temptation and striving for more.... but health should be the main goal in life

so many people around this town are sick with a cold right now, this will be a test for my immune system for sure, I got paranoid that I was getting sick too yesterday, but today I am fine, it would be cool if I am able to not get a cold when surrounded by lots of people with colds

good morning wood this morning

a little bit of a restless feeling recently
took 50mg proviron this morning

appetite strong this afternoon

no cold or flu

feel pretty tight around the abs today so far, thinking that proviron and masteron might reduce the dose needed of arimidex
extreme morning wood with very strong libido

took my blood pressure last night and very normal, which surprised me since I haven't had any arimidex recently, maybe the proviron is helping with an anti-estrogenic effect

I have read that proviron and masteron can have some synergy, I might try doing both for awhile to see how it affects me
just did a cyp injection and also injected 100 mg of masteron, and took a 1mg arimidex, this afternoon :)

the reason for the arimidex was my face was feeling a little flush this afternoon, could be because I am fighting off this head cold that everyone around me seems to have, or maybe estrogen, figured it couldn't hurt anyways since my testosterone dose this week is sufficient that low estrogen is extremely unlikely
feel great this evening, had a workout and my strength is way up, funny how it takes a long while of having elevated testosterone before you notice the strength increase, really starting to kick in now

maybe I'm just noticing girls more, but it really seems like often girls linger close by me, like in grocery store aisles or anywhere, it really does feel like some type of a subtle invisible magnet..... I know for sure that my posture and confidence in the way I carry myself in public is way different and maybe that is what they pick up on, or maybe it is the invisible "scent" of a man with high testosterone, or both maybe, I'm sure I'm not imagining it
Shit I read a study showing proviron had nootropic effects. I don't see anything wrong with taking proviron everyday. It's not like taking 25mg of proviron is going to turn you into Ronnie Coleman. lol
And the only other thing you mentioned was testosterone and an AI. I say go for it what the hell just donate blood and you'll be fine. It's not like you are wanting to run 19-nors which have horrible sides like heart enlargement and liver toxicity.
felt good today

saw a hot girl walking down the street in tight jeans and got the beginnings of a spontaneous erection, which is something extremely rare for me in the last decade

took an arimidex before bed just now
just did a cyp injection and bumped up dose to a 225 mg masteron injection

shouldn't say yet with complete certainty, but past experience and recent experience I would have to say I love masteron, I think I can even bring the test dosage down a bit and masteron works the synergy well to make both together better than test alone..... the masteron is a quicker ester so I think I am able to notice the difference when it is in full effect, but like I say, I don't want to make certain conclusions without really examining the situation more over time
damn, bit of an acne outbreak on my shoulders, nothing extreme yet but definitely a number of them starting and I hate that if it gets worse, probably a good idea to go tanning this afternoon
I'm definitely following this thread because I want to know how you get on with 300mg week test cyp. I'm seriously thinking of shooting 500mg TE week for life as permanent trt.