SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

@SymBiotics if you don't mind sharing; how did you manage to make the lipotropic injection? Is it a different process than the other compounds? I'm very impressed you're able to pull that off. Good job!
Nope. In about a week I’m back on 600test/600mast for 15-20 weeks. Basically my “cycle” then back to trt of just Test because I will probably run out of primo lol. “The Rolls Royce” of anabolics. I can’t afford another cycle of that. Lol.
Understood. Home brew??? Test + Mast= awesome.
Hey Pounds, do you think if you go ahead and started a low dose HGH run now, 2 iu daily, it could possibly begin developing a good base line for when you do get back in the gym. I'm just thinking of ways to utilize it before it runs out of date.
Hey sorry for the late reply, I deff think it will help, idk how much it would do for cosmetic, but deff would help with sleeping, over all recovery and sense of well being. I deff won't let it expire and go bad. I always keep my stuff in the fridge soon as I get it and I try and order all my gh during the winter months. I actually started using a kit 3ius in the morning and 125mg of test e every Monday. Usually I divide my test shot up but I just been doing it all on Monday. If I start to feel a dip throughout the week I'll go back to two shots a week. There is a big protest going on in my state to reopen stuff up. My govner is but he's just doing it very slowly. Unfortunately I'm in a state that was hit super hard.

Did u see that pic of that weightlifter who was healthy had no preexisting condition he got it went into the hospital at 190 was in there for over a month. He came out at 140lb, he looked like death. Deff kinda freaked me out. Strange how some people barely get to sick and others get crushed. He said he was so weak he couldn't even lift up his phone without shaking. There's a before and after pic
Outside of what you named off, not really off of the top of my head. I think Anavar, Primo, Masteron and test are all a great way to go. Just in my personal experience, with them being milder compounds, I need to run higher doses to see the results I want.. For example, for me personally i see better results with masteron around 4-600mg and primo 700-1000mg. Everyone is different and I'm sure this is dependant on the individual. I still think decent results can be achieved with these for sure.

I guess all I was really getting at, is if you're competing at a higher level with bodybuilding or trying to get the most drastic changes out of your physique. Of course it goes without saying the harsher compounds are going to yield better results but that will always come with a cost.

on a side note I still have to worry about sides even with the milder compounds. Dht conversion is always an issue with me on primo and masteron, I have skin issues and my hair always thins out
What's up big e, iv been having the same thing unfortunately I have thinning on my dad's side of the family and it's werid I really think it skips a gen cause my dad and his brothers have no issue normal hair still, but his dad was bald and IV already started to noticeable get thinner from say about 25 I could tell.. But lately I never have problems with my skin. The only time I do have issues is when I would come off a cycle. My back would break out and it was just about every time. Recently I stoped cause I did a bunch of bloods month after and my test levels was 125 two months later retested 127 I felt like shit so I just started with 125mg of test e and alil gh first thing in the morning. Night and day difference in mood and how I feel, plus it's feels nice to have a sex drive again. But for whatever reason iv had issue with my back I did switch to a different soap, now I switched to a soap directly for skin issues and have thrown in a second shower. I have noticed that my skin is alil oiler since starting trt... You know of any other tricks?
Heres the stuff I had. Smells like shit and stings like a son of a bitch for a few seconds after injecting. But worked well for me. Choline and thiamin which is present in most B complex blends is associated with a fishy body odor. Which can come out through sweat... so keep your doses tame.

And in no way am I recommending this product over Syms. Support Sym and buy domestically. This company isn’t doing anything special and makes enough money as it is. Just thought I’d share.
Hey sorry for the late reply, I deff think it will help, idk how much it would do for cosmetic, but deff would help with sleeping, over all recovery and sense of well being. I deff won't let it expire and go bad. I always keep my stuff in the fridge soon as I get it and I try and order all my gh during the winter months. I actually started using a kit 3ius in the morning and 125mg of test e every Monday. Usually I divide my test shot up but I just been doing it all on Monday. If I start to feel a dip throughout the week I'll go back to two shots a week. There is a big protest going on in my state to reopen stuff up. My govner is but he's just doing it very slowly. Unfortunately I'm in a state that was hit super hard.

