SYN Pharma 2018 - Canadian Domestic only.

Were you not theboss at that forum and they banned you and you came over here and ranted about them? I am just going off of what was stated about theboss who got banned there.

You have boss confused with mission my friend. Why do you know so much about the political background of labs if you're just an honest consumer? Boss hasn't been around since late 2014, so that would be just over 8 years no?

Why did you immediately feel the need to come in my thread and attack me when someone was just asking a question? If you have issues with the ownership of SYN, you should take it up with them but please leave me out of it.

Are you crazy man? The entire world knows Boss was Mission. It’s talked about here all the time. Go through the Canadian domestic thread. Common knowledge. You know that though you’re just pushing an angle lol

So your theory is that I own a lab that hasn’t existed in 10 or so years and me saying that SYN has good gear I just don’t like the way they censor shit on CJM is an attsck because I’m your competition? Surely you can’t be serious lol ?

youre actually hilarious

I just ordered 2x NPP 1x Deca and 1x Test500 off one of the labs here. Do u think that is so I can re-Sell it? Bahaha

A true shame you behave like this , because as stated for a 3rd time now Syn does have some nice gear.
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are they still alive ? why this thread is so silent since nov 2021 ?

Most people that use SYN are happy and deal with the rep via email. It's kind of set in stone that Pareto and SYN are both 1a and 1b on the Canadian scene. Not much to discuss I guess. I think SYNrep sends his updates via email instead of bumping his thread.

I use SYN currently zero complaints and have seen enough HPLC and or FTIR tests on their tablets and the stuff I use to know what I buy is good stuff.

In relation to Boss Im not sure what the confusion was but the Boss labs with the shitty purple/white labels definitely morphed into Mission and he went to Jail.
Are you crazy man? The entire world knows Boss was Mission. It’s talked about here all the time. Go through the Canadian domestic thread. Common knowledge. You know that though you’re just pushing an angle lol

So your theory is that I own a lab that hasn’t existed in 10 or so years and me saying that SYN has good gear I just don’t like the way they censor shit on CJM is an attsck because I’m your competition? Surely you can’t be serious lol ?

youre actually hilarious

I just ordered 2x NPP 1x Deca and 1x Test500 off one of the newer well priced labs here. Do u think that is so I can re-Sell it? Bahaha
Michael Kidd was a brewer for Mission, but was hardly the owner of that lab. You and I both know that.

Are you or are you not theboss that was banned? I saw that they banned you, gave you an opportunity to state your case and you never came back to defend yourself. You did come to meso to rant about their forum immediately after the banning.

I agree with you on some levels that some of the members at Canadian Juice Monsters are not my cup of tea and I also do not agree with some of the things that happen at that board. Guess what I do, I ignore it, and I browse this forum instead. I will ask again, why does a simple consumer care and know so much about the politics of labs and boards?

I am not your competition, nor have I ever considered you that. Why do you feel the need to attack SYN in my thread when a new member simply asked a question? I can keep asking you these relevant questions all day long if that is what you want, but I believe that we both would prefer to stay out of each others way. It is up to you.
I agree with you on some levels that some of the members at Canadian Juice Monsters are not my cup of tea and I also do not agree with some of the things that happen at that board. Guess what I do, I ignore it, and I browse this forum instead. I will ask again, why does a simple consumer care and know so much about the politics of labs and boards?

So you literally agree word per word with my original post, stating that SYN is a good lab, with good gear, just disagree with how they operate on CJM

So what are we arguing about. We both just typed the same thing word per word
So you literally agree word per word with my original post, stating that SYN is a good lab, with good gear, just disagree with how they operate on CJM

So what are we arguing about. We both just typed the same thing word per word
I don't agree word for word with your original post. You said "Can get better prices for the same quality of gear and customer service with other labs,". What was the point of that? If I have ever done you wrong, please let me know, I would work to remedy it immediately.

Of course SYN pricing may be higher than a small labs prices. We have a large investment in equipment, laboratory set up, reps, shipping, testing, making our new HGH in house, etc. It's easy to offer lower prices when you are a one man operation buying a couple hundred grams of raws at a time, but it's also easy to run out of supply fast and grow too quickly and realize you cannot supply all of your clients with staple items such as Test E.

