SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

I don’t mean to but in. Me and and my friend were talking last night, (I bought his pedal bike off of him for some extra cardio) none the less we both been diagnosed with low t, (I’ll save that for another thread lol) he been on AAS longer than me and been active’s forum and I’m @meso. He’s not a fan of Meso, because we’re too tough on eachother lol, but I digress. Anyways, we began talking about tren. I know it’s a little off topic but he claims his research backs up “permanent light brain damage” from high/heavy dosages of Tren. Not sure if he’s smoking crack or if it is true. He says it has something to do with changing of the brains proteins over the long run. I won’t touch tren, A- because I’m a pussy to do so, B - I work labor for my City and won’t do well with not sleeping due to night sweats.

On the topic of lung problems regarding AAS, I’m unaware. Although, from my research, it has been stated, it is a must to do cardiovascular exercise regardless of what compound you take due to the build up of plaque in the blood (cholesterol). I’m assuming this correlates with the function of the lungs, assuming the heart and lungs are basically husband and wife. Just my theory.. maybe bro science, but none the less, ever since my first pin I correlate pinning with cardio. Lol. It I’m pinning, I’m doing cardio (besides lifting) regardless, everyday. Granted, the big theory behind heart [emoji3590] problems and aas, is supposedly genetics. I forgot what bodybuilder just recently passed away due to heart failure. It was interesting because my friend and I were going over the autopsy, and there were no plaque build up or anything. They claim it was un related to AAS and it was related to his gene pool. Supposedly, his whole line of family had heart problems. Anyways, sure risks are there, as we all know, but so is walking outside your house. My dad always said “If you are scared to die, your already dead”. I will take this to grave. None the less, we have to be smart with everything we do. I call it “be on your P’s and Q’s”. Lol. I was diagnosed with hypogonadism 3 years ago, and since I been on testosterone, my quality of life has drastically improved. Stronger, faster, better sex drive, better sleep. None the less, I try to incorporate cardio everyday after my lifts, before and on off days. (Hence the reason to buy his [emoji605], because too much running has takin its toll on my body) lol. I digress.
There’s only one way out this bitch called life, just make sure she’s beautiful. Hahaha.

Cheers [emoji1635]
I am in total agreement. I'm not very proud of this so I don't tell anyone, however, for the bros here, this may be beneficial. Ive been bodybuilding since 1984. Won a few titles. Done many many cycles. Even at 5'9" 310 lbs 13% BF, I kept a close check on my internals. Heart, lungs, liver, etc.... Everything including BP was always normal range. I tried Tren E in 2008 for the first time. Tren E 200 mg per week with Test C 250 mg per week. That was the beginning of the end. Developed major shortness of breath and many other side effects. That cycle lasted approx four weeks. Well, I hoped things had changed since then, so I decided to try Tren E again this year. Same dosages as before. I couldn't complete the cycle due to lack of breath and coughing all day. After being off for less than two weeks, I had a damn heart attack. 5 weeks ago. Via heart cath, they found a small blood clot in the lower part of the left anterior descending artery. The cardiologist busted it with a med through the cath at that point. He said he had seen many of these type blood clots in this area and the all registered around 3 in the troponin level. Heart enzyme indicator of a heart attack. Mine was 10 x that. 30. He said he had only seen two that high before and were both 85+ years old males. I'm 54. He has told me since, that he has presented my case to several groups with all to be puzzled. I have not told him about using Tren but did tell him about test use.
I am in total belief my heart attack was due to Tren E in some way or another. I gave my surplus away. Free. Don't ever want to touch it again.
I may have left things out of this explanation but I am more than willing to answer any questions about it.
I am in total agreement. I'm not very proud of this so I don't tell anyone, however, for the bros here, this may be beneficial. Ive been bodybuilding since 1984. Won a few titles. Done many many cycles. Even at 5'9" 310 lbs 13% BF, I kept a close check on my internals. Heart, lungs, liver, etc.... Everything including BP was always normal range. I tried Tren E in 2008 for the first time. Tren E 200 mg per week with Test C 250 mg per week. That was the beginning of the end. Developed major shortness of breath and many other side effects. That cycle lasted approx four weeks. Well, I hoped things had changed since then, so I decided to try Tren E again this year. Same dosages as before. I couldn't complete the cycle due to lack of breath and coughing all day. After being off for less than two weeks, I had a damn heart attack. 5 weeks ago. Via heart cath, they found a small blood clot in the lower part of the left anterior descending artery. The cardiologist busted it with a med through the cath at that point. He said he had seen many of these type blood clots in this area and the all registered around 3 in the troponin level. Heart enzyme indicator of a heart attack. Mine was 10 x that. 30. He said he had only seen two that high before and were both 85+ years old males. I'm 54. He has told me since, that he has presented my case to several groups with all to be puzzled. I have not told him about using Tren but did tell him about test use.
I am in total belief my heart attack was due to Tren E in some way or another. I gave my surplus away. Free. Don't ever want to touch it again.
I may have left things out of this explanation but I am more than willing to answer any questions about it.

