MESO-Rx Sponsor THEPROVIDER GH ONLY USA , EU and rest of world int. and dom service

FYI, your review here did more harm than good. It’s clear your judgment isn’t the best. Once a respected member who traded that to rep for a shitty source to earn a buck and free gear.

TP is respected and highly regarded due to his years of being a source on a paid board. But if you actually go look at his hplc re
FYI, your review here did more harm than good. It’s clear your judgment isn’t the best. Once a respected member who traded that to rep for a shitty source to earn a buck and free gear.

TP is respected and highly regarded due to his years of being a source on a paid board. But if you actually go look at his hplc reports over the years those reports will show you that his products don’t test consistently. This is why in his thread on PM the most commonly posted statement by customers is, “can anyone tell me how many iu are in batch xyz?” For instance, go check out his old website. Theproviderofhgh dot com and view his old hplc from Jano on his products. Just a quick glance I saw that meditrope batch #71 tested at 12iu with zero dimmer while batch #76 was at 17iu with dimmer. You will also see that even with the old testing his purity was lower than most other sources so you can definitely speculate that with the new method he would have the lowest purity hgh on this board. It’s easy to guess why he doesn’t use Jano anymore.
Times have changed and he’s not the only game in town anymore. There are now domestic sources who are cheaper, test their products and each batch is consistent with the previous one. There’s never any guessing what mg your kits consist of.

Again, respect for someone who’s been in the game this long but when you really take into account what I’ve said here, it’s clear being on a paid board and his long standing is the only reason he’s still in business.

ports over the years those reports will show you that his products don’t test consistently. This is why in his thread on PM the most commonly posted statement by customers is, “can anyone tell me how many iu are in batch xyz?” For instance, go check out his old website. Theproviderofhgh dot com and view his old hplc from Jano on his products. Just a quick glance I saw that meditrope batch #71 tested at 12iu with zero dimmer while batch #76 was at 17iu with dimmer. You will also see that even with the old testing his purity was lower than most other sources so you can definitely speculate that with the new method he would have the lowest purity hgh on this board. It’s easy to guess why he doesn’t use Jano anymore.
Times have changed and he’s not the only game in town anymore. There are now domestic sources who are cheaper, test their products and each batch is consistent with the previous one. There’s never any guessing what mg your kits consist of.

Again, respect for someone who’s been in the game this long but when you really take into account what I’ve said here, it’s clear being on a paid board and his long standing is the only reason he’s still in busines

Appreciated for all the constructive critique. I think if it is constructive rather than based on critique just for the matter of critique or to just put someones face in the mud than it is more than welcomed. No one is perfect and
if someone give constructive critique to someone than its beneficial. So thanks again for raising issues which you think are issues.As far as batches are concerned with big differences in amounts of gh. 12iu one is mauvestops which we already stated it is supposed to be around 12iu a vial or more. and the higher iu one is blacktop which we have stated it is supposed to be 15iu a vial or more. So you are comparing two different colortops which are not supposed to have same mg/iu in it, Plus i think by batching each and every vial is an advantage since you know when that batch was made and about it quantity/quality. Compared to having a product which is not batched at all.

Regarding dimmer and purity are concerned i beg to differ with you on it.. Jano has changed his protocol of testing 3 times since he came on the boards. And during that time it was mostly 97-98 or a bit higher for all different brands.High regard for Jano but we all are humans and we learn and go through a learning process. No one is perfect and am sure he is also still learning as things go along as far as testing is concerned. As far as dimmer is concerned similar issue of different methods of testing..If i recall again all of a sudden everyones dimmer started to come higher as initially it was non existant. And i think it was due to the fact that his protocol had changed. And than after that they started testing low again. So not fair to compare testing and saying ok this one has higher purity and that one is lower or same the case with dimmer. Not taking anything away from jano but not fair to compare one set of tests with others when testing protocols have been changed. We do not claim to have the best gh in the market with the best purity unlike some sources might claim. But we say we are at par with other UG labs.

