SYN Pharma 2018 - Canadian Domestic only.

Just going to give a hand to @SYNrep for keeping that shit professional. I would've been way too tempted to just give a big fuck you after an apparently complete unwarranted public call out.

man don’t be so quick to judge , the post wasn’t there when I spoke to syn and what would you have done if you were in my shoes, he did not respond and nowhere does it say in the instructions he would take 24 hours to get back to me. He always says on this forum email me if you have any questions and that is what I did.
I did nothing wrong I also said I would wait until Friday evening for the tracking number , this was a big miscommunication, there is no reason for him to tell me fuck you
I’m apologizing for not waiting 24 hours which again does not state that in the instructions nor does it state the time difference. I have read the instructions. When I give a money transfer my bank confirms it but I was waiting for Syn to confirm it as well
Like hey man your transfer was accepted.
and that’s when every thing went wrong, it was when I got no reply to the emails, so think what you want I don’t give a shit , you would have done the same
No no, you’re totally misunderstanding here, that’s a totally valid reason for a big fuck you, and I woulda refunded you your money and told you to fuck yourself off to another vendor.. you didn’t get a reply from him via email in what you define as an acceptable timeframe, so you come to the forum and publicly question his integrity, and character to even as far as insinuate that he might be a scammer? … that’s big fuck off energy my guy.
SYNrep, you talk about dodgy scammers

But I’m having the same experience with you here unless there is another synrep with
As soon as you accepted payment from me , you totally ghosted me. You say to email you any questions we may have.
You haven’t answered me back on any of the emails I have sent you after you accepted payment
What’s going on?
If you’re busy sending out orders, then just say so, but not answering at all makes me paranoid that you just screwed me out of money.
I’ve been away for a while and wanted to get back in the game , I’ve ordered before using the same email provided here and had no issues then.
But now, you haven’t answered one email since accepting the money transfer and to me it makes you Look very sketch, if this is how you treat your clients then you need to get into another line of work.
As for my order, I’m going to wait until Friday evening to receive a tracking #
If not, then everyone will know how reputable you really are.
The rep is solid. He is not going to screw you. Not sure whats up with impatience nowadays, this reps been solid since he has joined theres really no need to threatened him with everyone will no how reputable he really is....
This is not Amazon with a team of customer service reps waiting to serve you 24hrs a day..

Have a little patience.
Or any patience at all. Wild. Amazon Prime generation for the win... The way the rep handled this is some next level professionalism. Would still be getting out my blacklist button if I was him though.
Did you think Syn was willing to burn their PRIME AAA amazing reputation they have built for your I’m going to take an educated guess 4 bottle order
Just going to give a hand to @SYNrep for keeping that shit professional. I would've been way too tempted to just give a big fuck you after an apparently complete unwarranted public call out.

man don’t be so quick to judge , the post wasn’t there when I spoke to syn and what would you have done if you were in my shoes, he did not respond and nowhere does it say in the instructions he would take 24 hours to get back to me. He always says on this forum email me if you have any questions and that is what I did.
I did nothing wrong I also said I would wait until Friday evening for the tracking number , this was a big miscommunication, there is no reason for him to tell me fuck you
I’m apologizing for not waiting 24 hours which again does not state that in the instructions nor does it state the time difference. I have read the instructions. When I give a money transfer my bank confirms it but I was waiting for Syn to confirm it as well
Like hey man your transfer was accepted.
and that’s when every thing went wrong, it was when I got no reply to the emails, so think what you want I don’t give a shit , you would have done the same
Impatient millennial fuck
I hope all labs close the door on you
Impatient millennial fuck
I hope all labs close the door on you
Yeah guys today don’t realize the luxury they have at their fingertips to obtain gear. They have no idea how easy it is today and take it for granted. They are worried about a day or two response time…lol veterans remember when you could wait for 8 weeks or more for product to arrive from overseas without any advance notification…. Fk sakes impatient instant gratification people today. Good thing SYN is patient….
Yeah guys today don’t realize the luxury they have at their fingertips to obtain gear. They have no idea how easy it is today and take it for granted. They are worried about a day or two response time…lol veterans remember when you could wait for 8 weeks or more for product to arrive from overseas without any advance notification…. Fk sakes impatient instant gratification people today. Good thing SYN is patient….
Things are very different from back then to know . Times evolve.
As you all know i have been a Newport representative for many years and have very much enjoyed working with this brand and continue to stand behind it.

However, I was approached several months ago by Syn Pharma to carry their product line. I could have easily included it in my monthly emails at that time, but I wanted to wait until I was satisfied that the product met all label claims and everything it claimed it was before offering it to my clientele. In the past few months I have spoken with many of Syn's clients, Syn representatives, and have received nothing but positive reviews and positive feedback. In fact, I cannot locate one single negative review on this brand. So I have decided to begin a cycle and personally review a handful of products. In the meantime, im very confident that the quality and consistency will match or exceed any top level brand currently available in Canada today and will soon be accredited as being the most reputable and consistent brand in this country.

