SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

Yea my bad I wasn't trying to say syms stuff wasn't good I also believe his stuff is very good actually, I was leaning more towards it when it comes to some dhb having pip it depends on what's in side it and how much solvents also, cause some dhb will hurt like a bitch and some others aren't that bad at all, I was just referring to an occasion where one did have pip and the person thought that it wasn't any good cause he didn't get any pip from it and sent it in to testing and it came back legit and properly dosed... Lol so maybe I should of explained alil better....

Yea that is werid that u always knot up with MCT I was figuring that maybe this time u didn't cause of the guac, and do u know if it's MCT oil that's knowing u up I know alot of people don't take well to the eo I believe I read that was one of the reason why sym stoped using eo cause some people get pip or knot up or get pip from it.... Although it seems like it must be the mct that is knoting you up and not the eo cause there's eo in syms dhb, the only thing I can think is u didn't knot up this time with the mct mct c it had guac in it.... Idk either way it's a plus this time.... I'm wondering if I should go with the dhb or the primo from sym unless I just get alil of both, and my bad didn't mean for it to get mixed up , I'm glad to hear that the dhb is pretty pipless and smooth, prob get more out of the dhb and better results as long as I stay on track with food and training... I do like the primo though plus syms primo tested at 197mg
Yeah it’s definitely mct that knots me up. It’s not too bad that I can’t deal with it but I’d just rather run gso and not deal with it at all. I’m guessing the formula Syms put together with the DHB also helps with the mct oil issue I sometimes have. I’m definitely satisfied so far!

As far as wondering which compounds to go with the easiest answer would be both. You’ll never know how something does you until you try it. Part of the fun with this lifestyle is experimenting. Incorporate one compound at a time so you can see how the one compound does you.

Run a DHB cycle then a primo cycle and write down some notes during both cycles on how you feel, what your eating, what kind of workouts you’re having and so on. Then when you complete them both you can go back and compare which compounds gave you more bang for your coins.

Doing this kind of ‘experimenting’ over a few years will also help you narrow down the compounds you like and the ones you don’t. Having that information really helps to build future cycles and will better aid you on getting optimal results. :)
Yeah it’s definitely mct that knots me up. It’s not too bad that I can’t deal with it but I’d just rather run gso and not deal with it at all. I’m guessing the formula Syms put together with the DHB also helps with the mct oil issue I sometimes have. I’m definitely satisfied so far!

As far as wondering which compounds to go with the easiest answer would be both. You’ll never know how something does you until you try it. Part of the fun with this lifestyle is experimenting. Incorporate one compound at a time so you can see how the one compound does you.

Run a DHB cycle then a primo cycle and write down some notes during both cycles on how you feel, what your eating, what kind of workouts you’re having and so on. Then when you complete them both you can go back and compare which compounds gave you more bang for your coins.

Doing this kind of ‘experimenting’ over a few years will also help you narrow down the compounds you like and the ones you don’t. Having that information really helps to build future cycles and will better aid you on getting optimal results. :)

Good stuff. I will do this. I got both on hand.
Yeah I didn’t really have any physical side effects. I just wonder what it was doing to my organs lol. But yeah I’ll run it again with low test, and I’d love to also throw Masteron in there too another time.

I’m sure we’re getting another influx of corona cash so I’ll get some hgh. Mind if I hit you up sometime to discuss that a bit?
We can talk HGH any time bro.
But funny you mentioned Masteron. I did a Tren A and E, Test C and P, Masteron, and Win cycle. I had done that before without the Masteron but when I added Masteron to it, I really saw a difference. It was within days. Striation and vascularity are what jump out at me in my ledger. Not so much with strength though. Didn't care about that anyway.
Thanks for coming through. Pleased so far Symb

Damn. Nice scoop. I love Masterone. It’s a staple of mine. If you have a wife or a girlfriend, she better watch out, especially with those diamond cuts. (Or if you swing the other way, whom am I to judge) Haha. Anyways, I’m running 5mil/gram a week of the b12complex. I like the energy and overall sense of well being so far. Haven’t ran it long enough to see fat loss effects from it.