The reason i stopped testing with jano is due to some inconsistency in results for the same batch numbers. As it is a welcome thing to have more sources so as to have more competition similary i think also for testing purposes more cos/labs should step forward as it is so much better for the community. But its a bit harder as lots of legal requirements are the hindrances. But we can still hope this will change in the forseable future.

Appreciated for all the constructive critique. I think if it is constructive rather than based on critique just for the matter of critique or to just put someones face in the mud than it is more than welcomed. No one is perfect and if someone give constructive critique to someone than its beneficial. So thanks again for raising issues which you think are issues. As far as batches are concerned with big differences in amounts of gh. 12iu one is mauvestops which we already stated it is supposed to be around 12iu a vial or more. and the higher iu one is blacktop which we have stated it is supposed to be 15iu a vial or more. So you are comparing two different colortops which are not supposed to have same mg/iu in it, Plus i think by batching each and every vial is an advantage since you know when that batch was made and about it quantity/quality. Compared to having a product which is not batched at all.

Regarding dimmer and purity are concerned i beg to differ with you on it.. Jano has changed his protocol of testing 3 times since he came on the boards. And during that time it was mostly 97-98 or a bit higher for all different brands.
High regard for Jano but we all are humans and we learn and go through a learning process. No one is perfect and am sure he is also still learning as things go along as far as testing is concerned. As far as dimmer is concerned similar issue of different methods of testing..If i recall again all of a sudden everyone's dimmer started to come higher as initially it was non existent. And i think it was due to the fact that his protocol had changed. And than after that they
started testing low again. So not fair to compare testing and saying ok this one has higher purity and that one is lower or same the case with dimmer. Not taking anything away from jano but not fair to compare one set of tests with others when testing protocols have been changed. We do not claim to have the best gh in the market with the best purity unlike some sources might claim. But we say we are at par with other UG labs.

The reason i stopped testing with jano is due to some inconsistency in results for the same batch numbers. As it is a welcome thing to have more sources so as to have more competition similarly i think also for testing purposes more cos/labs should step forward as it is so much better for the community. But its a bit harder as lots of legal requirements are the hindrances. But we can still hope this will change in the foreseeable future.
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I have used TP for many years (nearly a decade) to get high-quality GH when the source I usually use for AAS does not always have GH stock available.

My experiences with TP has always been good -- he has been around a long time and well-known for excellent service providing high-quality GH.

@tp2013 Hello my friend and Welcome to the board! :)
Long-time customer "RT" here wishing you all the best.
Thanks for the welcome..
The only people hating on your intro and you in general are the noobs who don't understand your reputation and how long you've been perfecting your craft and doing business... Hoping you don't get annoyed and decide to stop dealing with meso because of the haters here.
Are the Gold tops gone for good? What's the closest you have? No rush, about 2-3 months out from needing any.
Appreciated for all the constructive critique. I think if it is constructive rather than based on critique just for the matter of critique or to just put someones face in the mud than it is more than welcomed. No one is perfect and if someone give constructive critique to someone than its beneficial. So thanks again for raising issues which you think are issues. As far as batches are concerned with big differences in amounts of gh. 12iu one is mauvestops which we already stated it is supposed to be around 12iu a vial or more. and the higher iu one is blacktop which we have stated it is supposed to be 15iu a vial or more. So you are comparing two different colortops which are not supposed to have same mg/iu in it, Plus i think by batching each and every vial is an advantage since you know when that batch was made and about it quantity/quality. Compared to having a product which is not batched at all.

Regarding dimmer and purity are concerned i beg to differ with you on it.. Jano has changed his protocol of testing 3 times since he came on the boards. And during that time it was mostly 97-98 or a bit higher for all different brands.
High regard for Jano but we all are humans and we learn and go through a learning process. No one is perfect and am sure he is also still learning as things go along as far as testing is concerned. As far as dimmer is concerned similar issue of different methods of testing..If i recall again all of a sudden everyone's dimmer started to come higher as initially it was non existent. And i think it was due to the fact that his protocol had changed. And than after that they
started testing low again. So not fair to compare testing and saying ok this one has higher purity and that one is lower or same the case with dimmer. Not taking anything away from jano but not fair to compare one set of tests with others when testing protocols have been changed. We do not claim to have the best gh in the market with the best purity unlike some sources might claim. But we say we are at par with other UG labs.