How Canadian Juice Monsters and some of it's crazy members do things and how I do things are on different ends of the spectrum. I have no beef with you, and if you are ever wanting to use SYN products at a fair price you're always free to reach out to me and we can negotiate some sort of deal.
This is why it’s so hard to take you guys seriously lmao. The owner of boss is literally in jail brother. I buy like 4 vials at a time off a source on here lmao. Lab owner lmao where do u come up w this shit

Ur bullshit doesn’t work here , we’re not all retarded sheep like on CJM . Just stay quiet and stop making an ass out of urself

Also boss hasn’t existed in like 12 years . Ur accusing “me the boss owner” of making this post to compete against Syn? Are you well ? Lol
If you owned a lab why the hell would you buy gear from other labs lmao makes zero sense.

I guess you just have a big heart and you love supporting the competition.
My order arrived today. Everything was packaged discretely and safe. Everything looks good so far. They even sent me an extra bottle of SUS 250. Hell yeah. Thanks guys!

I will update as I go.


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Ordered some tren/anavar/mast and started the tren three weeks ago, no tren cough or night sweats which I usually get pretty fast, (not saying that’s a driving factor) haven’t noticed much in terms of gains but all reviews are positive so I hope I didn’t order from the wrong place/get fakes, still early in the cycle though and will be started the mast and anavar shortly
Ordered some tren/anavar/mast and started the tren three weeks ago, no tren cough or night sweats which I usually get pretty fast, (not saying that’s a driving factor) haven’t noticed much in terms of gains but all reviews are positive so I hope I didn’t order from the wrong place/get fakes, still early in the cycle though and will be started the mast and anavar shortly
You sound retarded
You sound retarded
Edit : 90 percent of your posts are you raging, time to get that estrogen in check buddy, overly emotional asf. God forbid someone comments on a brand you’ve been defending since the dawn of time. ‍♀️
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Edit : 90 percent of your posts are you raging, time to get that estrogen in check buddy, overly emotional asf. God forbid someone comments on a brand you’ve been defending since the dawn of time. ‍♀️
Fucking retard.
I have not been defending this brand since the beginning of time.
I just call out stupidity when I see it.
Ordered some tren/anavar/mast and started the tren three weeks ago, no tren cough or night sweats which I usually get pretty fast, (not saying that’s a driving factor) haven’t noticed much in terms of gains but all reviews are positive so I hope I didn’t order from the wrong place/get fakes, still early in the cycle though and will be started the mast and anavar shortly
Hello @nidalee1

when you have a moment, can you please email me, so we can discus this further. I can also state for the record that there are no fake SYN products in existence. We have not had any complaints on our trenbolone products that I am aware of, but I take these complaints seriously and stand behind all of our products.

Contact me at

and provide me with all of your order information and we can take it from there. Thank you

Hello @nidalee1

when you have a moment, can you please email me, so we can discus this further. I can also state for the record that there are no fake SYN products in existence. We have not had any complaints on our trenbolone products that I am aware of, but I take these complaints seriously and stand behind all of our products.

Contact me at

and provide me with all of your order information and we can take it from there. Thank you

This is more or less what I wanted to know, not knocking the brand at all, I hear the better quality the gear the less side effects you really get, I’m glad there are no fakes, edit- I did buy it off a friend who buys it in bulk, so I didn’t get it from an actual rep or anything myself so I want to make that clear. Everything was completely sealed though, obviously.
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Last thing I’ll say is I did get it from a reseller even though I know the guy very well, appreciate the rep here helping me get to the bottom of it regardless of me NOT going through him in ordering it to begin with, very professional to say the least.
Last thing I’ll say is I did get it from a reseller even though I know the guy very well, appreciate the rep here helping me get to the bottom of it regardless of me NOT going through him in ordering it to begin with, very professional to say the least.
How is the gear now?
Damn dude, you have hit up every Canadian Labs thread, and Qingdongs as well... Desperate for a source?

Do a little digging in most of those threads and you may find your answers
I did not see any finished product testing for any of the Canadian labs that is why I asked. I’m trying to be pragmatic in my approach to trying a new lab instead of basing it on prior experiences of others within a dead thread. I only have experience with Pareto from 2019 and I don’t see any updates from them since. Where as many of the American labs seem to be a lot more punctual with their testing.
I did not see any finished product testing for any of the Canadian labs that is why I asked. I’m trying to be pragmatic in my approach to trying a new lab instead of basing it on prior experiences of others within a dead thread. I only have experience with Pareto from 2019 and I don’t see any updates from them since. Where as many of the American labs seem to be a lot more punctual with their testing.
Fair enough a quiet thread is a generally a good thing. I am in Canada and use 3 or 4 labs with no complaints.