SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

It’s really not a big deal either way. I just find it more convenient mixing it with my test on Monday and Thursday intramuscular. Although, I don’t know how frequent injections should be. Considering, I’m assuming. It’s not a long ester (test c) compared to (test prop/ace/e).
Isn't symbiotics Lipo Mic water based? If so, it doesn't have an ester.
Injection site with hgh can vary and u will loose more fat then other areas if you target. Unrelated to lipo but does work.
I will agree to disagree with you here :)

I’ve been doing hgh in my stomach for around two years with a month or two break in between that time.
If I eat whatever I want like cookies, cakes, high calorie low density foods in a CALORIC SURPLUS then over time the HGH will not keep belly fat away.
Now if I eat fruits, vegetables, and low calorie high density foods and stay in a CALORIC DEFICIT over time then body fat stays away. ;)

I also thought HGH was helping with my mid section when I first started it. I thought I could eat whatever I wanted and the HGH would work it’s magic and belly fat would stay away. But that’s just not the case....

Bottom line is diet and nutrition is what aids in gaining or loosing fat. Calories in/Calories out.
Drugs we take can very well help us in achieving our goals. If we eat a poor diet and junk all the time there’s no drug that’s gonna just burn off certain areas of body fat.
If I have fat on my legs, belly, arms, or my face then pinning HGH in those areas will not take the fat away.
Eating in a caloric deficit however will. :)
Yea really nothing other then showering more, a good soap, and some sun.... Good to see ur here man...
I start using doxycycline as soon as I finish my cycle. and I already use antibacterial soap but doxycycline helps alot 1 pill every 12 hrs for 10 days.
Isn't symbiotics Lipo Mic water based? If so, it doesn't have an ester.

My bad, I didn’t complete my post. I know it’s not an ester compared to say other compounds, so I don’t know what the frequency of injections are. My apologies, I was driving to my girls house while posting.

Cheers [emoji1635]
I’m gonna expand a little here from my point of view....
In other words, as far as the B Complex goes, someone who isn’t deficient would excrete it from their body.
If someone doesn’t know they’re deficient then they’re probably wasting money using this imo. Personally I see no reasons adding stuff when it’s not needed. If someone isn’t sure then get your Dr to do a vitamin and mineral test on you to see what your body is lacking. Then you’ll know what’s needed and then you can save some money by using Syms products, and not be guessing and shitting money down the toilet :eek:
As far as the ‘lipo’ side, I do know that the diet doctors (around my area) offer this and usually offer a shot per week (not sure on Mg though) and use it to target specific areas for ‘fat loss’. o_O... say whutttt? :p
Most people (I would assume here) knows you cannot target areas of the body to loose fat in. It just doesn’t work that way. If you’re trying to loose fat in certain areas there’s no such thing as a miracle shot. There is one miracle way to loose fat though while keeping most of your muscle, a HIGH PROTEIN, LOW CALORIE DIET!! Boom; Mystery solved :oops: :p
A caloric deficit is how you loose fat... simple right :D

There’s several ways to do it man. Personally I don’t get too technical and don’t write everything down every single day. I’m sure the more notes you take would help more. I just need an overview of how I feel, how my strength is, what I look like in the mirror (progress pics) and things like that.
I’m already writing down everything I eat and that’s enough for me in a days time lol. I can jot down and summarize month to month. For me, the mirror is a good gauge and is as simple as snapping a pic :cool: :D
That's an even better add progress pics, something like every two weeks, I can see how writing down what ur eating Ed is important if ur not following a plan, I'm actually been thinking of letting someone else take over my food... I can do it on my own always have... It's been awhile since I let someone else take it over and write me out a plan, I just really wanna keep learning and seeing what someone else might do and tweek... I usually eat alot of fish during the summer. Cousin works on a scallop boat and when he's not doing that he's spearfishing.. fluke fishing just opened and he already brought me fresh fish and fresh scallops...
I start using doxycycline as soon as I finish my cycle. and I already use antibacterial soap but doxycycline helps alot 1 pill every 12 hrs for 10 days.
I'll have to give it a try it's not bad I see some people use accutane. It never last long but I do always break out worse after my cycle. Now idk if that will change cause I have had to switch over to cycle and then back to my trt dose before I would actually come completely off. I should know on my next cycle if it happens but atleast now I have an idea of what to try I appreciate the help
I will agree to disagree with you here :)