Cheers [emoji1635]
Damn dude. Haven't thought of that in a while. Great info. Thanks!!!!

Let me ask you [mention]guearyt [/mention] concerning hgh. I’m a long time reader of muscular development magazine, ever since the early 2000s and still read it today. Although, not as good, because some key people left the company. Anyways, I remember reading an article regarding HGH and Cancer. I remember reading that HGH has the potential, to activate dormant cancer cells due to its “growth” mechanics of some sort. If I remember correctly, it claimed to state, that HGH has the potential to spurt “non active cancer cells”. So, say I have a cancer that is dormant, and the cells are not mutating, they claim “HGH” has the potential to, I guess, start the cell mutation process, (aka cancer). Correct me if I’m wrong fellas, because I drooled [emoji1786] over HGH for so long until I read that article.

Cheers [emoji1635]
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Damn. Nice scoop. I love Masterone. It’s a staple of mine. If you have a wife or a girlfriend, she better watch out, especially with those diamond cuts. (Or if you swing the other way, whom am I to judge) Haha. Anyways, I’m running 5mil/gram a week of the b12complex. I like the energy and overall sense of well being so far. Haven’t ran it long enough to see fat loss effects from it.

Cheers [emoji1635]

Hahaha yeah. So the wife isn't ready lol?. Look forward to it. Like how the pull syringe goes perfectly into the top of the bottle.
Wait a minute so how many ML is that on the B12? I was planning on doing two shots a week of it.
Let me ask you [mention]guearyt [/mention] concerning hgh. I’m a long time reader of muscular development magazine, ever since the early 2000s and still read it today. Although, not as good, because some key people left the company. Anyways, I remember reading an article regarding HGH and Cancer. I remember reading that HGH has the potential, to activate dormant cancer cells due to its “growth” mechanics of some sort. If I remember correctly, it claimed to state, that HGH has the potential to spurt “non active cancer cells”. So, say I have a cancer that is dormant, and the cells are not mutating, they claim “HGH” has the potential to, I guess, start the cell mutation process, (aka cancer). Correct me if I’m wrong fellas, because I drooled [emoji1786] over HGH for so long until I read that article.

Cheers [emoji1635]

That is correct!
You don't want highly elevated IGF levels if you are cancer prone or it runs in your family
Hahaha yeah. So the wife isn't ready lol?. Look forward to it. Like how the pull syringe goes perfectly into the top of the bottle.
Wait a minute so how many ML is that on the B12? I was planning on doing two shots a week of it.

I think it’s 1.25 per mil. So 2cc’s a week will equate to 2.50mil.

I feel bad for wifey. Haha.
I think it’s 1.25 per mil. So 2cc’s a week will equate to 2.50mil.

I feel bad for wifey. Haha.
I just started looking into that lipo b, you inject that subq right?
*edit: never mind looks like if it’s just b12 it can be subq but not this
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Damn. Nice scoop. I love Masterone. It’s a staple of mine. If you have a wife or a girlfriend, she better watch out, especially with those diamond cuts. (Or if you swing the other way, whom am I to judge) Haha. Anyways, I’m running 5mil/gram a week of the b12complex. I like the energy and overall sense of well being so far. Haven’t ran it long enough to see fat loss effects from it.

Cheers [emoji1635]

Just to clarify, 5ml/week, meaning 1ml a day or you do all 5 in one go for the whole week. I was actually going to ask how you're using it as well but someone else asked. My doctor was a fucking idiot, I had such low b12 on my blood work and they didn't even say anything to me, along with my VitD, like really low.... Figured I'd give this a shot (no pun intended)
Just to clarify, 5ml/week, meaning 1ml a day or you do all 5 in one go for the whole week. I was actually going to ask how you're using it as well but someone else asked. My doctor was a fucking idiot, I had such low b12 on my blood work and they didn't even say anything to me, along with my VitD, like really low.... Figured I'd give this a shot (no pun intended)

No worries. Honestly I don’t have a slightest clue on what’s the “norm” or “result giving” dose on syms LipoB12, compared to say, test, Masterone, or primo. I just mix it in my syringe.. sorry if I couldn’t provide a clearer answer.

Cheers [emoji1635]