Did u see that pic of that weightlifter who was healthy had no preexisting condition he got it went into the hospital at 190 was in there for over a month. He came out at 140lb, he looked like death. Deff kinda freaked me out. Strange how some people barely get to sick and others get crushed. He said he was so weak he couldn't even lift up his phone without shaking. There's a before and after pic
I did not see that picture but it is so sad. It's so mysterious. I'm in the same situation as far as quarantine goes. In the South. I really can't remember the last time I went to the gym. Another crappy thing is getting groceries. Our grocery shelves down here a very skimpy.
About the HGH, while it does regenerate and grow muscle cells, it also reproduces cells. My thinking is, even while we are just sitting around watching TV, HGH is working by producing new muscle cells for us. They won't grow huge now but when we finally hit the gym again, those new cells are there and ready.
I might be way off on this. Have you studied this aspect of HGH or does it make sense to you?
Yeah it’s definitely mct that knots me up. It’s not too bad that I can’t deal with it but I’d just rather run gso and not deal with it at all. I’m guessing the formula Syms put together with the DHB also helps with the mct oil issue I sometimes have. I’m definitely satisfied so far!

As far as wondering which compounds to go with the easiest answer would be both. You’ll never know how something does you until you try it. Part of the fun with this lifestyle is experimenting. Incorporate one compound at a time so you can see how the one compound does you.

Run a DHB cycle then a primo cycle and write down some notes during both cycles on how you feel, what your eating, what kind of workouts you’re having and so on. Then when you complete them both you can go back and compare which compounds gave you more bang for your coins.

Doing this kind of ‘experimenting’ over a few years will also help you narrow down the compounds you like and the ones you don’t. Having that information really helps to build future cycles and will better aid you on getting optimal results. :)
That's actually a good idea I always start to keep track of stuff like that, then I miss a day and think I blew it and it's a waste, maybe keeping it as detailed as I can even if I kinda do it twice a week of what I'm basically eating and how I'm feeling dosages and how I'm training would be enough and help out in the future. Dorian I believe wrote everything down everyday. I remember him showing his books and it was extremly detailed but when ur at the level it's probably smart to do that. I appreciate the advice. Can always keep learning
I did not see that picture but it is so sad. It's so mysterious. I'm in the same situation as far as quarantine goes. In the South. I really can't remember the last time I went to the gym. Another crappy thing is getting groceries. Our grocery shelves down here a very skimpy.
About the HGH, while it does regenerate and grow muscle cells, it also reproduces cells. My thinking is, even while we are just sitting around watching TV, HGH is working by producing new muscle cells for us. They won't grow huge now but when we finally hit the gym again, those new cells are there and ready.
I might be way off on this. Have you studied this aspect of HGH or does it make sense to you?
Damn dude that sucks about the south, I'll just say I'm right below NYC, but the food stores as of lately have been really good. Plenty of protien and finally the tp has returned fully to the shelves haha.

Before I used gh I literally read and studied everything I could, I was really lucky and would ask some vets questions and they were nice enough to shoot me links for me to read. There alot of info out there and I'm still learning and trying different protocols. Like I use to do the typical five on two off but recently I started doing eod. Reasoning behind that is to try and stay more sensitive and not get desensitized or use to it and need a higher dosage . I don't wanna say for sure and be potential wrong or give out unfound or bad info. But you are right and have a point. I do believe it does help more when the cells are borken down and need repairing that's where growth really comes in... When I first used growth which was pharma humatrope cause everyone I spoke to said if u can afford it use pharma grade even if u gotta use a smaller dose. So that's what I did. What I noticed right away was one it made me very sleepy , but I use to get super sore after training for the next two sometimes three days. Growth cut that more then in half, the recovery was crazy to me. I could train harder and be able to train that muscle group in the same week if I wanted too. As time went on u could deff see that it helped with fstloss and ur skin. But to what u said I would think that it deff is regenerating cells exactly which cells idk... But what I will do is let u know how I respond when the gyms open and I go back, it'll be interesting, someone that's had many years of gh usage would probably know better. I know big e is pretty knowledgeable when it comes to gh or anything related to bb. Right now I'm actually using a generic kit but it was tested, purity was 99 percent. I should have bloods in the next cpl weeks on them once I do I'll make sure I postem. First time iv ever used generics in the last three years
Whoever has syms lipo B what's the general consensus....subQ or IM? I almost always go subQ for the convience factor, not sure if I'm short changing myself by going subq
Whoever has syms lipo B what's the general consensus....subQ or IM? I almost always go subQ for the convience factor, not sure if I'm short changing myself by going subq
I don’t use syms but I always do subq, I’ve seen plenty of discussion to do either way and theres no significant difference. Subq is definitely easy and convenient, and there’s no benefit from my personal experience IM
I don’t use syms but I always do subq, I’ve seen plenty of discussion to do either way and theres no significant difference. Subq is definitely easy and convenient, and there’s no benefit from my personal experience IM
Thanks for the reply bro
From what I heard, most doctors and medical application of the b12 lipo states use IM. Although it works both ways. As for how well one works over the other not sure. Probably some deep searching needs to be done.
Interested to try the b complex from sym, been using some vet b complex and want to see if any noticable difference with his.
Each 1ml contains:
Cyanocobalimin (B12) 1mg; Thiamine (B1) 1.25mg; Pyroxidine HCl (B6) 5mg; Riboflavin (B2); Niacinimide 12.5mg; Methionine 25mg; Inositol 50mg; Choline Chloride 50mg; L-Carnitine 50mg.
Might want to consider adding to your pastebin in case this question comes up again.