Jesus. Do you still blast after all that shit?
Every new guy comes in here like a snowflake expecting “easy questions to be answered” and then they go on the attack trying to change MESO.

You’re not the first and you won’t be the last. But like @Mdrock98 said, he went thru the same thing. He made it because he realized this place has a certain way to it. The ones that survive show a little fucking humility and understand that nobody here owes you shit. They contribute also and become one of the community. The guys that remain stubborn and think they’re entitled don’t make it 3 months. They just quietly leave because they ostracized themselves.

If you want a chance here you better leave your bullshit uppity sense of entitlement at the door. There’s no mods here making sure everyone is playing nice. You’re going to attract a lot of bad attention. You’re a nobody and we don’t give a fuck about you.
I get it 0 fucks given. Guess I have had to learn the hard
Jesus. Do you still blast after all that shit? this point I'm on TRT dosages. 250 test c. 250 eq. However, you know from a few previous posts, I am possibly a dumb ass. lol. I am actually excited about my next blast.
I'll say if things did turn out worse, I would be a total TRT dude. But all my blood work and cardio tests show all is well. I am on blood thinner, calcium channel blocker, and a baby aspirin daily as a preventive protocol.
I'll use pretty much basics. Test. Primo. Equi. Inj Dbol. NPP. Mast. Proviron. HGH. I'll probably be a home brewer. No Tren!!! No orals. And I'll be using lower dosages.
Thanks for asking Big Brother. this point I'm on TRT dosages. 250 test c. 250 eq. However, you know from a few previous posts, I am possibly a dumb ass. lol. I am actually excited about my next blast.
I'll say if things did turn out worse, I would be a total TRT dude. But all my blood work and cardio tests show all is well. I am on blood thinner, calcium channel blocker, and a baby aspirin daily as a preventive protocol.
I'll use pretty much basics. Test. Primo. Equi. Inj Dbol. NPP. Mast. Proviron. HGH. I'll probably be a home brewer. No Tren!!! No orals. And I'll be using lower dosages.
Thanks for asking Big Brother.
You never considered just doing TRT and blasting test only? After a godamn heart attack I don’t think I’d ever take anything besides test and HGH. You crazy as hell man lol
You never considered just doing TRT and blasting test only? After a godamn heart attack I don’t think I’d ever take anything besides test and HGH. You crazy as hell man lol
Hahaha, thanks Broskie. Lol. Yes, I have been on TRT only several times. Always had good results with low doses also. 200 mg range per week. When I went from 245 to 310 lbs, I was using only Test C 200 per week and Creatine. Drank some gainer shakes. I ate a shit load of food though. But it can be done on low doses. Why I would go with anything at higher doses, I guess just looking for that next level. Psychological, yes. Seeking that damn next level is a possession. Think of this too, the NASCAR driver, probably gonna crash. The MX racer, probably gonna crash. Even the downhill skier, probably gonna crash.
You do bring on a valid question though. Damn man, hit me with something else. I may need to hear this stuff. Thanks bro!!!!
Tbh. Symbiotics doesn’t deserve this kind of bullshit on his forum. So with that being said. Goodluck Sir. I will continue posting to posts concerning his business and products. I won’t respond to a child.


Are you serious ?? You post dumb ass memes every two seconds with zero regards to Syms stuff [emoji2361] I cant believe the Old Man hasn’t gotten on your shit yet , he must be calming down [mention]Oldschool [/mention] , may be a good thing tho lol been a while since I’ve posted but dammm I’m all for memes and emojis but you take it to another level sir
I am in total agreement. I'm not very proud of this so I don't tell anyone, however, for the bros here, this may be beneficial. Ive been bodybuilding since 1984. Won a few titles. Done many many cycles. Even at 5'9" 310 lbs 13% BF, I kept a close check on my internals. Heart, lungs, liver, etc.... Everything including BP was always normal range. I tried Tren E in 2008 for the first time. Tren E 200 mg per week with Test C 250 mg per week. That was the beginning of the end. Developed major shortness of breath and many other side effects. That cycle lasted approx four weeks. Well, I hoped things had changed since then, so I decided to try Tren E again this year. Same dosages as before. I couldn't complete the cycle due to lack of breath and coughing all day. After being off for less than two weeks, I had a damn heart attack. 5 weeks ago. Via heart cath, they found a small blood clot in the lower part of the left anterior descending artery. The cardiologist busted it with a med through the cath at that point. He said he had seen many of these type blood clots in this area and the all registered around 3 in the troponin level. Heart enzyme indicator of a heart attack. Mine was 10 x that. 30. He said he had only seen two that high before and were both 85+ years old males. I'm 54. He has told me since, that he has presented my case to several groups with all to be puzzled. I have not told him about using Tren but did tell him about test use.
I am in total belief my heart attack was due to Tren E in some way or another. I gave my surplus away. Free. Don't ever want to touch it again.
I may have left things out of this explanation but I am more than willing to answer any questions about it.

