Time for some size!

Rotating pinning better. Going around like a clock. 10 pin sights, i try not to pin area i workout that day. But dont think that matters anymore.
I made up for the 1000 cals lost a little.
Yesterday i ate 5000 cals.

i took the day off, i did alot of work around the house.

pinned right glute.

pinning left quad today.
5000 is serious eating.

I feel so stuffed on 4000
It is a good amount. 80 grams of protein though was protein shakes.

I ususlly can do 4000 without shakes. then add protein shake to get around 4500. So today going to do 4500 with just whole foods to see if i can.
5000 is serious eating.

I feel so stuffed on 4000
And i am not gaining weight....my body loves 225 lbs. it always get stuck there. Whenever i try and surpass it. Right now before eating i am 228.
For a second i thought i was now weighing my food right. But i am.
Did back today.

lat pulldowns
Straight arm push down
V bar pull downs
Bent underhand
Close grip rows
Medow rows

kind of depressed, i finish school finally and was told i can do assistant
physical therapy, but it turns out i need another 2 year degree seperate from the Exercise Science degree.

i cant go to grad school for PT because i did really bad my first 3 years and drugs made me lose 2 years due to probation. But the last year i got straight A’s because i am not doing drugs. But now i am ready to move foward but my mistakes when i was 20, are biting me in the ass.

i have a BS in kinesiology, but i need to now find out if i can get in to PTA school. Which i was told kinesiology would be enough, but its not. Also there are 10 classes i took already and passed and the same classes are in the PTA program but i may have to retake them again. They may not take then to tranfer, littlerally THE SAME EXACT CLASSES! Really upset because i graduated and thought when the world opens i can to the job i really want. Now i need to take 2 years of schooling again. I was put on hold from a dwi that i could drive and needed rehab, which is why it took my so long to graduate.

it makes no sense. 4 years of kinesiology and 3 years grad school is for physical therapy.

but physical therapy assistant is 2 year associates which the 4 years of kniesiology cant be used toward the 2 year degree. Even though its used for the 4 years for a physical therapist.

also it turns out a physical therapy assistant cant ever become a physcial therapist, the 2 year program cannot be used for any of the 7 years of PT. So in the eyes of the licence you get, they are 2 completely different jobs.

PTA makes 70,000
PT 100,000

since i will be living alone for my life, i am good only making 70,000 a year.

i really just want a stable job where personal training is not. I am really upset.

i need to get more info.

but for now my options are a strength and codintioning coach, a personal trainer(which i do already) but now with my degree i can make more money, or coaching or athletic director. These are kot careers in my eyes, where a PTA was the career i want, since i didnt do well to get into grad school, and i may have a record. Which was 10 years ago. I am totally different now.

trying to looks for more stable jobs in the exercise science field that i can make a decent living off of.

going to sign up for a PTA program, but now have to wait til january next year.

i litterally was trying ro graduate to be able to become a PTA but now i found out i may need 2 more years.

i am 32 years old, i want to start my life and already have a late start because of probabtion and mistakes from 10 years ago.

and when i get depressed i can lt eat alot of food.

so all my protein today was protein shakes and yogurt, so i dont want this to ruin my bulk. Need to move on with my life, it just sucks.
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I am not trying to be offensive, but why did you not figure out what degree you needed prior to investing money and years of your life?
I am not trying to be offensive, but why did you not figure out what degree you needed prior to investing money and years of your life?
I was going for physical therapy, so i was going to go to grad school but then i got a charge my last semester, so i was going for 4 years undergrad to 3 years grad. But that charge screwed it all up. Which i messed up. So i was going for what i had in mind.

i also changed majors, and i took spanish all through college, which killed my average. I was not ready mentally i guess when i went. I was still to dumb. But now i am totally changed. I was so invested in a “social life” when i went 18-21 and i was dumb.

so i had 1 semester left and needed to at least finish that. I had 3 classes left when i got a charge. So i figured i can just do Physical therapy assistant now, but its not the case. But i looked it up at the time as a “back up” and i thought it said i could. I believe my advisor did also.

