SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

No worries. Honestly I don’t have a slightest clue on what’s the “norm” or “result giving” dose on syms LipoB12, compared to say, test, Masterone, or primo. I just mix it in my syringe.. sorry if I couldn’t provide a clearer answer.

Cheers [emoji1635]

Hey no worries, I appreciate the honest response regardless!
Outside of what you named off, not really off of the top of my head. I think Anavar, Primo, Masteron and test are all a great way to go. Just in my personal experience, with them being milder compounds, I need to run higher doses to see the results I want.. For example, for me personally i see better results with masteron around 4-600mg and primo 700-1000mg. Everyone is different and I'm sure this is dependant on the individual. I still think decent results can be achieved with these for sure.

I guess all I was really getting at, is if you're competing at a higher level with bodybuilding or trying to get the most drastic changes out of your physique. Of course it goes without saying the harsher compounds are going to yield better results but that will always come with a cost.

on a side note I still have to worry about sides even with the milder compounds. Dht conversion is always an issue with me on primo and masteron, I have skin issues and my hair always thins out

Sounds good, yeah I'm definitely not in it for competition. I felt horrible originally even though I had an okay number for my total T. Doctors told me I'm fine and that it's just in my head although I was experiencing other symptoms and by product sides. Eventually told my self I rather try and fail but at least I could say I tried to fix myself. It's worked so far hence why I rather stay on a safe route for the long run. Trying to learn and do my best to make good decisions.
No worries. Honestly I don’t have a slightest clue on what’s the “norm” or “result giving” dose on syms LipoB12, compared to say, test, Masterone, or primo. I just mix it in my syringe.. sorry if I couldn’t provide a clearer answer.

Cheers [emoji1635]
Clinics usually do 2 ml a week. The subject was discussed before, there is a warning from an overdose on one of the stuff in it choline if I remember correctly. I tried syms at 2 ml a week 1ml on Monday another on Thursday, definitely more energy and focus.
Clinics usually do 2 ml a week. The subject was discussed before, there is a warning from an overdose on one of the stuff in it choline if I remember correctly. I tried syms at 2 ml a week 1ml on Monday another on Thursday, definitely more energy and focus.

Bro, facts. It’s amazing. Thanks for the update.
Let me ask you [mention]guearyt [/mention] concerning hgh. I’m a long time reader of muscular development magazine, ever since the early 2000s and still read it today. Although, not as good, because some key people left the company. Anyways, I remember reading an article regarding HGH and Cancer. I remember reading that HGH has the potential, to activate dormant cancer cells due to its “growth” mechanics of some sort. If I remember correctly, it claimed to state, that HGH has the potential to spurt “non active cancer cells”. So, say I have a cancer that is dormant, and the cells are not mutating, they claim “HGH” has the potential to, I guess, start the cell mutation process, (aka cancer). Correct me if I’m wrong fellas, because I drooled [emoji1786] over HGH for so long until I read that article.

Cheers [emoji1635]
Unfortunately that still holds fact. No other studies since then to even attempt to prove otherwise so it must be pretty solid. BigE mentioned the IGF levels don't need to be elevated. It really does suk since IGF can play such a important role in muscular growth. Remember, HGH not only enhances development of existing muscle cells but is responsible for cell regeneration and cell reproduction. I think the cell reproduction is what has the most impact with cancerous cells.
I gave this fact much thought before I tried HGH. My reasoning to go ahead with it was, If I have cancer and don't know it, HGH will more than likely make it known. I had rather know that I have cancer than to just wonder if I have it. This way it might be possible to get treatment if the chances are high for a good outcome. If the HGH surfaces a malignant, non treatable type cancer, well shit, it's there. Now I know. I'll pass sooner because I chose to try HGH but that shit was in me anyway and was probably going to win it's battle sooner or later. Who knows when. Same scenario goes with some anabolics, SARMS, and peptides.
Psychotic way of thinking. Nah. It's just how I feel about life. Live it how you want to live it.
How are you dosing the b12 lipotripic? I actually just got some of it in. Looking forward to giving it a try.
Each 1ml contains:
Cyanocobalimin (B12) 1mg; Thiamine (B1) 1.25mg; Pyroxidine HCl (B6) 5mg; Riboflavin (B2); Niacinimide 12.5mg; Methionine 25mg; Inositol 50mg; Choline Chloride 50mg; L-Carnitine 50mg.
someone mentioned their dose was 5ml a week. Would that be considered a “recommended dose”?
I would like to give a breakdown of the shipping process and what to expect. There seems to be a varied interpretation of what to expect.
The steps and time frames of a typical order are are as follow:
Day 1
1) an order is received during the daylight hours
2) I will send a wallet address, most often at night
3) payment is sent by the customer and confirmed by me, most often the next day
Day 2-4
1) The label is created and the order is filled.
I give myself 72 (3days) hours from payment confirmation to order shipment, as is described in my pastebin instructions.
Days 3-7
This would be typical delivery times pre-coronavirus
Days 6-9
This is the new expected delivery window in response to the inundation of the shipping services post-coronavirus.