Also, the primo testing I did isn't in there either. You added me to it, but it's blank. Figured it might help you if shown in there.
What's up big e, iv been having the same thing unfortunately I have thinning on my dad's side of the family and it's werid I really think it skips a gen cause my dad and his brothers have no issue normal hair still, but his dad was bald and IV already started to noticeable get thinner from say about 25 I could tell.. But lately I never have problems with my skin. The only time I do have issues is when I would come off a cycle. My back would break out and it was just about every time. Recently I stoped cause I did a bunch of bloods month after and my test levels was 125 two months later retested 127 I felt like shit so I just started with 125mg of test e and alil gh first thing in the morning. Night and day difference in mood and how I feel, plus it's feels nice to have a sex drive again. But for whatever reason iv had issue with my back I did switch to a different soap, now I switched to a soap directly for skin issues and have thrown in a second shower. I have noticed that my skin is alil oiler since starting trt... You know of any other tricks?

My guy Pounds!
Honestly brother no. I have yet to find out any tricks to help I just deal with it the best I can honestly
Whoever has syms lipo B what's the general consensus....subQ or IM? I almost always go subQ for the convience factor, not sure if I'm short changing myself by going subq

It’s really not a big deal either way. I just find it more convenient mixing it with my test on Monday and Thursday intramuscular. Although, I don’t know how frequent injections should be. Considering, I’m assuming. It’s not a long ester (test c) compared to (test prop/ace/e).
I have read that excess of some B vitamins is wasteful because the human body will excrete excessive amounts as waste products, unchanged and unused.
I’m gonna expand a little here from my point of view....
In other words, as far as the B Complex goes, someone who isn’t deficient would excrete it from their body.
If someone doesn’t know they’re deficient then they’re probably wasting money using this imo. Personally I see no reasons adding stuff when it’s not needed. If someone isn’t sure then get your Dr to do a vitamin and mineral test on you to see what your body is lacking. Then you’ll know what’s needed and then you can save some money by using Syms products, and not be guessing and shitting money down the toilet :eek:
As far as the ‘lipo’ side, I do know that the diet doctors (around my area) offer this and usually offer a shot per week (not sure on Mg though) and use it to target specific areas for ‘fat loss’. o_O... say whutttt? :p
Most people (I would assume here) knows you cannot target areas of the body to loose fat in. It just doesn’t work that way. If you’re trying to loose fat in certain areas there’s no such thing as a miracle shot. There is one miracle way to loose fat though while keeping most of your muscle, a HIGH PROTEIN, LOW CALORIE DIET!! Boom; Mystery solved :oops: :p
A caloric deficit is how you loose fat... simple right :D

That's actually a good idea I always start to keep track of stuff like that, then I miss a day and think I blew it and it's a waste, maybe keeping it as detailed as I can even if I kinda do it twice a week of what I'm basically eating and how I'm feeling dosages and how I'm training would be enough and help out in the future.
There’s several ways to do it man. Personally I don’t get too technical and don’t write everything down every single day. I’m sure the more notes you take would help more. I just need an overview of how I feel, how my strength is, what I look like in the mirror (progress pics) and things like that.
I’m already writing down everything I eat and that’s enough for me in a days time lol. I can jot down and summarize month to month. For me, the mirror is a good gauge and is as simple as snapping a pic :cool: :D