Damn dude Trop of 30 is huge. Lots of cardiac muscle ischemia there. Do you know what your ejection fraction is and did it improve with time/recovery post heart attack? Just curious. Tx
As much as I liked Tren, the strength gains, the lean muscle, etc. I don't think I ever fully recovered from it's use. I will never touch it again. Period
I had a good experience with it last year and I’m still not sure I want to do it again. I’m getting older so I think it’s best to limit what I use. Probably two more years with nandrolone. Then only test, primo, and Masteron going forward
I’ve seen my blood work on tren. It really fucks it up. I’ve used it a good bit for shows and just off-season. It’s amazing stuff but man it messes with the body
Are you serious ?? You post dumb ass memes every two seconds with zero regards to Syms stuff [emoji2361] I cant believe the Old Man hasn’t gotten on your shit yet , he must be calming down [mention]Oldschool [/mention] , may be a good thing tho lol been a while since I’ve posted but dammm I’m all for memes and emojis but you take it to another level sir

Bro, honestly, sometimes I’m too lazy to type and my emotion at the time/response regarding ops post, or someone else’s post, (a meme)is a lot quicker and gets to the point than typing. Plus it livens up the thread.

Not sure if you can understand.

Don’t worry about me and sym. Last time I checked money is still green.

I am in total agreement. I'm not very proud of this so I don't tell anyone, however, for the bros here, this may be beneficial. Ive been bodybuilding since 1984. Won a few titles. Done many many cycles. Even at 5'9" 310 lbs 13% BF, I kept a close check on my internals. Heart, lungs, liver, etc.... Everything including BP was always normal range. I tried Tren E in 2008 for the first time. Tren E 200 mg per week with Test C 250 mg per week. That was the beginning of the end. Developed major shortness of breath and many other side effects. That cycle lasted approx four weeks. Well, I hoped things had changed since then, so I decided to try Tren E again this year. Same dosages as before. I couldn't complete the cycle due to lack of breath and coughing all day. After being off for less than two weeks, I had a damn heart attack. 5 weeks ago. Via heart cath, they found a small blood clot in the lower part of the left anterior descending artery. The cardiologist busted it with a med through the cath at that point. He said he had seen many of these type blood clots in this area and the all registered around 3 in the troponin level. Heart enzyme indicator of a heart attack. Mine was 10 x that. 30. He said he had only seen two that high before and were both 85+ years old males. I'm 54. He has told me since, that he has presented my case to several groups with all to be puzzled. I have not told him about using Tren but did tell him about test use.
I am in total belief my heart attack was due to Tren E in some way or another. I gave my surplus away. Free. Don't ever want to touch it again.
I may have left things out of this explanation but I am more than willing to answer any questions about it.

Listen man. Thank goodness/God your alive and well. I’m sorry that happened to you and glad you came out of it smarter and without serious consequences. Don’t let it get to you man. Just do a search on bodybuilders passing after that happened to them. It’s a blessing your still here.

Cheers [emoji1635] this point I'm on TRT dosages. 250 test c. 250 eq. However, you know from a few previous posts, I am possibly a dumb ass. lol. I am actually excited about my next blast.
I'll say if things did turn out worse, I would be a total TRT dude. But all my blood work and cardio tests show all is well. I am on blood thinner, calcium channel blocker, and a baby aspirin daily as a preventive protocol.
I'll use pretty much basics. Test. Primo. Equi. Inj Dbol. NPP. Mast. Proviron. HGH. I'll probably be a home brewer. No Tren!!! No orals. And I'll be using lower dosages.
Thanks for asking Big Brother.
how long have you been cruising on test and eq? I have been thinking about adding primo to my 250mg test cruise, but wasnt sure
Yeah I use to use Tren quite a bit. I'm in my lower 30s but will only ever use it again at 350mg a week max for no more than 4-6 weeks. It just fucks things up too much, nevermind the increased potential for developing Alzheimer's with its use.
I had a good experience with it last year and I’m still not sure I want to do it again. I’m getting older so I think it’s best to limit what I use. Probably two more years with nandrolone. Then only test, primo, and Masteron going forward
From my studies, and past experiences, I think your choices for the future are the very best. Depending on personal goals, I will be including HGH and Proviron. And I say to that, possibly. I don't know what the future holds.