SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

Between ending the ostarine and getting my bloodwork, she had put me on some antibiotic for IBS. Could have have that, both, or the ostarine alone. No way to tell. But I’d still rather never do sarms again and I’m not too big on orals.
Yea I seen that u said it ast and alt were super elevated probably was a bit of both, yeah I really only use a CPL orals tbol,var, anadrol and rarely winny and only use them for a short period with plenty of water and tudca+nac
From my studies, and past experiences, I think your choices for the future are the very best. Depending on personal goals, I will be including HGH and Proviron. And I say to that, possibly. I don't know what the future holds.

Yup. Test, Primo, Mast, Proviron and Pharma HGH are more than adequate and will make you feel amazing! I have yet to try Primo though so I'm looking forward to giving that a shot.
Between ending the ostarine and getting my bloodwork, she had put me on some antibiotic for IBS. Could have have that, both, or the ostarine alone. No way to tell. But I’d still rather never do sarms again and I’m not too big on orals.

What kind of IBS sides do you have? I've been having issues lately too and came back negative for Celiac and my white blood cell count wasn't elevated so not dealing with an infection.
Indeed. You are young enough for your body to be able to rebound from Tren like side effects. At age 54, man, that shit is hard on a dude. I am convinced I still have Tren sides lingering. Just be smart and listen to your body. I haven't been too good about that in the past. And remember, there are safer choices that were actually developed for human use instead of cattle. Lol. You may have to combine more than one compound to achieve effects as quick as you do with Tren, but safer and can stay on cycle longer for more effect as well as sustaining the effects after stopping use. Best of everything to you man.

Exactly. When I started using steroids in my 20s I didn't care at all about sides or what my use could do to me in the future. Older and wiser now and only running 500mg of Test Prop and 2iu Genotropin at the moment where I would probably be close to 1.5g in the past.
What kind of IBS sides do you have? I've been having issues lately too and came back negative for Celiac and my white blood cell count wasn't elevated so not dealing with an infection.
I go to the bathroom 6-10 times a day. Been tested for everything lol. So I was just “diagnosed” with IBS. Nothing has helped so far and I’ve tried probably everything over the last 7 or 8 years. I live on Metamucil. And sometimes I take Imodium which can help maybe 10%. But if I had to travel I’d load up on it well beyond the suggested dose
Yup. Test, Primo, Mast, Proviron and Pharma HGH are more than adequate and will make you feel amazing! I have yet to try Primo though so I'm looking forward to giving that a shot.
I’m 40 so maybe I have one more light Tren cycle in me lol. A few more with nandrolone. I figure once it hit 45 (u less my body tells me sooner) I’ll only be hitting test, primo, masteron.and I’d love to hope on hgh around that time.
Damn man
I go to the bathroom 6-10 times a day. Been tested for everything lol. So I was just “diagnosed” with IBS. Nothing has helped so far and I’ve tried probably everything over the last 7 or 8 years. I live on Metamucil. And sometimes I take Imodium which can help maybe 10%. But if I had to travel I’d load up on it well beyond the suggested dose
Damn man that sucks, there is a pill put u need it prescribed it helps to relax ur intestines it works pretty good it has a small amount of Librium in it, but I actually just watched this thing the other day of a new therapy for it it was pretty wild and alil gross in a way. What there doing is taking healthy poop and the put it in a machine that mushes it up into basically a liquid and then it's tested for certain health markers and other stuff and they actually take that and put it into a machine that basically put the healthy poop that has all the good and healthy bacteria in the sick person and there seeing really amazing results, it's in trail faz right now but they deff think that soon it'll be use as a treatment.... It's pretty wild I'm sure u can't catch the episode on YouTube , sorry if I went to far but ibs sucks my friend suffered with it and if this therapy can cure that it might be worth it
I’m 40 so maybe I have one more light Tren cycle in me lol. A few more with nandrolone. I figure once it hit 45 (u less my body tells me sooner) I’ll only be hitting test, primo, masteron.and I’d love to hope on hgh around that time.
That's a great cycle man test,primo,mast e, pharma hgh, maybe var awesome cycle, I got about 12 72 iu humas in my fridge along with 10 36iu Geno which I need to use soon a CPL are coming up on exp date, I hurt my back bad was out for three months and right when I was better and had just started back the covid thing happend so now I'm just waiting for my state to give the go ahead unfortunately I'm close to the hottest spot... I have two generic kits both which were tested plan is to get bloods done for test estro and igf 1 on the generics kits I hardly ever use generic gh
Has anyone had a chance to try syms dhb just curious on how the pip is or if it's pretty smooth?
I’m two pins in (this week) on Syms DHB and both have been smooth with zero pip for me.
I find it rather strange not getting any pip because MCT at the very least gives me a small knot with some pip as well.
I was going to pin to see how bad the pip was and work it into this cycle. After no pip I’ve decided to do a cc 3x per week (M-W-F).

My original cycle was Test, Mast, and two weeks on, one week off, of Tren A. Well the Tren just flat out made me feel like shit for the first two weeks. That was at 50mg eod too. So I replaced it with the DHB.