As most of you know, there has been a lot of buzz over the past 18 months or so about Syn Pharma, and even more speculation about it's origin. I can now tell you with 100% certainty that Syn Pharma is it's own entity and completely separate from Newport Pharmaceuticals. If it wasn't, i would have been carrying Syn Pharma awhile ago. This is not a “re-labelled” brand either, as some have speculated. Syn Pharma is manufactured separate and has absolutely nothing to do with Newport. And you'll notice they will not ship in the same packet simply because Newport and Syn Phama are two completely separate brands and entities. Newport is a fine brand, but Syn Pharma is a relatively new brand with an extensive line-up of products. In fact, Syn Pharma has one of the most comprehensive product lists of most other brands in this country.

The current product list also includes a line of SARM's, non-steroidal preparations, and as an example; their newly developed solutions designed for TRT/HRT long term users that can be effectively administered once every 10 days while maintaining stable hormonal levels. There is also a SynVantage line that are multi-ingredient oils that have been carefully chosen to produce optimum results for those athletes requiring a multi-ingredient, testosterone-based blend. And for the sextueticals, Syn Pharma offers a newly designed 60 tablet 5mg sachet of "daily cialis" good for two months. In the past, clientele have expressed that 20mg was simply too much and unnecessary, occasionally causing the notorious headaches, stuffy nose, and bloodshot eyes that often accompany the 20mg does, and that a smaller but more frequent dosing would be optimum for most needs. I believe this newly created sachet addresses this issue.

Please note that some of the products on the current list may not be familiar to the average body builder, but most of you will recognize the vast majority of them. If you're not sure about a particular name/product, feel free to send a message and I'll provide clarity for you. Of course, the above is simply a summary of a much larger and more extensive product list that i am extremely excited to offer exclusively to my clientele. Having said that, I have included the most up-to-date comprehensive product sheet with current pricing.

If you are a current client of mine and have not yet received a SYN Pharma price sheet, please contact me and one will be forwarded immediately.

- Northern Nutrition
Give me a message plz
are they still alive ? why this thread is so silent since nov 2021 ?

I don’t use use them. Can get better prices for the same quality of gear and customer service with other labs, I also don’t support the way they market their lab by censoring shit like nazis on CJM . Dirty business. Their gear’s good though.
are they still alive ? why this thread is so silent since nov 2021 ?
Yes we are still around. Contrary to what the individual above is saying, there's no censoring here at meso, and I fully support that. What happens at Canadian Juice Monsters has nothing to do with me or my business. I market SYN at this forum, as well as locally in my area, and through word of mouth.

This individual @canadian mutant was a lab owner for boss pharma, and it seems he may be resorting to the same "dirty business" tactics as he accuses the Juice Monsters forum of.

I don't need to, nor do I want to resort to dirty tactics myself as I believe there are plenty of customers to go around for all representatives of all brands and I will continue to focus on my clients care instead. I fully agree with him that I don't like how other labs and forums market and resort to lying, slander and behind the scenes shenanigans. It is up to him if he wants to escalate this or stay in his own thread.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to email me at
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This individual @canadian mutant was a lab owner for boss pharma, and it seems he may be resorting to the same "dirty business" tactics as he accuses the Juice Monsters forum of.

This is why it’s so hard to take you guys seriously lmao. The owner of boss is literally in jail brother. I buy like 4 vials at a time off a source on here lmao. Lab owner lmao where do u come up w this shit

Ur bullshit doesn’t work here , we’re not all retarded sheep like on CJM . Just stay quiet and stop making an ass out of urself

Also boss hasn’t existed in like 12 years . Ur accusing “me the boss owner” of making this post to compete against Syn? Are you well ? Lol
This is why it’s so hard to take you guys seriously lmao. The owner of boss is literally in jail brother. I buy like 4 vials at a time off a source on here lmao. Lab owner lmao where do u come up w this shit

Ur bullshit doesn’t work here , we’re not all retarded sheep like on CJM . Just stay quiet and stop making an ass out of urself

Also boss hasn’t existed in like 12 years . Ur accusing “me the boss owner” of making this post to compete against Syn? Are you well ? Lol
Were you not theboss at that forum and they banned you and you came over here and ranted about them? I am just going off of what was stated about theboss who got banned there.

You have boss confused with mission my friend. Why do you know so much about the political background of labs if you're just an honest consumer? Boss hasn't been around since late 2014, so that would be just over 8 years no?

Why did you immediately feel the need to come in my thread and attack me when someone was just asking a question? If you have issues with the ownership of SYN, you should take it up with them but please leave me out of it.