Why are so many folks upset/resistant to the idea that you shouldn't rum supraphysiologic long term without a break?
This is a fair question, and I don't have an answer. Maybe it's some sort of defense mechanism?
It's much more than that. I think alot of us are agreement that you need to take a break.

More than half of these guys that cruise on stupid high dose could probably just grow at that dose..

People "Cruising" on 600mg of gear is not a real cruise. Blood work can only say so much about the effects. dont know vascular integrity, heart function, etc.

The "Break dosage " is what the more recent discussion is. 100mg vs 150mg vs 200mg
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Why are so many folks upset/resistant to the idea that you shouldn't rum supraphysiologic long term without a break?

This is a fair question, and I don't have an answer. Maybe it's some sort of defense mechanism?

Classic addiction.

With that being said, i'm gladly addicted to steroids instead of opioids and all other kind of hard drugs that i've been addicted to in the past.

I'm already pissed that i have to cruise soon, because i know i will feel worse. Going completely off or taking a break isn't something i'm planning to do soon, since i've only started roiding about half a year ago.

You see, the usual addict cope talk. ;)
Taking a break from above trt dosages also benefits your mental health. The more you take the more like an animal you become. To get back to being a human with certain values and of course a soul, you have to get on TRT for some time to level it out and balance everything. It may not be what you want, but it's good for you.
It's much more than that. I think alot of us are agreement that you need to take a break.

More than half of these guys that cruise on stupid high dose could probably just grow at that dose..

People "Cruising" on 600mg of gear is not a real cruise. Blood work can only say so much about the effects. dont know vascular integrity, heart function, etc.

The "Break dosage " is what the more recent discussion is. 100mg vs 150mg vs 200mg
I agree with everything you wrote, but I don't really think 200mg is a break from anything much.

The testes do not produce anywhere near that much.
I haven't validated the assertion, but one of the coaches in this space suggested that supraphysiological testosterone drives stem cells to support anabolism exclusively leaving none to attend to the various repair functions throughout the body. Coming down to physiological levels will allow the stem cells to attend to repairs in other areas of the body.

Seems plausible, I wonder if it's real.
In most young men, testosterone production reaches its maximum at about age 17, and levels remain high for the next two to three decades. On average, healthy young men produce about six milligrams of testosterone a day.

In some men, testosterone levels remain high throughout life, but in most they begin to decline at about age 40. Unlike the precipitous drop in hormones that women experience at menopause, however, the decline in men is gradual, averaging just over 1% a year. This drop is imperceptible at first, but by age 70, the average man's testosterone production is 30% below its peak. Still, testosterone levels remain within the normal range in at least 75% of older men, which is why many men can father children in their 80s and beyond.

. . .

But, like so many biological functions, testosterone production waxes and wanes over a 24-hour cycle; production is highest at 8 a.m. and lowest at 9 p.m.

So trt should be test no ester 6mg injected daily at 8:00 a.m.