The reason i stopped testing with jano is due to some inconsistency in results for the same batch numbers. As it is a welcome thing to have more sources so as to have more competition similarly i think also for testing purposes more cos/labs should step forward as it is so much better for the community. But it’s a bit harder as lots of legal requirements are the hindrances. But we can still hope this will change in the foreseeable future.
Everyone’s results changed when jano’s testing was updated. Yours was the only one testing with dimmer though. Bostin Loyd made this a public criticism on a podcast.

I don’t take as much of an issue with your testing as I do your turn around time. I know, order 3 years in advance, the shills will say…
Appreciated for all the constructive critique. I think if it is constructive rather than based on critique just for the matter of critique or to just put someones face in the mud than it is more than welcomed.

It’s nice to see that you have a good chin. You are definitely not use to being criticized as any time anyone has spoke out they were immediately banned. No mud here. Just stating the obvious and educating. On PM you may be Godly due to your years of protected services but here your lack of testing, inconsistent testing, very slow t/a and poor communication will be called out.

Speaking of communication, I am not referring to the language barrier but am talking about your lack of communication. You are famous for your “ok”. While we’re on the topic of communication it’s is quite obvious TP didn’t write the post made to me. Anyone who has followed him on PM or just read here in this thread can see that.

As far as batches are concerned with big differences in amounts of gh. 12iu one is mauvestops which we already stated it is supposed to be around 12iu a vial or more. and the higher iu one is blacktop which we have stated it is supposed to be 15iu a vial or more. So you are comparing two different colortops which are not supposed to have same mg/iu in it,

This is not true. I literally dropped your website and told everyone to go take a look for themselves at your old Jano testing. I then referenced what I saw at a quick glance of the Meditrope Mauve Top and listed how they tested. Both were Mauve tops with quite the variance between batches. This definitely isn’t uncommon with you so not sure why you are back peddling. It’s why when your customers receive their kits they are constantly asking how many mg are in the kits they received.

Regarding dimmer and purity are concerned i beg to differ with you on it.. Jano has changed his protocol of testing 3 times since he came on the boards. And during that time it was mostly 97-98 or a bit higher for all different brands.
High regard for Jano but we all are humans and we learn and go through a learning process. No one is perfect and am sure he is also still learning as things go along as far as testing is concerned. As far as dimmer is concerned similar issue of different methods of testing..If i recall again all of a sudden everyone's dimmer started to come higher as initially it was non existent. And i think it was due to the fact that his protocol had changed. And than after that they
started testing low again. So not fair to compare testing and saying ok this one has higher purity and that one is lower or same the case with dimmer. Not taking anything away from jano but not fair to compare one set of tests with others when testing protocols have been changed. We do not claim to have the best gh in the market with the best purity unlike some sources might claim. But we say we are at par with other UG labs.

Here you start out saying you beg to differ with me but I didn’t say anything of this nature. You start rambling on about why you don’t use Jano and how the new method caused issues but the two Meditrope Mauve Top batches I referenced were before the new method. Once the new method came about you quit testing all together and members just have to take your word on how they tested. For the record what the Chinese manufacture stated they tested at is meaningless.

By todays new method 97% purity is great but with the old method that’s where you averaged while most other brands tested higher at 99%. Meaning the sources who always tested at 99% are now testing 94-97% today with the new method which would put most of your products well below that and is why I made the statement that if you tested with Jano today you would have the lowest purity hgh on this board.

The reason i stopped testing with jano is due to some inconsistency in results for the same batch numbers. As it is a welcome thing to have more sources so as to have more competition similarly i think also for testing purposes more cos/labs should step forward as it is so much better for the community. But its a bit harder as lots of legal requirements are the hindrances. But we can still hope this will change in the foreseeable future.

I’m definitely not a Jano shill and quite frankly hate the new method. I was very vocal about that in the beginning. Jano seems to be the only one in the world who’s using this method for this purpose. Unfortunately there’s no other options for hgh testing. At least not from a credible company. As much as all sources hated to see their purity drop they all accepted it for what it is and continued to use Jano. Where as you hated the significant drop in purity and decided the hell with testing all together.