i am calling all the places tomorrow.
I am not trying to be offensive, but why did you not figure out what degree you needed prior to investing money and years of your life?
Luckily i have no college debt and wont even if i take the extra 2 years for PTA.

but now i am worried of a background check, my last incident was 8 years ago, but got 3 years probation. Which i finished 3 years ago.
I am not trying to be offensive, but why did you not figure out what degree you needed prior to investing money and years of your life?
This is exactly why i am pissed off at myself. Because of what you said. I did not care enough, i was doing substances, and not in a good place until 2 years ago.
Dammit woke up today i weigh 220, i was 230 lbs 2 days ago. So time to get back to business. So dumb, i need to do better with my diet. I have been eating 4500 cals, but now after 2 days of eating 3000 and not eating today i weigh 221.
No more bullshit.
have a BS in kinesiology, but i need to now find out if i can get in to PTA school. Which i was told kinesiology would be enough, but its not. Also there are 10 classes i took already and passed and the same classes are in the PTA program but i may have to retake them again. They may not take then to tranfer, littlerally THE SAME EXACT CLASSES! Really upset because i graduated and thought when the world opens i can to the job i really want. Now i need to take 2 years of schooling again. I was put on hold from a dwi that i could drive and needed rehab, which is why it took my so long to graduate.

it makes no sense. 4 years of kinesiology and 3 years grad school is for physical therapy.

but physical therapy assistant is 2 year associates which the 4 years of kniesiology cant be used toward the 2 year degree. Even though its used for the 4 years for a physical therapist.

also it turns out a physical therapy assistant cant ever become a physcial therapist, the 2 year program cannot be used for any of the 7 years of PT. So in the eyes of the licence you get, they are 2 completely different jobs.
Hmm, something seems odd about that. My strongman coach has his undergrad in kinesiology and went to a PT school in Florida that was online and got his DPT about a year ago. Maybe you are just looking at the wrong schools? I don't really know for sure. I'll see if I can figure out where he went to school... Just checked on linkedin, he went to Nova Southeastern University.
Hmm, something seems odd about that. My strongman coach has his undergrad in kinesiology and went to a PT school in Florida that was online and got his DPT about a year ago. Maybe you are just looking at the wrong schools? I don't really know for sure. I'll see if I can figure out where he went to school... Just checked on linkedin, he went to Nova Southeastern University.
That would be helpful. Thank You

ok ill look into that. If i could do so online or even most online i would love that. But any schools in the state i am in seemed different. I could be looking at wrong schools, i will look around more.

Yes i can go to a PT school. But i have a 2.9 the minimum is a 3.0. So i have to call to see if they ever except people that low. My last year of college i got straight A’s in my kinesiology classes, but all my history and spanish classes i got c-. I suck at history and didnt put the time in.
Yes i can go to a PT school. But i have a 2.9 the minimum is a 3.0. So i have to call to see if they ever except people that low. My last year of college i got straight A’s in my kinesiology classes, but all my history and spanish classes i got c-. I suck at history and didnt put the time in.
There're waivers for everything. I'm sure if you could actually speak with someone and say "hey look, I got my shit together and here is proof" it may help your case. I'm fucking persistent when I want something and I'll do whatever it takes to remove all obstacles.
Hmm, something seems odd about that. My strongman coach has his undergrad in kinesiology and went to a PT school in Florida that was online and got his DPT about a year ago. Maybe you are just looking at the wrong schools? I don't really know for sure. I'll see if I can figure out where he went to school... Just checked on linkedin, he went to Nova Southeastern University.
I am going to apply for a couple places just to see. Ill call and what not. Thanks
So i hit my goal today. Back at 227 this afternoon.

so i did legs

only deadlift and squat for 45 minutes

then walk for 30 min

then yoga 2x today

Trying to keep fats at 75 with 4500 cals.

but seems i always hit 90 which is ok.

have 800 cals left today of protein amd carbs. So rice and chicken for one more dish then i hit my goal.
Sounds like you are doing well. Keeping fats down in a bulk is very difficult for me.
Its getting a bit redundant,

i hope i see some better progress.

I just need to be a little more consistant.

Those days of not eating, dont allow for great progress. So fine tuning.