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Hmm okay I’ll look into it.

But its affinity for binding to breast tissue (Obviously the mammary gland specifically) is much better than any other SERM.

Sucks ass as a PCT compound, but it really excels at gyno control

I keep a pack on standby, just in case at all times.
Usually takes about 4 days for a minor flare up to be eliminated.
Also, studies have shown that in SOME people, it can even decrease the size of preexisting gyno.

Great compound
But its affinity for binding to breast tissue (Obviously the mammary gland specifically) is much better than any other SERM.

Sucks ass as a PCT compound, but it really excels at gyno control

I keep a pack on standby, just in case at all times.
Usually takes about 4 days for a minor flare up to be eliminated.
Also, studies have shown that in SOME people, it can even decrease the size of preexisting gyno.

Great compound
I got prescribed Ralox when wellness doc put me on HCG. Keep it on hand for just such an occasion
This has to be the strongest Tren I’ve taken.
Sust 250 - 500mg EW
Tren Enth - 400mg EW
Aromasin 12.5 EOD
Pharma prami 0.25 EOD - 3 days

Still getting some tissue. Have a small lump happening in my left nipple now. Ive only really had problems with my right nip that I took care of. Thinking of upping the Aromasin to 12.5 ED.
Any suggestions
Might just be genetically unable to take a quality Tren product lol

12.5mg asin EOD is already A LOT for just 500 test. I would definitely not increase that to ED. Ralox at 60mg/day would be the way to go.
Shouldnt be the Tren,
Technically it doesnt aromatise.

I'm on week 2 of a tren run with no gyno issues.
I did have a flare up on my last run, but Ralox crushed it.

Maybe grab a packet of Ralox and try to beat down that lump?

Tren does aromatise... when is too much for the individual. I’ve seen competitors get gyno and hold water because their running 500-800mg of tren. On paper it shouldn’t aromatise but in real life it does.
Tren does aromatise... when is too much for the individual. I’ve seen competitors get gyno and hold water because their running 500-800mg of tren. On paper it shouldn’t aromatise but in real life it does.

Nope it does not
17β-Hydroxyestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one (trenbolone) exhibits tissue selective anabolic activity: effects on muscle, bone, adiposity, hemoglobin, and prostate
However, it cant ACT like a tissue selective estrogen (But only for bone protective reason)
Obviously this has caused confusion, considering when bloodwork is done, Tren up AS ESTROGEN, until an estradiol sensitive test is asked for, then the real results will shine through.

A common confusion is obviously progesterone and prolactin, anytime tren is in the presence of high E, they will.bith be produced and cause symptoms similar to high Estro... making it seems like you have VERY high estrogen.

You are right in a way, considering progesterone, but solid e control should prevent the chain of prolactin/progesterone production from coming into effect
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All I do know is, test only cycles I’ve done up too 1.2g EW doesn’t give me close to as much gyno problems as a 500 test 400 tren cycle. So whatever the nandrolone is doing inside my body wether it’s raised prolactin levels or whatever it’s fucking my shit up lmao
But its affinity for binding to breast tissue (Obviously the mammary gland specifically) is much better than any other SERM.

Sucks ass as a PCT compound, but it really excels at gyno control

I keep a pack on standby, just in case at all times.
Usually takes about 4 days for a minor flare up to be eliminated.
Also, studies have shown that in SOME people, it can even decrease the size of preexisting gyno.

Great compound
How much Rolax do you suggest? and for how long, a few days just to get rid of the flare up ?
How much Rolax do you suggest? and for how long, a few days just to get rid of the flare up ?

Most people I've seen run up to 120 the first week then just keep hitting 60 either until they run out or until they have satisfactory results. Not sure if the 120 blast is necessary, but the most common dosage is just 60mg a day.
Most people I've seen run up to 120 the first week then just keep hitting 60 either until they run out or until they have satisfactory results. Not sure if the 120 blast is necessary, but the most common dosage is just 60mg a day.
Alright yeah, I’ll try 60mg per day until the flare up/soreness stops. Then I’ll hop off, see how that treats me.
Alright yeah, I’ll try 60mg per day until the flare up/soreness stops. Then I’ll hop off, see how that treats me.

Should have no issues running it on cycle or off, I've heard good things from a couple guys on ralox, I actually bought a couple satchets of 60mg tabs just for a rainy day. Most people don't report sides like other SERMs
Should have no issues running it on cycle or off, I've heard good things from a couple guys on ralox, I actually bought a couple satchets of 60mg tabs just for a rainy day. Most people don't report sides like other SERMs
Just curious why would you ever run Ralox when not on cycle?
Just curious why would you ever run Ralox when not on cycle?

It's not used exclusively to prevent/deal with gyno on cycle only. A lot of guys use it to shrink and eliminate tissue as it seems to be much more selective than other SERMs for this specific issues. I've seen some positive reports/photos on atleast shrinking it quite a bit. 100% my only two choices would be ralox or surgery if it's that bad.
Alright yeah, I’ll try 60mg per day until the flare up/soreness stops. Then I’ll hop off, see how that treats me.

This will work
120mg is more like a pre-existing gyno reduction protocol.

But I'd you're worried ALOT
then the 120 wont hurt.

I typically use 60mg for a flare up as well.
It's not used exclusively to prevent/deal with gyno on cycle only. A lot of guys use it to shrink and eliminate tissue as it seems to be much more selective than other SERMs for this specific issues. I've seen some positive reports/photos on atleast shrinking it quite a bit. 100% my only two choices would be ralox or surgery if it's that bad.

There are some great protocols.

Some people responded very well in clinical trials.

I want to say 60% (ISH...its been a while since I read it) say decent reduction in pre existing gyno size.

The cause of their gyno is unknown, wether it be prepubescent gyno or steroid induced.

Some guys just respond well.

Not for everyone

I can totally agree with you saying that the sides are very tolerable and not like high dose Nolva, which knocks me on my ass.
It's not used exclusively to prevent/deal with gyno on cycle only. A lot of guys use it to shrink and eliminate tissue as it seems to be much more selective than other SERMs for this specific issues. I've seen some positive reports/photos on atleast shrinking it quite a bit. 100% my only two choices would be ralox or surgery if it's that bad.
Ah gotcha, thanks for the reply!
This will work
120mg is more like a pre-existing gyno reduction protocol.

But I'd you're worried ALOT
then the 120 wont hurt.

I typically use 60mg for a flare up as well.

the last 2 weeks i am using pharma grade ralox 60mg ed , after a flare up on lumps ive got. but nothing yet, not a minor diference. i will keep using it and see. with nolvadex always on 20mg after 2 weeks lumps was very tiny
the last 2 weeks i am using pharma grade ralox 60mg ed , after a flare up on lumps ive got. but nothing yet, not a minor diference. i will keep using it and see. with nolvadex always on 20mg after 2 weeks lumps was very tiny
Really ? I’m seeing a difference already on 60mg ED and it’s only been 4 days, could just be the mast I added in tho idk
the last 2 weeks i am using pharma grade ralox 60mg ed , after a flare up on lumps ive got. but nothing yet, not a minor diference. i will keep using it and see. with nolvadex always on 20mg after 2 weeks lumps was very tiny

We are all going to react differently for sure.

If Nolva works amazing for you, stick with it.

O typically use Ralox at high dose, to crush the gyno.
The. I'll switch to Fareston, which is very mild and I dknt need much of a maintenance dose.
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