As far as you discrediting and blaming the new method for dimmer this is also untrue. To my knowledge if you produced a product with zero dimmer with the old method then you are still not seeing dimmer with the new method. There is one source of hgh who has never had a dimmer content and he’s been around for quite a few years.

Bottom line, until you provide credible testing on your products you will receive a hard time here.
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The only people hating on your intro and you in general are the noobs who don't understand your reputation and how long you've been perfecting your craft and doing business... Hoping you don't get annoyed and decide to stop dealing with meso because of the haters here.
Are the Gold tops gone for good? What's the closest you have? No rush, about 2-3 months out from needing any.
Or we understand there’s other domestic sources with 3-5 day T/A. Also every single batch is tested and it’s right on par with the last batch.
@tp2013 I understand if u may have some issues testing with Jano, but if u don't test with him then we won't really be able to compare your products with everyone else's bc they all use Jano. So if u use a different tester alot of people will still question ur results and it will be a waste of time and funds for you in my opinion.
@tp2013 I understand if u may have some issues testing with Jano, but if u don't test with him then we won't really be able to compare your products with everyone else's bc they all use Jano. So if u use a different tester alot of people will still question ur results and it will be a waste of time and funds for you in my opinion.

This is not necessarily true. We would welcome a new means of testing. With that said a Chinese source of testing will hold no merit. TP has stated he has or is looking for a western means of testing. This would be great!

Part of me thinks he completely full of it but it also wouldn’t surprise me if he was able to obtain this feat. If I was a new testing source I would know that TP would be the guy to make my company well known and that would be very good for business. Therefore I’m actually rooting for him and hope he’s able to secure this. It’s unlikely tho.
It’s nice to see that you have a good chin. You are definitely not use to being criticized as any time anyone has spoke out they were immediately banned. No mud here. Just stating the obvious and educating. On PM you may be Godly due to your years of protected services but here your lack of testing, inconsistent testing, very slow t/a and poor communication will be called out.

First of all I am not Godly or even close to that word on PM board. I consider my self like a normal person and nothing special( which is infact very true. Like i had posted above i am a NOBODY and that is the truth) FYI if you read through posts on PM there are some people who complain but those posts are not deleted. Anyway to be fair yes here its the wild wild west. But fair enough.

Speaking of communication, I am not referring to the language barrier but am talking about your lack of communication. You are famous for your “ok”. While we’re on the topic of communication it’s is quite obvious TP didn’t write the post made to me. Anyone who has followed him on PM or just read here in this thread can see that.

A guess only regarding me not writing this post. And please give constructive criticism to make us work harder and give better service. It will be appreciated. The whole community if works together can make improvements in each aspect be it sources or be it customers.

This is not true. I literally dropped your website and told everyone to go take a look for themselves at your old Jano testing. I then referenced what I saw at a quick glance of the Meditrope Mauve Top and listed how they tested. Both were Mauve tops with quite the variance between batches. This definitely isn’t uncommon with you so not sure why you are back peddling. It’s why when your customers receive their kits they are constantly asking how many mg are in the kits they received.

Ok you are right in the batches i thought you were referring to batch 77 and batch 71..infact was batch 76 and 71. We try our best to keep the batches above their required levels of 12 ius of mauves and 15 iu of blacks. Infact try to put extra and tell customers how much it was tested. Now you can take it negatively or positively. For some reason now i do not remember why that particular mauves batch had so much extra in it. .Some people like same price for more gh some do not. As they call on PM board more bang for the buck..And i do not take it negatively as long as the batch itself is consistent. Infact very hard to make the same batch vary too much as Gh is not made in expensive facilities.

I referenced were before the new method. Once the new method came about you quit testing all together and members just have to take your word on how they tested. For the record what the Chinese manufacture stated they tested at is meaningless.

