Testing Human Growth Hormone (191AA HGH) samples via both Janoshik and Chromate

Comical of you to talk shit when you couldn’t even get Bwares sample correct after like 5 tries.
To be fair, that was the first ever sample this lab received and we still did a better job than Analiza! Now, just a few months later, we have demonstrated head-to-head monomer quantitation and improved dimer detection vs a veteran.
Appreciate if you can explain like we’re 5 years old why Chromate “successfully detected” dimer while you detected 0% dimer. What did Chromate detect if it wasn’t dimer?
Well, that's going to be easy, as you really have to get into the mindset of a 5 year old to even consider any of his measurements or statements at this point.

Why would I know or care what was detected in his basement?
Do you think he gives me tours over there so I can review the processes?
Here's the LC, here's the hole where you put the lotion in the basket and here we store the dimer testing stuff kind of thing my dear Jano?

Or do you expect me to dissect his process and help him find more of his screw ups and teach him how to fix them like I'm being paid for it?
To be fair, that was the first ever sample this lab received
Lying on a public forum seldom goes well.

So were those reports made up and you lied then or are you making stuff up and lying now? Your own posts are enough to out you.

DEC 12
Job 10011
Access code: H663XX5TEB57
Report viewable at chromate.org/client

A local athlete submitted synthol for analysis. RP-HPLC analysis was performed and four esters of testosterone were detected.
DEC 12
Job 10024
Access code: 8CAH7STQLKVW
Report viewable at chromate.org/client

A natural bodybuilder submitted synthol for analysis. RP-HPLC analysis was performed and methenolone enanthate was detected.

Lying on a public forum seldom goes well.

So were those reports made up and you lied then or are you making stuff up and lying now? Your own posts are enough to out you.

Lying on a public forum seldom goes well.

So were those reports made up and you lied then or are you making stuff up and lying now? Your own posts are enough to out you.
As if it’s not glaringly obvious that the purpose of the example reports was to introduce the lab services — the level of cope is high right now!

EP Somatropin CRS Batch 4: 0.440% Dimer detected by Chromate


EP Somatropin CRS Batch 4: Dimer results from 16 international labs (full pdf attached)


@GGC's Sample #3: 0.331% Dimer detected by Chromate

At Chromate, we only use validated Pharmacopoeia methodology. It takes long, but it works. We look forward to running the appropriate purity analysis for @GGC soon.

Would @Chromate refund customers who ordered hgh testing if it seems like he's been testing samples incorrectly this whole time?
This whole time being 2 weeks since the test was made available, but absolutely — even despite identity, quantitation, and dimer having been accurate.


@trengod1992 Apparently we are now the same person because you posted a positive review.

@janoshik Please do not project your unscrupulous behavior onto me.
Very silly assumption, personally I wish I had the ability to purchase hplc machines and do my own testing. Unfortunately I’m an average joe working two jobs (legal field and person trainer). Also my post history I’ve made purchases from quite a few sources. I’m no paid shill.
Very silly assumption, personally I wish I had the ability to purchase hplc machines and do my own testing. Unfortunately I’m an average joe working two jobs (legal field and person trainer). Also my post history I’ve made purchases from quite a few sources. I’m no paid shill.
And an assumption I've never made - I pointed out you've sent in samples before @B Ware:

I used you, among other examples to show how @Chromate is unable to even make stuff up without it being possible to bust him going by his own words.


I mean, it's not like his defense for screwing up is legitimate anyhow, I just found it hilarious.

So, all in all, this assumption only appeared in @Chromate's brain somehow, due to the fact he has major issues of dealing with comprehension.

Quite possibly projection too :)
And an assumption I've never made - I pointed out you've sent in samples before @B Ware:
No, you pointed out that example reports were made up and then implied the same for trengod & bigboost.

I mean, it's not like his defense for screwing up is legitimate anyhow, I just found it hilarious.
Mistakes will inevitably be made at the start of any endeavor, so it is a legitimate defense, and in all such instances there was either no charge / refund / retest issued.

What's your excuse for screwing up years of dimer testing?
No, you pointed out that example reports were made up and then implied the same for trengod & bigboost.
major issues of dealing with comprehension.
Since you guys are debating each others testing credibility. @Chromate are you still confident with your results of this sample?
Is it honestly up to a debate at this point?

I mean, he surely can provide the Mass Spectra of the purported impurities, right?

1. We serviced and set up our Agilent 1100 MSD, enabling the positive identification of countless compounds without the need for reference standards.

In fact, it's surprising he had not so far, when faced with scrutiny!

Just as we did.

Anyway, what I'm seeing is a 100% or close failure rate here for an unincorporated basement laboratory.
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Is it honestly up to a debate at this point?

What I'm seeing is a 100% or close failure rate here for an unincorporated basement laboratory.
I've learned to trust your test reports. I take Chromates with a grain of salt. Hopefully he can establish himself and his methods and prove to us all his testing is reliable.