause I was going back and forth between primo or dhb, so now I'm leaning towards the dhb, I know some samples were sent out for testing recently for some of syms products if I read right and I think a customer was also sending some.... It's prob to early to tell result wise but yes usual around 400mg for dhb is where u wanna be
Yeah I probably should have mentioned that about the quac. I know that’s why the DHB didn’t have any bite to it but I didn’t think it would combat the MCT like it did. That’s what I was getting at was that the MCT didn’t knot me up like it usually does and give me any pip as well.
I wasn’t implying that Syms products wasn’t on point because I wasn’t getting any pip. I personally believe all his products are on point because if I had the slightest doubt that they wasn’t, I wouldn’t have ordered anything whatsoever from him lol.
I see how my post could be misread so I appreciate you helping so I can explain better. :)
Edit; I hate the smell of quac and the taste it leaves in my mouth. Used it many of times with preworkout Injectables. But if it helps to be able to run DHB and get the most out of it without any pip, then I can deal with it I suppose... :oops:;):D
No I have never used primo before but I have heard great things about it. It being pretty generous on your lipids and the well being you talked about peaked my interest. It’s not something I was 100% set on yet, I like to do as much reading as I can before I try something, but also talking with people who have done it helps out a lot. Stay safe out there man and be careful!

You won’t see anything unless you run primo at 600mg a week or more. From my experience, and many others. I bought a shit ton of it last year thinking it would shred me up due to its claim of fat burning. I seen nothing special. It’s ok for strength, and puts on lean muscle over time. It’s nothing spectacular for the price you pay. I wouldn’t recommend it due to its price/effectiveness ratio.
You won’t see anything unless you run primo at 600mg a week or more. From my experience, and many others. I bought a shit ton of it last year thinking it would shred me up due to its claim of fat burning. I seen nothing special. It’s ok for strength, and puts on lean muscle over time. It’s nothing spectacular for the price you pay. I wouldn’t recommend it due to its price/effectiveness ratio.

I’ve always wondered who made these rules when I read comments like you won’t see anything unless you run it over such and such number. I’m no pro or guru but I always wonder who makes these numbers up it has to be over 600. I think genetics, body type, body fat, training, diet all play into how much gear works for someone.

like I see people talk about running winny and wonder what do they expect at higher bfs. I personally ran primo around 500-600 last year for about 14 weeks and I felt leaner and harder than ever. I stay pretty lean all year round and I enjoyed it. Is it my go to, no not at all but I never understood where people say you won’t see anything on over 600 a week. I think genetics is huge part in dosage and results
Agreed. Genetics are everything, including response to test. We all would be mr Olympia’s if
everyone’ responded to Gear exceptionally well. That’s just the word on the block for primo really. (For us “non genetic freaks”) lol. Just saying. From personal experience as well. I find it too expensive for what you get as well. Even at 500mg a week, depending on how it’s dosed, 200mg or 100mg/per mil, you’ll be tossin those empty vials in the trash really quick. I’m not knockin primo, matter of fact I’m running it now at 600mg a week, due it’s immune boosting effects. hydroxychloroquine got nothin on me. Lol

You might not be getting any pip cause of the (EO/Guaiacol) and I spoke to sym and he said he hates pip and he said the dhb doesn't have any pip or if it does it's very very small amount, and also with pip it also comes down to how well it's brewed, I know of a CPL other dhb that have no pip to or if they do it's very small amount, one customer was running dhb and he had barely any pip so he thought it was fake or bunk and he sent it in for a test and it came back legit and was even alil over the dosage on the label and it was a blind sample, so just goes to show just cause ur not getting pip doesn't mean it's not legit... And I'm not saying ur saying syms dhb isn't good cause I actually believe it is , theres been a decent amount of raw test reports and also finished product tests by customers which all pretty much tested right on.... Thank u for the answer cause I was going back and forth between primo or dhb, so now I'm leaning towards the dhb, I know some samples were sent out for testing recently for some of syms products if I read right and I think a customer was also sending some.... It's prob to early to tell result wise but yes usual around 400mg for dhb is where u wanna be