I think there is a misconception that we are upset with jano that our test results come out with lower purity. Yes initially it was a shock but than we realized that everyone's was coming out low..In-fact one of the source here on meso testing our gh with jano had good results on one of the mauves batches which tested at 95-96 percent and the next batch at 92-93 percent.. Do not hold me accountable with these numbers just giving you an idea of what it was observed..This was not my concern. My concern was that same batch when we tested with jano ourselves initially when he came out new testing had two different results one good and one not so good on two different occasions. This is due to the fact that it was a new testing method and had some teething problems or was jano and his team overwhelmed with work or some other reason. I do not know. And the differences were pretty significant.. I even told this to jano that there is quite a bit of difference and we know that is a bit hard to achieve or do if the vials came from same batch. Hence the change in testing and leaving jano and going to private labs in China. Otherwise I was not upset as the results generally came out lower.

I’m definitely not a Jano shill and quite frankly hate the new method. I was very vocal about that in the beginning. Jano seems to be the only one in the world who’s using this method for this purpose. Unfortunately there’s no other options for hgh testing. At least not from a credible company. As much as all sources hated to see their purity drop they all accepted it for what it is and continued to use Jano. Where as you hated the significant drop in purity and decided the hell with testing all together.

Good to know you are not jano shill. jano has contributed to this community and i can go all the way back to when he entered the scene and how it all transpired ( but i think no need for now) but he was considered a pleasant welcome when this happened. Also you are wrong when you say hell with testing. That was never our aim and never is..We still test but maybe it is not up to par with yours or meso standard.. But we test each and every batch independently. Again I think we know where to do it now and have sent samples which will take some time to get to that lab and once done will do the necessary work and will reveal the results. But will take a bit of time. Now lets see how you react to a different lab testing it.

Bottom line, until you provide credible testing on your products you will receive a hard time here.

Fair call bro and i understand where you coming from. My only request to you and members is that we are not here to cheat you or take advantage of you. We want to give you the best product we are capable of. And your criticism is appreciated which will make us give better service. And we will thank you for it..I have seen you have posted that our t/a is bad our communication is bad and our testing has issues. We have started to work on the first two issues for quite a few months and i think we are better than before. And we are working on trying to find alternative solution to the testing issue. And hopefully will be able to sort it out. Thanks again for your insight about our work and your constructive criticism to make us realize where we need to make improvements. Appreciated.

Ps. Apologies if i just copied part of the concerned members text and posted here along with my response if some find it an issue
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I have been using tp's gh on and off for years. Communication isn't the best, but his products have always been solid. Looking forward to using the specific Canadian service....

Currently on blacktops, but have a bunch of qsc on the way. If anyone has used both and can compare any noticable difference's, please let me know, thx
Again I think we know where to do it now and have sent samples which will take some time to get to that lab and once done will do the necessary work and will reveal the results. But will take a bit of time. Now lets see how you react to a different lab testing it.
As long as members here can send samples to the new lab doing the testing and independently verify results I don’t see why anyone would object to more testing sources. But if this ends up being a case where the tests are functionally internal-only (like if access to the lab is highly limited) then it’s going to be a pretty huge waste of time on your part.
Also the reputation of the cleanest and strongest HGH in the market, imo.
Cleanest and strongest? If the lab test shows let's say 95% purity and no dimer, then it is just that hgh with 95% purity and no dimer. It will not be any stronger than any other comparable hgh with the same lab result.
You have a way of tippy toeing around what’s being asked I’m starting to see. @Btop seemed pretty sure that he was approved. Kept stating he was in constant communication with you and that what he spoke came straight from the horses (you) mouth. Was he lying when he said your testing facility gave you results that you knew were bullshit?
So this @Btop guy was full of shit. No big surprise lmao
I have been using tp's gh on and off for years. Communication isn't the best, but his products have always been solid. Looking forward to using the specific Canadian service....

Currently on blacktops, but have a bunch of qsc on the way. If anyone has used both and can compare any noticable difference's, please let me know, thx
You tell all ,yes comunication is not perfect and quick as we like but delivery is perfect and also no other hgh have this relation quality/price , Nothing beats Meditrope HGH from Provider
Today i receive my mauves #115 to keep my bulking . Now after 6 weeks with covid i recover and also break my records :

113.4kg fasted no clothing
80cm legs
53cm arms

Using HGH Meditrope Black tops . Now time to see if Mauves is to much of difference


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