Time for some size!

Honestly i am ok with these numbers as i am mid cycle. Not terrible, not the best, but I have had MUCH worse. These are right around my numbers off cycle. Besides the high hemo.

my hdl is usually at 30.
But everything is about 20% off from my normal off cycle bloods.

i thought they were going to be alot worse
If anyone wants to know any other numbers i can pull then up.

but these are the ones out of range.

@Silentlemon1011 you know about thyroid how does this look? The free is in range but not tsh

The TSH is slightly out of range.
Which is not terribly surprising
Free is pretty good though

A minor deviation like that could be caused by something as simple as a few bad nights sleep or even the compounds we run.

I know Tren for example will drive up TSH to make up for the t4 conversion
The TSH is slightly out of range.
Which is not terribly surprising
Free is pretty good though

A minor deviation like that could be caused by something as simple as a few bad nights sleep or even the compounds we run.

I know Tren for example will drive up TSH to make up for the t4 conversion
So the hgh too?
So the hgh too?

That could definitely be it as well

I wouldnt worry about it considering the GH use.
I also wouldnt brither to supplement to make up for it.
Sure, your pituitary is working a bit harder, bit I suspect it won't hurt ya.
Unless it gets lower and you start feeling very tired, should t be a. major concern IMHO
That could definitely be it as well

I wouldnt worry about it considering the GH use.
I also wouldnt brither to supplement to make up for it.
Sure, your pituitary is working a bit harder, bit I suspect it won't hurt ya.
Unless it gets lower and you start feeling very tired, should t be a. major concern IMHO
Ok nice, thanks.
Respectable legs!

Donate blood. 53 is too high.
Ok, ill make an appointment friday to double check my bloodwork. I see my doctor. Should i donate before or after?

should i double check first? Or should i donate then check with bloodowork after? Ill be getting bloodowork anytime after friday.
I don't understand double-checking?
As in making sure my bloodwork was actually right. And getting another bloodwork to just see if the numbers were really what it was, and nothing could of screwed them up.

but i thought about it, ill just donate then get bloodwork after again.
Took yesterday off, going to get back on my diet very strict for a bit. Took a little break and allowed fats to get to 100 last 3 days. Now its back to 75 grams fats max.

going to do legs again today.
Changing my split up. So like today doing 1 hour back AM then 30-45 min another muscle PM. So would be shoulders today, so i can dedicate that time to hitting and only focusing on one muscle area. So i dont rush.

focused “lower back amd lats”
Since doing shoulders and traps later.

everything was 4 sets of more then 6 reps. Usually 14 start and 8 to end. Tempo 2-2-2-0

lat pulldown
V bar lat pulldown
Underhand row to hips
V grip row to belly button
Medow row
Standing la

rear delt standing
Shrugs barbell front
Chest supported rear delt
Shrugs behind barbell
Cable delt flys
Seated shoulder press
Shrugs 45 lb plates
Are you doing a split now ?
In a way yes.

so today is legs

tomorrow AM chest-PM triceps
Next day AM Back- PM shoulders (delts)
Next day legs
-AM Back - PM shoulders (traps)

AM workout is an hour workout
PM workout is 30 minutes