Nowadays, I’m more about feeling the absolute best on cycle. :D
Damn man

Damn man that sucks, there is a pill put u need it prescribed it helps to relax ur intestines it works pretty good it has a small amount of Librium in it, but I actually just watched this thing the other day of a new therapy for it it was pretty wild and alil gross in a way. What there doing is taking healthy poop and the put it in a machine that mushes it up into basically a liquid and then it's tested for certain health markers and other stuff and they actually take that and put it into a machine that basically put the healthy poop that has all the good and healthy bacteria in the sick person and there seeing really amazing results, it's in trail faz right now but they deff think that soon it'll be use as a treatment.... It's pretty wild I'm sure u can't catch the episode on YouTube , sorry if I went to far but ibs sucks my friend suffered with it and if this therapy can cure that it might be worth it
Interesting lol. I’ll take a look into it
I go to the bathroom 6-10 times a day. Been tested for everything lol. So I was just “diagnosed” with IBS. Nothing has helped so far and I’ve tried probably everything over the last 7 or 8 years. I live on Metamucil. And sometimes I take Imodium which can help maybe 10%. But if I had to travel I’d load up on it well beyond the suggested dose

Sounds exactly like me. Sucks man.
That is almost crazy. I cruised 6 weeks on test and eq, but, Monday, what is that, 4 days ago, added 200 mg Primo E per week. Have you ever used Primo? Wondering why you are considering it. Two weeks from now I plan to increase to 500 Eq and 400 Primo E depending on how I feel physically. In the past, Primo and Test stack alone have made me feel wonderful. Even without Deca, body aches fade, appetite becomes stable, energy is like I want it to be, not like some old ass rocking chair dude. Motivation improves also which is a huge bonus for anyone with any type of depression. I am using Eq to help with appetite, strength, and basically for the sense of well being it offers also. Since my attack, I lost weight and appetite. Good luck to you.
No I have never used primo before but I have heard great things about it. It being pretty generous on your lipids and the well being you talked about peaked my interest. It’s not something I was 100% set on yet, I like to do as much reading as I can before I try something, but also talking with people who have done it helps out a lot. Stay safe out there man and be careful!
Some very respected and intelligent MD's think that using Nandrolone year-round at low doses (150-200mg/week) along with low dose test is not only low-risk, but even very beneficial.

I have not used deca in about a year, but am about ready to jump on it in a few months. Symbiotics has a very nice price on his 100cc Jugs of Deca 250. Gonna hit that good man up for a couple big jugs of it.

Currently suffering from rotator cuff tendonitis (which has been reduced tremendously by doing physical therapy over the last 6 months), newly herniated C4-C5 Cervical Disc (last 2 months) and herniated L4-L5 lumbar disc that is currently asymptomatic (knock on wood, tomorrow it'll probably flare up now that I have talked about it) .

Love this guy !! Cardiovascular Surgeon who has now, I believe, switched full-time to being a TRT Doctor. If you need a trt doc, he should be your go to.

Dr Carlson is also highly respected as well.

Noone in this thread has mentioned low dose Deca for guys in their 40's, 50's, 60's and beyond. I am not sure why. Anyways, I cannot wait to run 250mg/week deca in a couple months to help me with all of my aches and pains.

Millard Baker, have not talked to you in a very long time. You are a very good Man Millard, I have always liked you and respected you. You, Phreezer and VDC were my two first friends on Meso. I also met BiggerBen way back in 2001 as well HAHA!! You personally recommended me a very good source way back in 2001, the first source I ever used. It was here on Meso. Bordervet. Dunno if you remember Bordervet Millard, but you recommended him to me back in 2001. He was run off of Meso by Roiddoc, the piece of shit who was sent to prison for life for murdering and raping a little 6 year-old girl. My order: (20) bottles of Tornel T200 for myself and (30) for my friend, as well as 3K British Dispensary Thai Pink 5mg Hexagon DBols. Those Dbols ruled!!
I’m two pins in (this week) on Syms DHB and both have been smooth with zero pip for me.
I find it rather strange not getting any pip because MCT at the very least gives me a small knot with some pip as well.
I was going to pin to see how bad the pip was and work it into this cycle. After no pip I’ve decided to do a cc 3x per week (M-W-F).

My original cycle was Test, Mast, and two weeks on, one week off, of Tren A. Well the Tren just flat out made me feel like shit for the first two weeks. That was at 50mg eod too. So I replaced it with the DHB.

Nowadays, I’m more about feeling the absolute best on cycle. :D
You might not be getting any pip cause of the (EO/Guaiacol) and I spoke to sym and he said he hates pip and he said the dhb doesn't have any pip or if it does it's very very small amount, and also with pip it also comes down to how well it's brewed, I know of a CPL other dhb that have no pip to or if they do it's very small amount, one customer was running dhb and he had barely any pip so he thought it was fake or bunk and he sent it in for a test and it came back legit and was even alil over the dosage on the label and it was a blind sample, so just goes to show just cause ur not getting pip doesn't mean it's not legit... And I'm not saying ur saying syms dhb isn't good cause I actually believe it is , theres been a decent amount of raw test reports and also finished product tests by customers which all pretty much tested right on.... Thank u for the answer cause I was going back and forth between primo or dhb, so now I'm leaning towards the dhb, I know some samples were sent out for testing recently for some of syms products if I read right and I think a customer was also sending some.... It's prob to early to tell result wise but yes usual around 400mg for dhb is where u wanna be
Interesting lol. I’ll take a look into it
Yea I know it's wild man but they were seeing positive results and had even pretty much cured some people of there stomach and intestines.... It is a crazy wild treatment lol they were paying people for good healthy samples I was cracking up, felt bad for the poor lab worker girl
Between ending the ostarine and getting my bloodwork, she had put me on some antibiotic for IBS. Could have have that, both, or the ostarine alone. No way to tell. But I’d still rather never do sarms again and I’m not too big on orals.

I ran osterine before and I wasn’t impressed. I never experienced any sides. Then again, the liver damage might have been silent. I have been off orals for a while, I’m definitely not a fan as well.

Cheers [emoji1635]