I’ve been doing hgh in my stomach for around two years with a month or two break in between that time.
If I eat whatever I want like cookies, cakes, high calorie low density foods in a CALORIC SURPLUS then over time the HGH will not keep belly fat away.
Now if I eat fruits, vegetables, and low calorie high density foods and stay in a CALORIC DEFICIT over time then body fat stays away. ;)

I also thought HGH was helping with my mid section when I first started it. I thought I could eat whatever I wanted and the HGH would work it’s magic and belly fat would stay away. But that’s just not the case....

Bottom line is diet and nutrition is what aids in gaining or loosing fat. Calories in/Calories out.
Drugs we take can very well help us in achieving our goals. If we eat a poor diet and junk all the time there’s no drug that’s gonna just burn off certain areas of body fat.
If I have fat on my legs, belly, arms, or my face then pinning HGH in those areas will not take the fat away.
Eating in a caloric deficit however will. :)
I completely agree and have seen the same effects you just mentioned. Absolutely
My bad, I didn’t complete my post. I know it’s not an ester compared to say other compounds, so I don’t know what the frequency of injections are. My apologies, I was driving to my girls house while posting.

Cheers [emoji1635]
Twice a week is normal. I use about 1ML at a time, I have some from another source.
IM deltoid or quad leave the buttocks for Test . Lool
I use subq. I pin my enough IM I don’t need to accelerate the scarring buildup with another injection rotation. Syms stuff is in water, so inject it subq. For the same reason we all don’t pin our HGH IM. On label always says to take it IM but subq is absolutely fine and is what the majority of us do.
Damn dude that sucks about the south, I'll just say I'm right below NYC, but the food stores as of lately have been really good. Plenty of protien and finally the tp has returned fully to the shelves haha.

Before I used gh I literally read and studied everything I could, I was really lucky and would ask some vets questions and they were nice enough to shoot me links for me to read. There alot of info out there and I'm still learning and trying different protocols. Like I use to do the typical five on two off but recently I started doing eod. Reasoning behind that is to try and stay more sensitive and not get desensitized or use to it and need a higher dosage . I don't wanna say for sure and be potential wrong or give out unfound or bad info. But you are right and have a point. I do believe it does help more when the cells are borken down and need repairing that's where growth really comes in... When I first used growth which was pharma humatrope cause everyone I spoke to said if u can afford it use pharma grade even if u gotta use a smaller dose. So that's what I did. What I noticed right away was one it made me very sleepy , but I use to get super sore after training for the next two sometimes three days. Growth cut that more then in half, the recovery was crazy to me. I could train harder and be able to train that muscle group in the same week if I wanted too. As time went on u could deff see that it helped with fstloss and ur skin. But to what u said I would think that it deff is regenerating cells exactly which cells idk... But what I will do is let u know how I respond when the gyms open and I go back, it'll be interesting, someone that's had many years of gh usage would probably know better. I know big e is pretty knowledgeable when it comes to gh or anything related to bb. Right now I'm actually using a generic kit but it was tested, purity was 99 percent. I should have bloods in the next cpl weeks on them once I do I'll make sure I postem. First time iv ever used generics in the last three years
Your talk about HGH sparked something in me. Possibly just wanting to see what the results will be while quarantined. I started mine yesterday. Only 2 iu a day for two weeks just to see. Then I'll go to four iu split. I'll let you know but you may have to remind me. lol. I am doing some body weight exercises and using bands at home. That's all. So this could be interesting.
BTW, previously, when I went to over 6 iu a day, I became very lethargic also. 10 iu a day is the most I've ever done. The higher I went, the more sides I had. And generic's also. 5 or less seem fine.
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All the years I’ve been here, yea relax this handle is still new ya fucks... I still never actually used the quote thing cause I never knew how lol