Steroid Profile Testosterone

Injections are still gold standard when it comes to Testosterone cycle and TRT.

Cypionate, enanthate are best for most people. For those who want to inject less frequently there is undecanoate ester which works well.
I'm curious if anyone runs cycles with pellets. That'd be cool if we could just load a bunch of pellets under the skin and forget about it for a few weeks. I'm sure it isn't that simple or that's what we'd be doing.
We i actually had my pellets injected in April and my levels are up 10 around 1200. The recovery time sucks though. It took me around two weeks for the soreness to ease up. Anything sitting caused pain driving sitting in bed etc. basically the Dr. numbed my bum and poked a hole in me and inserted about twelve of them.
I'm curious if anyone runs cycles with pellets. That'd be cool if we could just load a bunch of pellets under the skin and forget about it for a few weeks. I'm sure it isn't that simple or that's what we'd be doing.
We i actually had my pellets injected in April and my levels are up 10 around 1200. The recovery time sucks though. It took me around two weeks for the soreness to ease up. Anything sitting caused pain driving sitting in bed etc. basically the Dr. numbed my bum and poked a hole in me and inserted about twelve of them.
Christ. I'm sure the doctor had a good reason to stack 12 pellets in your ass cheek. He had to have known you wouldn't be able to sit down.
Is there a reason the doctor is even doing pellets? Does he have a fetish?
We i actually had my pellets injected in April and my levels are up 10 around 1200. The recovery time sucks though. It took me around two weeks for the soreness to ease up. Anything sitting caused pain driving sitting in bed etc. basically the Dr. numbed my bum and poked a hole in me and inserted about twelve of them.
If that's what it takes then it's pain in the ass literally. Get access to Nebido or go underground and get Testosterone Undecanoate, inject once per week or even every 10 days. It's a relief compared to other T esters.
I am on a cycle of 350mg of test e and 200mg primo per week.
the feeling are very good. With gains of 1kg clean for a week.
I am on a cycle of 350mg of test e and 200mg primo per week.
the feeling are very good. With gains of 1kg clean for a week.
That's exactly what primo does. You keep growing quietly. My buddy who tried it recently doubted if his primo is legit for a while until he started experiencing the cosmetic effects of it and as time progressed, he was nice and full. Like a fake natty
That's exactly what primo does. You keep growing quietly. My buddy who tried it recently doubted if his primo is legit for a while until he started experiencing the cosmetic effects of it and as time progressed, he was nice and full. Like a fake natty
like a fake natty... as in small, it be alright to maintain on top of trt but primo is... a waste of oil for a growth phase...
Still on 150mg a day of my homemade transdermal testosterone base formulations which consists of ethanol + MCT oil, of which probably 50mg are effectively absorbed and sustainably released through the following 24 hours thanks to the reservoir my skin acts as ;)
Still on 150mg a day of my homemade transdermal testosterone base formulations which consists of ethanol + MCT oil, of which probably 50mg are effectively absorbed and sustainably released through the following 24 hours thanks to the reservoir my skin acts as ;)
That's some fancy and rare stuff you're on. Do you not react well to injections or you just don't like it?
That's some fancy and rare stuff you're on.

Actually the most physiological version of testosterone you can be on, that produces adequate levels of e2 and DHT.
I think undecanoate would be the fancy and rare stuff ;)

Do you not react well to injections or you just don't like it?

I have never injected except for subq rHGH, HCG and peptides.

I'd rather not fill my muscles with vegetable oils, BA and BB, health is a complicated enough topic without adding all those extra toxins ;)
Actually the most physiological version of testosterone you can be on, that produces adequate levels of e2 and DHT.
I think undecanoate would be the fancy and rare stuff ;)

I have never injected except for subq rHGH, HCG and peptides.

I'd rather not fill my muscles with vegetable oils, BA and BB, health is a complicated enough topic without adding all those extra toxins ;)
Fair enough, everyone chooses the best option for himself.
Still on 150mg a day of my homemade transdermal testosterone base formulations which consists of ethanol + MCT oil, of which probably 50mg are effectively absorbed and sustainably released through the following 24 hours thanks to the reservoir my skin acts as ;)
I'm sure yours is much cheaper but I'm using the compounded cream 200mg/ml testosterone in Atrevis base. Per my doc's guidelines I started applying 100mg every AM to the scrotum and ran labs about a month later. Total t was 3300ng/dl. No wonder I was feeling so wired and energetic after application. It's very potent stuff.
I'm sure yours is much cheaper but I'm using the compounded cream 200mg/ml testosterone in Atrevis base. Per my doc's guidelines I started applying 100mg every AM to the scrotum and ran labs about a month later. Total t was 3300ng/dl. No wonder I was feeling so wired and energetic after application. It's very potent stuff.

You probably drew bloods between 2 hours and 5 hours after application, which is irrelevant.

You want to know how much is left in your blood right before the next dose, which means 12 hours after application if you apply the cream twice a day.
You probably drew bloods between 2 hours and 5 hours after application, which is irrelevant.

You want to know how much is left in your blood right before the next dose, which means 12 hours after application if you apply the cream twice a day.
Yeah I do twice a day but you are right. My Dr has me test at 5 hours. He had me cut the dose in half after that result
Are you going to do something about it ?
I don't need to. He's pretty cool in that he gives me more refills per year than I could ever use even at the higher dose so I'm able to run however much I want. He doesn't even have me do bloodwork. But for cycles I still order ugl and inject and use the cream with it since it's hard to determine the cream to injectable conversion
I don't need to. He's pretty cool in that he gives me more refills per year than I could ever use even at the higher dose so I'm able to run however much I want. He doesn't even have me do bloodwork. But for cycles I still order ugl and inject and use the cream with it since it's hard to determine the cream to injectable conversion

So I assume you went back to double your dose after not taking into account that sloppy result, and that my work with you is done here ... right ?
So I assume you went back to double your dose after not taking into account that sloppy result, and that my work with you is done here ... right ?

No. I'm always open to any advice I can get. For that high reading I was applying 2 clicks am and 1 click pm. I dropped it down to just 1 click am and none in the evening unless I'm going to be out late as it gives a boost of energy that I don't really need if I'm at home and want to sleep. I actually feel great like this after years of being so low naturally.
No. I'm always open to any advice I can get. For that high reading I was applying 2 clicks am and 1 click pm. I dropped it down to just 1 click am and none in the evening unless I'm going to be out late as it gives a boost of energy that I don't really need if I'm at home and want to sleep. I actually feel great like this after years of being so low naturally.

Testosterone is not like caffeine, you don't take it when you need a boost. You also take your nightly dose because you need to build yourself as a man even during your sleep, and especially during that construction phase that is sleep.

Go back to taking your TNE twice a day ASAP. Hope I made myself clear this time.


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