There is rarely a package that is 9 days to delivery unless it gets mis-routed by the shipping service. This has happened less than 10 times; but they always get delivered.
More likely is s mistake on my behalf. I have failed to cue orders for processing more times than I would like. This is a result of me opening emails and not flagging them as unread. I have ben trying to eliminate this problem; but it still happens from time to time.

I want to invite anyone who has a package pending for more than 7 business days to please email me to check on it. I do not mind that at all.
It is not necessary to check on a package for which payment has been confirmed less than 5 days.

Also, please factor in that I do not ship after Friday morning on most weekends. So, if your payment is confirmed at 0100 on Friday morning; that order will not ship before Monday night. This will add the appearance of 4 days to shipping time; but it is misrepresented by the weekend shipping exception.

Some people report 3 or 4 day delivery times; and this is NOT typical. Those people were fortunate enough to order, pay, and receive confirmation at the same time I was at my computer making labels. This will not happen often; but the phenomenon does skew the perception of delivery times.
In most instances delivery will be 1 week from confirmation +/- 2 days.

I hope this all makes sense.
someone mentioned their dose was 5ml a week. Would that be considered a “recommended dose”?
I am no physician; but I think that may be excessive. My doctor, who gives the exact same injections, will not do more than (2) 1ml injections for a male each week. I asked him why and he just said "It is not helpful". I did not look into it further.
I have read that excess of some B vitamins is wasteful because the human body will excrete excessive amounts as waste products, unchanged and unused.
For the "lipotropic" additives: I just do not know. I use 1ml per week and would not go over 2ml per week since my doctor advised against it.

Something for thought: I paid my clinic $58 for each injection. This was a cash payment and not covered by insurance. There are hundreds of people there each week getting these same injections. It is, in essence, a cash cow for these clinics.
I'm sure that they would love to inject people every day to make more money; so there is a good reason that they will not do it.
I am no physician; but I think that may be excessive. My doctor, who gives the exact same injections, will not do more than (2) 1ml injections for a male each week. I asked him why and he just said "It is not helpful". I did not look into it further.
I have read that excess of some B vitamins is wasteful because the human body will excrete excessive amounts as waste products, unchanged and unused.
For the "lipotropic" additives: I just do not know. I use 1ml per week and would not go over 2ml per week since my doctor advised against it.

Something for thought: I paid my clinic $58 for each injection. This was a cash payment and not covered by insurance. There are hundreds of people there each week getting these same injections. It is, in essence, a cash cow for these clinics.
I'm sure that they would love to inject people every day to make more money; so there is a good reason that they will not do it.

Good info. Thanks!
someone mentioned their dose was 5ml a week. Would that be considered a “recommended dose”?
I ordered my B complex vials from overseas. A company that sources from manufacturers which produce for hospitals locally and abroad. This was around 4 years ago. Their product is dosed as follows.
10ml a vial
1ml contains
100mg B1
0.5mg B2
1mg B6
100mg B3

I dosed these at 0.2-0.3ml. They recommend 0.5-1.0ml depending on physicians guidance. Im sure this dosing is for people who are severely deficient so likely use less for the average joe. You can use this as a frame of reference. There is no real “right or wrong” when it comes to preparing the dosing ratios. So Syms preparation is perfectly good too. Just use this as a way to gauge how much you all will want for yourselves.
I ordered my B complex vials from overseas. A company that sources from manufacturers which produce for hospitals locally and abroad. This was around 4 years ago. Their product is dosed as follows.
10ml a vial
1ml contains
100mg B1
0.5mg B2
1mg B6
100mg B3

I dosed these at 0.2-0.3ml. They recommend 0.5-1.0ml depending on physicians guidance. Im sure this dosing is for people who are severely deficient so likely use less for the average joe. You can use this as a frame of reference. There is no real “right or wrong” when it comes to preparing the dosing ratios. So Syms preparation is perfectly good too. Just use this as a way to gauge how much you all will want for yourselves.

Thanks brother!
I am no physician; but I think that may be excessive. My doctor, who gives the exact same injections, will not do more than (2) 1ml injections for a male each week. I asked him why and he just said "It is not helpful". I did not look into it further.
I have read that excess of some B vitamins is wasteful because the human body will excrete excessive amounts as waste products, unchanged and unused.
For the "lipotropic" additives: I just do not know. I use 1ml per week and would not go over 2ml per week since my doctor advised against it.

Something for thought: I paid my clinic $58 for each injection. This was a cash payment and not covered by insurance. There are hundreds of people there each week getting these same injections. It is, in essence, a cash cow for these clinics.
I'm sure that they would love to inject people every day to make more money; so there is a good reason that they will not do it.

Great info. Thank you Sym.