SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

I have to second this. Although I think primo is great for all around well being and quality of life. It's also a great addition in females as well.

I personally think the cost outweighs the benefits. If you are looking to get performance enhancing benefits from it there are other compounds that will put a lot less strain on your wallet and achieve similar results.

I personally used a couple brands that had tested well during my last contest prep, including running Bayer Rimos that had all individually checked out. Even at 700-1000mg a week the results I got weren't worth the cost to me. Whereas, many other things make a drastic difference even at 500-600mg.

Just my .02

There are other compounds but I was under the impression that the main other ones aren't as "safe" or need to be run with supporting ancillaries. Which I personally feel for others like me I rather run compounds that won't destroy bloodwork nor have to be eating other meds just to make sure things dont go far out of line.

Unless I'm mistsken? Genuinely interested to know if I'm missing something. I figured that anavar,primo,mast,test would be the go to choice for those like myself, in which all of those are very mild and not much of a drastic changes
There are other compounds but I was under the impression that the main other ones aren't as "safe" or need to be run with supporting ancillaries. Which I personally feel for others like me I rather run compounds that won't destroy bloodwork nor have to be eating other meds just to make sure things dont go far out of line.

Unless I'm mistsken? Genuinely interested to know if I'm missing something. I figured that anavar,primo,mast,test would be the go to choice for those like myself, in which all of those are very mild and not much of a drastic changes

That is correct. There is definitely a trade off with regards to health. Esp when you look at other things that will give more drastic results for sure.

You can definitely get quantifiable results with the things you have mentioned and not have to be concerned as much with negative impact on long term health / bloodwork.
That is correct. There is definitely a trade off with regards to health. Esp when you look at other things that will give more drastic results for sure.

You can definitely get quantifiable results with the things you have mentioned and not have to be concerned as much with negative impact on long term health / bloodwork.

This should be a staple. Good form.
That is correct. There is definitely a trade off with regards to health. Esp when you look at other things that will give more drastic results for sure.

You can definitely get quantifiable results with the things you have mentioned and not have to be concerned as much with negative impact on long term health / bloodwork.

Thanks for clarifying bro, is there any other compounds that I might be missing that fall under my "safer" / not too much to be concerned list?
I go to the bathroom 6-10 times a day. Been tested for everything lol. So I was just “diagnosed” with IBS. Nothing has helped so far and I’ve tried probably everything over the last 7 or 8 years. I live on Metamucil. And sometimes I take Imodium which can help maybe 10%. But if I had to travel I’d load up on it well beyond the suggested dose
Same here. If I don't have the runs at least 5 time a day, I get worried. LOL. Should be the opposite. And like you, I have tried so many different meds and supps. None help. So from the doctors, it's just passed off as nerves. JC do you have a high stress job, work in high heat, or just plain ole worry a lot? There are so many simple things that can cause this "crap".
I’m 40 so maybe I have one more light Tren cycle in me lol. A few more with nandrolone. I figure once it hit 45 (u less my body tells me sooner) I’ll only be hitting test, primo, masteron.and I’d love to hope on hgh around that time.
Man, at 45 you will probably have yet another 5 to 7 years to hit the Tren and possibly more with nandrolone. But please be conservative with the Tren. I'm 54 and nandrolone is like my crutch. It does a body good. If you aren't using HGH yet, consider it. They say it will make you young will. Every single thing about you. Quite possibly it will help the IBS also.
That's a great cycle man test,primo,mast e, pharma hgh, maybe var awesome cycle, I got about 12 72 iu humas in my fridge along with 10 36iu Geno which I need to use soon a CPL are coming up on exp date, I hurt my back b think if you go ah was out for three months and right when I was better and had just started back the covid thing happend so now I'm just waiting for my state to give the go ahead unfortunately I'm close to the hottest spot... I have two generic kits both which were tested plan is to get bloods done for test estro and igf 1 on the generics kits I hardly ever use generic gh
Hey Pounds, do you think if you go ahead and started a low dose HGH run now, 2 iu daily, it could possibly begin developing a good base line for when you do get back in the gym. I'm just thinking of ways to utilize it before it runs out of date.
You won’t see anything unless you run primo at 600mg a week or more. From my experience, and many others. I bought a shit ton of it last year thinking it would shred me up due to its claim of fat burning. I seen nothing special. It’s ok for strength, and puts on lean muscle over time. It’s nothing spectacular for the price you pay. I wouldn’t recommend it due to its price/effectiveness ratio.
I'll agree with Mdrock totally on it being pricey. However, there are some exceptions to the effects Primo has on people. In 1989 I picked up 200 1ml 100mg ampules in Mexico. Damn that was fun. I injected one ampule per week and was totally impressed. At that time the only other thing I used was 200mg test c with it. It fulfilled everything I had hoped for. But referring to what you said, there are many alternatives. To me, if safety is an issue, Primo E or A. But going back, I would always begin with the least expensive alternative and go from there. Keep good ledger notes. When you find the one most impressive to you, stay with it.
I run primo currently at 100mg/w just for the mood benefits along with the others and I can say for sure that I feel better even at that low of a dosage.
Agreed!!!! I've never gone over 400 per week. 200mg a week provides very noticeable effects for me. Always has, since 1989. I have run Primo E at 400 mg per week solo for 12 weeks. OMG is all I'll say. I think if you don't throw any competition in there for it to compete with, It appreciates it and rewards you for that. Sound funny but it does seem to be the case in my experiences. There are a few other PEDs that have acted that way for me also, but the Primo is elite.
Man, at 45 you will probably have yet another 5 to 7 years to hit the Tren and possibly more with nandrolone. But please be conservative with the Tren. I'm 54 and nandrolone is like my crutch. It does a body good. If you aren't using HGH yet, consider it. They say it will make you young will. Every single thing about you. Quite possibly it will help the IBS also.
Am I being too dramatic about Tren? lol. Ultimately I’d love to hit it a few more times and never plan to go over 50mg a day. A little goes a long way.