Hey when you don’t use punctuation and just do long run on sentences it really speeds me up and gets me all jittery and I start to sweat because I all of a sudden get anxiety... it really drives me crazy so the next time can you put a period or two or three in there so you don’t come off sounding like you just did five or six hits off the meth pipe I sure would really appreciate it thank you man! [emoji106]
Hey when you don’t use punctuation and just do long run on sentences it really speeds me up and gets me all jittery and I start to sweat because I all of a sudden get anxiety... it really drives me crazy so the next time can you put a period or two or three in there so you don’t come off sounding like you just did five or six hits off the meth pipe I sure would really appreciate it thank you man! [emoji106]
It’s kinda like an AAS spin on Joyce’s “Ulysses.”
Yeah I probably should have mentioned that about the quac. I know that’s why the DHB didn’t have any bite to it but I didn’t think it would combat the MCT like it did. That’s what I was getting at was that the MCT didn’t knot me up like it usually does and give me any pip as well.
I wasn’t implying that Syms products wasn’t on point because I wasn’t getting any pip. I personally believe all his products are on point because if I had the slightest doubt that they wasn’t, I wouldn’t have ordered anything whatsoever from him lol.
I see how my post could be misread so I appreciate you helping so I can explain better. :)
Edit; I hate the smell of quac and the taste it leaves in my mouth. Used it many of times with preworkout Injectables. But if it helps to be able to run DHB and get the most out of it without any pip, then I can deal with it I suppose... :oops:;):D
Yea my bad I wasn't trying to say syms stuff wasn't good I also believe his stuff is very good actually, I was leaning more towards it when it comes to some dhb having pip it depends on what's in side it and how much solvents also, cause some dhb will hurt like a bitch and some others aren't that bad at all, I was just referring to an occasion where one did have pip and the person thought that it wasn't any good cause he didn't get any pip from it and sent it in to testing and it came back legit and properly dosed... Lol so maybe I should of explained alil better....

Yea that is werid that u always knot up with MCT I was figuring that maybe this time u didn't cause of the guac, and do u know if it's MCT oil that's knowing u up I know alot of people don't take well to the eo I believe I read that was one of the reason why sym stoped using eo cause some people get pip or knot up or get pip from it.... Although it seems like it must be the mct that is knoting you up and not the eo cause there's eo in syms dhb, the only thing I can think is u didn't knot up this time with the mct mct c it had guac in it.... Idk either way it's a plus this time.... I'm wondering if I should go with the dhb or the primo from sym unless I just get alil of both, and my bad didn't mean for it to get mixed up , I'm glad to hear that the dhb is pretty pipless and smooth, prob get more out of the dhb and better results as long as I stay on track with food and training... I do like the primo though plus syms primo tested at 197mg
You won’t see anything unless you run primo at 600mg a week or more. From my experience, and many others. I bought a shit ton of it last year thinking it would shred me up due to its claim of fat burning. I seen nothing special. It’s ok for strength, and puts on lean muscle over time. It’s nothing spectacular for the price you pay. I wouldn’t recommend it due to its price/effectiveness ratio.
That's why I'm kinda also leaning towards dhb over primo, think I'll get much more out of the dhb then the primo
Agreed. Genetics are everything, including response to test. We all would be mr Olympia’s if
everyone’ responded to Gear exceptionally well. That’s just the word on the block for primo really. (For us “non genetic freaks”) lol. Just saying. From personal experience as well. I find it too expensive for what you get as well. Even at 500mg a week, depending on how it’s dosed, 200mg or 100mg/per mil, you’ll be tossin those empty vials in the trash really quick. I’m not knockin primo, matter of fact I’m running it now at 600mg a week, due it’s immune boosting effects. hydroxychloroquine got nothin on me. Lol


I run primo currently at 100mg/w just for the mood benefits along with the others and I can say for sure that I feel better even at that low of a dosage.
Someone mentioned primo at 200mg a week. If you look at studies done with Primo in lab rats as well as for women with breast cancer, the rats are taking 10mg per kg weight 3 times a week, and the human study gave the women 400mg three times a week. Another dosing protocol to treat aplastic anemia in humans was 1-3mg per kg body weight PER DAY. For a 200lb person that’s 180mg a day for a middle line approach of 2mg per kg bodyweight. Obviously the dose increases as the weight of the individual increases.

