Time for some size!

So along with trt which will start in 2 days now i am running EQ for hunger, NPP for joints, and mast to use as an AI instead of an AI. Along with 4 iu hgh.

Really liking this alot. Not crazy high doses just low-moderate.
Did back and shoulders
Pinned right delt
40 mg nolva

Will do 20 mg nolva moving forward for a bit while i run hgh.

Hgh 4 iu a day AM with fasted cardio 2 hours prior to fasted cardio
Back and shoulders

Once again getting close to over reaching or over training, need to take a day off soon. Body is screaming, buttt also i think its from lowering e2 a ton to combat gyno. So stopped that stuff for a bit. Its not crashed but def a bit low.
Have you thought about using mast to help combat sides?
Stopped the mast and threw away all my raws of it. It and nolvadex made me shed and lose hair.

So choosing careful what i use.

I got raloxifene on the way for gyno.

I am upping npp as npp never made me lose hair, and test is same. I lowered bold cyp, as the axnciety is dreadful, but the look is nice from it.

Hgh at 4 iu am fasted beforr work, i move around alot at work so thats my “fasted cardio”

Did legs today, did not eat enought though.
Stopped the mast and threw away all my raws of it. It and nolvadex made me shed and lose hair.

So choosing careful what i use.

I got raloxifene on the way for gyno.

I am upping npp as npp never made me lose hair, and test is same. I lowered bold cyp, as the axnciety is dreadful, but the look is nice from it.

Hgh at 4 iu am fasted beforr work, i move around alot at work so thats my “fasted cardio”

Did legs today, did not eat enought though.


good luck :(
Back and arms today

Really are focusing on upper back recently snd arms. I never do arms really. Would like these parts to get a bit bigger.

Along with everything else lol.
I usually pin inner bicep head, but needed a new spot, so did 1 cc in the outer head. I have done that before its just been a while.

Legs today

Forced to do lighter weight more reps, more eccentric motions, and not heavy. Will do a eccentric hypetrophy block for 4 weeks. My body is screaming when i go heavy at the moment, joints. I think its from lowering the e2. But i have been letting it get higher, and of course nipples puffed, but just water, not gland stuff, as glands are same. But watching close.

Also after removing mast and nolva my hair stopped shedding, i did lose a bit that may not come back.

Glad i stopped it, and i added nizorl shampoo in. Shedding stopped.
New brew, i need to find another compound to go along with this, Bold CYPwas too much anxiety but i loved how it made me look. Will have to run again somehow. Maybe DHB?


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New brew, i need to find another compound to go along with this, Bold CYPwas too much anxiety but i loved how it made me look. Will have to run again somehow. Maybe DHB?

have you tried using primo or mast as one of your main compounds? what about deca?
have you tried using primo or mast as one of your main compounds? what about deca?
Yes npp and deca is my go to always do amazing with these.

mast and primo no go as i shed and lose hair, that i would not have if i didnt run it.

Tren i dont lose hair nearly as bad as mast

Also orals like adrol, or var, or tbol are good too. Superdrol also.
Upping my test and NPP dose was a great idea, and taking 3 out of the 7 days off this week. I was able to dead 405 double overhand, for 3 then quick 2 then quick 1 overhand without straps. When i say quick i mean once on ground re grip and go. To afraid to mix grip anymore as my video of form shows bent elbow on underhand grip and thats how you tear bicep.

I just bought straps as my grip gives out, have to learn how to use them. But 405 raw with no straps double overhand is PR. And i was able to muster 6, kind of. I will be able to do way more once i learn how to use straps

Legs today

Hip Thrust
Leg Press
Qud ext
Hammy curl
Pinned 1 mL NPP, 1mL Bold Cyp, 1 mL Test Prop. Left quad

Took caber today

Back, Upper Back, focus, Biceps, Shoulders, Delts today.

Going to try the insitol today too
Pinning bold cyp. I pinned it for 3 days now taking a moment off, just want a small amount and no anxiety thus far. Going to oin 300 mg bold cyp for 3 weeks and see if i get anxiety with the insitol. Taking no AI.

Taking insitol so will see how this goes.