In your experience, what do you think about nandrolone on the heart? There’s some conflicting information.

I definitely want to run HGH as some point. I just want to do some more reading on it.
Am I being too dramatic about Tren? lol. Ultimately I’d love to hit it a few more times and never plan to go over 50mg a day. A little goes a long way.

In your experience, what do you think about nandrolone on the heart? There’s some conflicting information.

I definitely want to run HGH as some point. I just want to do some more reading on it.
Yeah it took me forever to try HGH. I can't begin to tell you how much studying I did.
Tren, too dramatic? I won't ever touch it again. Way too harsh on me in several ways. But from what I read, you seem to tolerate it well. It, hands down, delivered the most dramatic physique results. I'll say this, if I could tolerate it just a little better, I'd definately use it. 50mg a day does go a very long way.
Nandrolone and the heart, since I had a heart attack about 7 weeks ago and had been on Deca previously, it can make you wonder. But I had been on Tren also and test c. At conservative doses I think also. Blood work 3 weeks before and 1 week after the attack was normal. Everything was in normal range. The only thing out of whack was the troponin level at the time of the attack. The doctor was expecting 3 and it was 30. Way high. It is a mystery to the doctor he says.
Did nan do it or one of the others. Who the hell knows. To me, it's all a crap shoot anyway. Just depends on how much you want to bet.
Thanks for clarifying bro, is there any other compounds that I might be missing that fall under my "safer" / not too much to be concerned list?

Outside of what you named off, not really off of the top of my head. I think Anavar, Primo, Masteron and test are all a great way to go. Just in my personal experience, with them being milder compounds, I need to run higher doses to see the results I want.. For example, for me personally i see better results with masteron around 4-600mg and primo 700-1000mg. Everyone is different and I'm sure this is dependant on the individual. I still think decent results can be achieved with these for sure.

I guess all I was really getting at, is if you're competing at a higher level with bodybuilding or trying to get the most drastic changes out of your physique. Of course it goes without saying the harsher compounds are going to yield better results but that will always come with a cost.

on a side note I still have to worry about sides even with the milder compounds. Dht conversion is always an issue with me on primo and masteron, I have skin issues and my hair always thins out
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Outside of what you named off, not really off of the top of my head. I think Anavar, Primo, Masteron and test are all a great way to go. Just in my personal experience, with them being milder compounds, I need to run higher doses to see the results I want.. For example, for me personally i see better results with masteron around 4-600mg and primo 700-1000mg. Everyone is different and I'm sure this is dependant on the individual. I still think decent results can be achieved with these for sure.

I guess all I was really getting at, is if you're competing at a higher level with bodybuilding or trying to get the most drastic changes out of your physique. Of course it goes without saying the harsher compounds are going to yield better results but that will always come with a cost.

on a side note I still have to worry about sides even with the milder compounds. Dht conversion is always an issue with me on primo and masteron, I have skin issues and my hair always thins out

How much Var do you run big boy? You run anything for your hair?
How much Var do you run big boy? You run anything for your hair?

Usually 50-80mg does me right.
Honestly man, I took finasteride once and it I truly believe it had an effect on how well my gear worked at the time.. Someone else may have more knowledge on this subject.. Could all just be in my head but I feel like taking a DHT blocker will also effect how well something like masteron works while on cycle. I dunno
Yeah it took me forever to try HGH. I can't begin to tell you how much studying I did.
Tren, too dramatic? I won't ever touch it again. Way too harsh on me in several ways. But from what I read, you seem to tolerate it well. It, hands down, delivered the most dramatic physique results. I'll say this, if I could tolerate it just a little better, I'd definately use it. 50mg a day does go a very long way.
Nandrolone and the heart, since I had a heart attack about 7 weeks ago and had been on Deca previously, it can make you wonder. But I had been on Tren also and test c. At conservative doses I think also. Blood work 3 weeks before and 1 week after the attack was normal. Everything was in normal range. The only thing out of whack was the troponin level at the time of the attack. The doctor was expecting 3 and it was 30. Way high. It is a mystery to the doctor he says.
Did nan do it or one of the others. Who the hell knows. To me, it's all a crap shoot anyway. Just depends on how much you want to bet.
Yeah I didn’t really have any physical side effects. I just wonder what it was doing to my organs lol. But yeah I’ll run it again with low test, and I’d love to also throw Masteron in there too another time.

I’m sure we’re getting another influx of corona cash so I’ll get some hgh. Mind if I hit you up sometime to discuss that a bit?
Oh. Not to get off topic, but syms b12complex/lcartanine vials are fuckin magic. (Plus it’s safe as can be). I’m def grabbin more soon. I grabbed 2 just to try. Damn, [emoji3590]