-3 grams a week for the rats
-1.2 grams a week for the breast cancer study.
1.26 grams a week for aplastic anemia

Now I’m no magician, but I’d imagine if you wanted to see performance enhancing effects from this compound you definitely need to push MUCH higher than 200mg a week. At best all you will find at that dosing is maybe a better sense of wellbeing and a little hardening. Anything more is probably placebo from the expectations you set for yourself with primo. Don’t budget dose on something as expensive as primo unless your goals are simply a “quality of life” boost.
Someone mentioned primo at 200mg a week. If you look at studies done with Primo in lab rats as well as for women with breast cancer, the rats are taking 10mg per kg weight 3 times a week, and the human study gave the women 400mg three times a week. Another dosing protocol to treat aplastic anemia in humans was 1-3mg per kg body weight PER DAY. For a 200lb person that’s 180mg a day for a middle line approach of 2mg per kg bodyweight. Obviously the dose increases as the weight of the individual increases.

-3 grams a week for the rats
-1.2 grams a week for the breast cancer study.
1.26 grams a week for aplastic anemia

Now I’m no magician, but I’d imagine if you wanted to see performance enhancing effects from this compound you definitely need to push MUCH higher than 200mg a week. At best all you will find at that dosing is maybe a better sense of wellbeing and a little hardening. Anything more is probably placebo from the expectations you set for yourself with primo. Don’t budget dose on something as expensive as primo unless your goals are simply a “quality of life” boost.

I'll have to give that a whirl at the dosages per body weight. Thanks for the informative post. I always figured I didn't want to go too high because of the possibility of hair loss. I've gone as far as 300, I'm going to guess that if my hair didn't fall out at 300 I should be good for more?
Someone mentioned primo at 200mg a week. If you look at studies done with Primo in lab rats as well as for women with breast cancer, the rats are taking 10mg per kg weight 3 times a week, and the human study gave the women 400mg three times a week. Another dosing protocol to treat aplastic anemia in humans was 1-3mg per kg body weight PER DAY. For a 200lb person that’s 180mg a day for a middle line approach of 2mg per kg bodyweight. Obviously the dose increases as the weight of the individual increases.

-3 grams a week for the rats
-1.2 grams a week for the breast cancer study.
1.26 grams a week for aplastic anemia

Now I’m no magician, but I’d imagine if you wanted to see performance enhancing effects from this compound you definitely need to push MUCH higher than 200mg a week. At best all you will find at that dosing is maybe a better sense of wellbeing and a little hardening. Anything more is probably placebo from the expectations you set for yourself with primo. Don’t budget dose on something as expensive as primo unless your goals are simply a “quality of life” boost.

I have to second this. Although I think primo is great for all around well being and quality of life. It's also a great addition in females as well.

I personally think the cost outweighs the benefits. If you are looking to get performance enhancing benefits from it there are other compounds that will put a lot less strain on your wallet and achieve similar results.

I personally used a couple brands that had tested well during my last contest prep, including running Bayer Rimos that had all individually checked out. Even at 700-1000mg a week the results I got weren't worth the cost to me. Whereas, many other things make a drastic difference even at 500-600mg.

Just my .02
I'll have to give that a whirl at the dosages per body weight. Thanks for the informative post. I always figured I didn't want to go too high because of the possibility of hair loss. I've gone as far as 300, I'm going to guess that if my hair didn't fall out at 300 I should be good for more?
Probably fine with more. Though I can never say with certainty. I never had to worry about hair loss since my hairline started to go after I graduated high school.... one less thing to worry me lol

Also I personally believe dosing around 600mg -1gram a week for primo is enough to see something truly tangible in terms of performance enhancing, albeit rather tame compared to most compounds. 200-400 seems pretty ideal for some quality of life bumps. Though I’d personally rather spend the money on adding another IU/day of HGH if all I want is quality of life improvements.
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Another pack flawlessly TD. Only took 4 days over a weekend (I’m writing this in a couple days after) even with corona precautions. Strong packaging just like before.