This "cycle log" is really the epitome of what Meso has become. I swear ever since CBS showed some sort of authoritativeness in idiocy, the courage of the idiots has emerged, one such as yourself have come to think that something like this would be a good idea...
It's like you are trying to traverse into "new" territory? Some idiot convinced you that there is some sort of legitimacy to this retarded shit?!
It's not new territory, it's been known how stupid it is to inject oil and all those idiots you say "didn't use synthol" are using some sort of oil and that's the point of synthol as well. It doesn't matter much what the oil used is. And if you knew anything about brewing you would know what almost 8% BA is a FUCK TON and will bring god like PIP but since the lidocaine is masking it you don't notice the scartissue and muscle fiber damage.
I hope to see some pictures of your idiocy. Also noted you didn't even answer fellow members query of how big those "guns" are now
Wunderpus you take the cake for being the idiot of the year and what Meso has evolved into..
Meso was once known as one of the better AAS forums,
now it's about synthol cycle logs? xD LMAO you are an idiot.